[ALAC] ccNSO Council meeting #205

Laura Margolis margolisl at gmail.com
Sat May 18 03:22:40 UTC 2024

Dear All:

Hope you are doing fine.

I would like to inform you that the ccNSOCouncil meeting #205 was held
yesterday May 16th. At 21:00 UTC.

All the meeting related documents are uploaded in the *ccNSO Liaison

, Notes
, Working Group and Committees written updates and other documents

I am attaching the draft Agenda and Notes, but I would like to *highlight* some
of the topics:

*Letter from Larisa Gurnick from ICANN Org on PHR (Pilot Holistic Review)*

The letter is about what would be the next steps on the Pilot Holistic
Review (PHR) and deferral of ATRT4 until next April.

Timeline is as follows:

A call for volunteers will be made on May 23rd. until June 19th.

Then, SO/AC will review the list of applicants and determine their
respective nominations from June 20th. till August 2nd.

After, ICANN Org posts a list of all SO/AC nominated applicants on the PHR
wiki and produces a skill and diversity analysis of nominated candidates
from August 5th., till August 9th.

The chairs of the SO/AC participating in the applicable review shall select
a group of up to 21 review team members from among the prospective members
nominated by the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, balanced
for diversity and skill.

SO/AC Chairs select the Review Team members and identify review leadership
from a list of nominated applicants from August 12th till September 6th.

 SO/AC Chairs inform ICANN of selected Review Team members on September 9th.

*Progress GAP Analysis & Response ccPDP3 RM questions*

On the Policy Gaps, a new WG Charter will be proposed to the Council and
the Community during ICANN80. The WG will look for GAPS and identify which
one needs to be addressed first and how.

It will work on the overview of policies and guidance to be presented
during ICANN81 in Istanbul.

The tasks of the new WG will be to reflect IANA’s work and the GAPS, the
way to address the GAPS. Study group, formal PDP Process, guidance for
information, overview of all the components of the ccNSO policies.

The small group on the caucus questions will have its first meeting May 21st.
and will go over the questions. Group now includes 8 members of the WG and
3 Councilors who were not part of the WG.

*Results Members vote ccPDP4*

1)     Voting report for adoption, there was a detailed summary regarding
the voting process

2)     Next step: Board report, that will have a Public Comment period and
GAC will be formally requested for advice.

3)     Final step will be the adoption of the Board report.

*3rd CSC Review: preliminary discussion how to handle the review*

 *For discussion:*

According to the ICANN Bylaws and Charter of the Customer Standing
Committee, the 3rd CSC effectiveness review is expected to start around 1
October 2024. The 2nd Review was concluded in June 2022, and one of the
recommendations was to amend the ICANN Bylaws (and Charter of the CSC) to
expand the duration between the reviews to five years after the previous
review was concluded. Amending section 17.3 is a Fundamental Bylaw change.
Further, according to section 17.3 (b) the method of review will be
determined by the ccNSO and GNSO and the findings of the review will be
published on the Website.

*Agenda of ccTLD News during ICANN80 (will send it in a separate email when
final schedule is out)  *

*PART 1*

Session chair: Everton T. Rodrigues (.br)

Collaboration and Partnerships in the ccTLD Landscape, Hildah Maina (.ke)

Introducing "A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism”, Jodi
Anderson (.nz)

*PART 2*

Session chair: Joel Karubiu (AFTLD)

Digitization of South African Public Schools with school.za 2nd level
domains, Plantina Tsholofelo Mokone (.za)

Large scale of community projects of a small registry, Dejan Djukic (.rs

Driving Digital Innovation: .ng ccTLD Registry Initiatives, Busayo Balogun

Ten years of broadband measurement: lessons from Canada, Charles Noir (.ca)

Opening up the .eu Abuse Prevention and Early Warning System to the ccTLD
community, Hans Seeuws (.eu)

, Notes
, Working Group and Committees written updates and other documents

*AGENDA Council meeting # 206*

*Draft Agenda*

*ccNSO Council Meeting 205*

16 May 2024, 21.00 UTC

   1. *Welcome and roll call*
      1. *Establish whether meeting is Quorate*

   2. *Update Statement of Interest*

For information

*Administrative matters*

   2. *Relevant Correspondence*
      1. Letter from Katrina Sataki, chair of the Board Caucus ccPDP3 RM
      (Letter dated 2 March 2024) to be discussed under item 12.

   3. *Minutes & Action Items*
      1. *Minutes Meeting 204**: *Circulated  6 May 2024

   2. *Action items*

*Action Item 204-01:*

Council to discuss with the registry stakeholder group (agenda item) the
third CSC review.

*Action Item 204-02:*

Secretariat to adjust Purpose and Goals statement approval date (to April
2024) (Completed and posted)

*Action Item 204-03:*

ccNSO Council and Triage committee to jointly plan a resource capacity
workshop prior to ICANN80 (Completed, scheduled 30 May 2024)

*Action Item 204-04:*

Post ICANN80, Council to decide whether to keep the policy gap analysis
group ad-hoc or create a fully mandated working group (Pending, TBD post

*Action Item 204-05:*

Secretariat to inform DASC and IGLC leadership of Federica Tortorella oof
appointment to both groups (Completed)

*Action Item 204-06:*

Chair to inform ISOC.LB <http://isoc.lb/> and ccNSO membership (Completed)

*Action Item 204-06:*

Secretariat assist drafting response  (Google Doc) to Tripti Sinha’s letter
on amendment recommendation 7 on CCWG Auction Proceeds. Small group of
Councilors to draft response (Alejandra, Chris, Olga, Jenifer) (Completed)

*Action Item 204-07:*

Secretariat to suggest new Terms of Reference for OISC by meeting 205 of
the ccNSO Council (May 2024).

