[At-Large] UA Days

Anivar Aravind anivar at indicproject.org
Sun Mar 31 04:26:56 UTC 2024

I was following UASG from its initial days

I am wholeheartedly agree with the feeling that Users/ At-Large should be a
key point in it's focus

And while mentioning it I like to point 2 trends I observed

On initial focus , developer adoption to programming languages and
platforms was a focus with a clear plan around open source systems
compatibility with UA .

But somehow over a period leadership focus shifted to building a CXO agenda
around UA

I think essentially this gap still exists , adoption in programming
languages and platforms is still minimal , and the ongoing AI rush is
making it difficult to At-Large adoption , since AI tokenization is going
to be costly in complex script low resource world languages  in East Asia,
South Asia , Central Asia , Africa and Uralic languages in Europe

And while we mention users, the maker vs consumer divide exists

So far user/at-large focus on UA day was more on consumer side while
Developer/maker adoption is lagging . this is because the community came up
on UA was mostly user adoption focused .

I think there is a need of a fresh look and prioritization  if we need to
fast-track UA.

In addition more tech side issues exists like IDNA2008 adoption (which will
change a lot if existing technical specs around LGRs due to shaping
characters coming as identifiers ) , but there is a lack of attention or
expertise I can see in this domain

I know this mail will be little off-topic, but developer adoption(Maker
side of Users At-Large)  bigger lagging ground for UASG these days


On Sat, 30 Mar, 2024, 10:59 Bill Jouris via At-Large, <
at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> I certainly agree that nobody should have code "foisted upon them".  That
> said, one significant impediment to UA can be a simple inability (or lack
> of resources) to create the necessary code.  Sometimes that will, as noted,
> result in bad/unreliable code.  Sometimes, it will result in no code at all
> -- not from unwillingness to implement UA, but from simple inability.
> The obvious solution would be for ICANN to make available basic UA
> modules.  We couldn't cover every coding language, of course.  But we could
> hit the major ones.  If we don't have the necessary expertise in house,
> rent-a-coders are dirt cheap.
> Bill Jouris
> Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
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> On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 11:42 AM, Jonathan Zuck via At-Large
> <at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
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