[NA-Discuss] NARALO Elections end Friday at 23:59 UTC and Thursday 23:59 UTC for Individual users

Jonathan Zuck JZuck at innovatorsnetwork.org
Wed May 22 20:15:25 UTC 2024

I imagine Judith didn’t intend to include her individual outreach in this email but it inspires me to encourage everyone to keep it positive.  EVERYONE running for the ALAC position from NARALO has something unique to contribute to our work. It might be youthful energy and new ideas, it might be experience, it might even BE some level of obstinacy, holding our feet to the fire around core principles.  Accordingly, feel free to reach out to others who might appreciate what you bring to the table but let’s try to avoid appraisals of your fellow candidates.  North America has a pretty negative election coming up, so let’s not start it in our tight knit community, where we all have the same goal. Thanks.

From: NA-Discuss <na-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> On Behalf Of Judith Hellerstein via NA-Discuss
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:05 AM
To: NA Discuss <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Subject: [NA-Discuss] NARALO Elections end Friday at 23:59 UTC and Thursday 23:59 UTC for Individual users

HI All

Just wanted to remind everyone to make sure they have received two ballots in the upcoming elections and that everyone who is eligible to vote needs to check that they received 2 ballots

There are two separate votes. 1) for the NomCom from tally at icann.org.<mailto:tally at icann.org>  Here the choice is either Glenn or Eduardo and

2) For the ALAC Election from mailbox at surveys.icann.org.  Staff is using Survey Monkey for the ALAC voting, as NARALO uses ranked voting when there are more than 2 candidates. Also, it seems that Staff has not enabled confirmations, so you will likely not get a confirmation that you have voted like you have gotten from Tally at icann.org<mailto:Tally at icann.org>.

If you have not gotten your ballot, please reach out immediately to Staff --Staff at atlarge.icann.org, and they will work to make sure that you receive it in time.

Ranked voting works like this, if you are interested in voting for me than you have to put my name first and then choose who you want as second, third and fourth choice. If there is no winner on the first round, the system drops the candidate with the lowest votes and assigns their votes to second, third, and fourth choices that each voter has made.  This continues until there are only two candidates left.

For Individual members, you will get votes that say individual member and then your voting (Individual voting) ends one day earlier on Thursday at 23:59 UTC. Alan Greenberg who is the elected leader of the individual members then casts the votes before the election deadline of Friday, May 24 at 23:59 UTC

Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it, and I am always there for you and to answer any of your questions if you need anything



Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO

Hellerstein & Associates

3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008

Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein

Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517

E-mail: Judith at jhellerstein.com<mailto:Judith at jhellerstein.com>   Website: www.jhellerstein.com<http://www.jhellerstein.com>

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/>

Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Re: Judth Hellerstein for NARALO ALAC--Voting has started
Sun, 12 May 2024 10:26:34 -0400
Judith Hellerstein <judith at jhellerstein.com><mailto:judith at jhellerstein.com>
judith at jhellerstein.com<mailto:judith at jhellerstein.com>
Hellerstein & Associates
Loris Taylor <loristaylor1 at icloud.com><mailto:loristaylor1 at icloud.com>

Hi Loris,

Just wanted to let you know that voting has started, and they are doing things differently this year.  Voting lasts until 23:59 May 17.

There are two separate votes. 1) for Glenn from tally at icann.org<mailto:tally at icann.org> and 2) one with is a survey monkey for the ALAC vote, mailbox at surveys.icann.org<mailto:mailbox at surveys.icann.org>. To vote for me, you have to put me in first place, and then can put the candidates in any other order. Kathleen and Waqar are very new and have not done much. Evan is older, more experienced, but has not been active in a while. Also, Evan is not always a team player and has views with our, viewed by some as extreme.  At Large are using the survey for the ALAC voting since they are doing ranked voting so this way if there is not a leader after the first vote, they drop off the person who had the least votes and then can see how to assign their votes.  So no need for a run-off election. They are 2 different emails.

Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it, and I am always there for you if you need anything



Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO

Hellerstein & Associates

3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008

Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein

Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517

E-mail: Judith at jhellerstein.com<mailto:Judith at jhellerstein.com>   Website: www.jhellerstein.com<http://www.jhellerstein.com>

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/>

Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide

On 4/27/24 5:27 PM, Judith Hellerstein wrote:

HI Loris,

I hope you are well. As you may know, I am running for the NARALO ALAC positions, and I am seeking your vote. I believe that NARALO and the ALAC leadership team are at a point of transition and reform, and that I can play a valuable role in this transformation. ALAC and At Large have been working hard to ensure the success of the multistakeholder model through advocacy, working closely with the GAC, NCSG & other constituencies, and ensuring our message is understood. If elected, I hope to continue this important work.

As you know, I have been active within ICANN for 10 years, having taken on various leadership roles within both NARALO and At Large. I have been championing diversity and inclusion since the beginning of my time within ICANN.  Whether it is pushing for inclusion for persons with disability or advocating for gender diversity. Currently, NARALO has no women in leadership in any of the Regional Leadership positions, including NomCom. I hope to change this. That is why I am asking for your vote

I have a deep commitment to ICANN's mission and an understanding of the potential impact of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community. I work hard to ensure that I am continually promoting a bottom-up consensus policy and working with others to arrive at a consensus based decisions. I have done this when, as primary penholder, I have worked closely with others to come up with language that would satisfy everyone’s concerns.
As you know, Glenn McKnight is running for NOMCOM and would make a great NOMCOM candidate.  The NomCom slot is only for one year

Please do let me know if you have any concerns or issues.  My full statement is attached.


Judith Hellerstein



Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO

Hellerstein & Associates

3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008

Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein

Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517

E-mail: Judith at jhellerstein.com<mailto:Judith at jhellerstein.com>   Website: www.jhellerstein.com<http://www.jhellerstein.com>

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/>

Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide

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