[NA-Discuss] NARALO Elections end Friday at 23:59 UTC and Thursday 23:59 UTC for Individual users

Evan Leibovitch evanleibovitch at gmail.com
Wed May 22 19:40:31 UTC 2024

Well, at least I see how the campaign is going, repeated to the whole NA
list .... :-)

Please vote.

- Evan

-------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: Judth Hellerstein for NARALO ALAC--Voting has started
> Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 10:26:34 -0400
> From: Judith Hellerstein <judith at jhellerstein.com>
> <judith at jhellerstein.com>
> Reply-To: judith at jhellerstein.com
> Organization: Hellerstein & Associates
> To: Loris Taylor <loristaylor1 at icloud.com> <loristaylor1 at icloud.com>
> Hi Loris,
> Just wanted to let you know that voting has started, and they are doing
> things differently this year.  Voting lasts until 23:59 May 17.
> There are two separate votes. 1) for Glenn from tally at icann.org and 2)
> one with is a survey monkey for the ALAC vote, mailbox at surveys.icann.org.
> To vote for me, you have to put me in first place, and then can put the
> candidates in any other order. Kathleen and Waqar are very new and have not
> done much. Evan is older, more experienced, but has not been active in a
> while. Also, Evan is not always a team player and has views with our,
> viewed by some as extreme.  At Large are using the survey for the ALAC
> voting since they are doing ranked voting so this way if there is not a
> leader after the first vote, they drop off the person who had the least
> votes and then can see how to assign their votes.  So no need for a run-off
> election. They are 2 different emails.
> Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it, and I am always there for
> you if you need anything
> Best,
> Judith
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