[EURO-Discuss] Voting procedures and final documents

Patrick Vande Walle patrick at isoc.lu
Thu Mar 29 10:42:22 EDT 2007

Annette Muehlberg wrote:
> As far as I understood we wanted to have one big General Assembly (GA)
> online in which we discuss those issues we could not accomplish yet at
> the Lisbon meeting, such as incorporation and the nominations for the
> EURALO Board and the 2 european ALAC seats. I think we should stick to
> this procedure.
Based on my previous experience I am not sure we would have the time to
discuss all this by phone. Further, we do not have a board yet, and the
priority should be to have one, so we can go forward with the required
legitimacy. Until that time, we have asked the ICANN staff to run the
process on our behalf.
> In the discussion I had the chance to take part in virtually we
> decided that the name of the association is: "European Internet Users
> Forum" (no adding of "ICANN" in front) and to clarify the relation to
> ICANN we have chosen between the subtitles the following: "Regional
> At-Large Organisation of ICANN" (instead of: "consumer rights and
> civil liberties in information society").
The majority of those present physically and remotely at the meetings in
Lisbon decided on "ICANN European Internet Users forum" and skip the
subtitle altogether. If wanted to change the name, it would require to
change the bylaws through a vote from the GA.  The new board should
convene a GA.

However, we should now start with content rather than the process. My
suggestion is that the new board should set up working groups for the
individual membership and incorporation issues. Once these groups have
come up with a well-documented proposal, the GA will be in a position to
vote on it.

I want to avoid at all costs  that proposals of  a technical nature are
being drafted  by the plenary meeting. This generates lots of cacophony,
but the results are quite low. WGs are  just  a suggestion. I leave it
up to the Euralo board to decide.


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