*Action Item 204-08:*

Secretariat to send call for volunteers:  small group to review World Café
outcomes (no response)

*Action Item 204-09:*

Chair to send email to Council re preference to have an extraordinary
Council meeting or wait until May call to discuss questions received from
the Board on ccPDP RM (Completed, scheduled 7 May 2024)

4.      *Intermeeting Decisions (since meeting 203, March 2024)*

   1. *203-A*
      2. *2023-B*

   5. *Intermeeting decisions Triage Committee*

The Triage Committee has made no decisions since meeting 202.


   6. *Update ECA, IFRT & CSC*

   7. *Update WGs *(written updates or taken from the meeting)

   1. *IGLC*
      2. *GRC*
      3. *SOPC*
      4. *OISC **(no meetings pending update charter)*
      5. *TLD-OPS*
      6. *DASC*
      7. *Technical WG*
      8. *MPC*
      9. *UAC*
      10. *Registrant capacity ad-hoc group*
      11. *IRP Panel selection*
      12. *CCG WS 2 Implementation*
      13. *New: CIP-CCG*
      14. *Prioritization Framework group*

   8. *Update liaisons* (written updates)

   1. *Update ALAC Liaison*
      2. *Update GNSO Liaison*
      3. *Update UASG Liaison*

   9. *Update ccNSO Website redesign*


*10.  **Update Triage Committee: Monitor portfolio of Activities 2024-2025*

   11. *Update Chair, Vice-Chairs, Councillors, RO’s and Secretariat*
      1. *1-on-1 ICANN CEO and ccNSO leadership*

   12. *Progress GAP Analysis & Response ccPDP3 RM questions*

*Administrative Matters & Decisions*

   13. *Results Members Vote ccPDP4*

*a.     **Voting Report for adoption*

*Draft resolution*


In accordance with the ccNSO Policy Development Procedure (Annex B to the
ICANN Bylaws), the ccNSO Council Recommendation to adopt the proposed
policy on the (de-)selection of IDN ccTLD strings, was put to a vote by the
ccNSO Membership. The voting ran from Wednesday, 27 March 2024 (00:01 UTC)
and closed Wednesday, 17 April 2024 (23:59 UTC).  The vote passed: At the
closure of the vote, 56% of the Emissaries (97 out of 174 Emissaries) cast
their vote. 97% of the votes cast were in support of the ccNSO Council
recommendation to adopt the proposed ccPDP4-IDN policy. The Bylaw
requirements for a valid vote in support of the policy were met: at least
50% of the emissaries are required to lodge their vote and the 66 % of the
votes cast need to be in favor.  The Voting Process Manager submitted her
report as required, and made 4 observations, however did not report any


*The ccNSO adopts the voting report as submitted by the Voting Process
Manager, notes the observations and requests the ccPDP4 Issue Manager to
include a reference in the forthcoming Board Report. By adopting the Voting
Report, the voting process is formally concluded. The ccNSO Council thanks
Joke Braeken wholeheartedly for her managing the voting process. This
resolution becomes effective upon publication. *

*b.     **Next Step: Board Report*

   14. *Appointment Members to Committees and Working Groups, if any*

No appointments for this meeting

   15. *Update OMC (was: OISC) Terms of Reference*

*Substantive Matters & Decisions*

16.   *Review External appointments: next steps*

   17. *3rd CSC Review: preliminary discussion how to handle the review*

For discussion

According to the ICANN Bylaws and Charter of the Customer Standing
Committee, the 3rd CSC effectiveness review is expected to start around 1
October 2024. The 2nd Review was concluded in June 2022, and one of the
recommendations was to amend the ICANN Bylaws (and Charter of the CSC) to
expand the duration between the reviews to five years after the previous
review was concluded. Amending section 17.3 is a Fundamental Bylaw change.
Further, according to section 17.3 (b) the method of review will be
determined by the ccNSO and GNSO and the findings of the review will be
published on the Website.

   18. *Discussion and decision on next steps outcome world cafés on
   keeping the ccNSO relevant next  7 years*

For Information & discussion

   19. *ccNSO relevant meetings ICANN80 ( 10 – 13 June 2024)*
      1. *Prep week ICANN80: 28 -30 May 2024*
      2. *Prep Council meeting*
         1. *Working session (conference call)*
         2. *Prep session*
      3. *Joint Meetings*
         1. *Virtual meeting GNSO Council - 11 July 2024 13:00 UTC*
      4. *Special Event: Tuesday 11 June 2024- block 5*
      5. *Tentative Block Schedule*

   20. *AOB*

   21. *Next Council Meetings*

●       June 13 @ICANN80 (206) – time TBD

●       July 18 – 12:00 UTC (207)

●       August 22 (208) – 18.00 UTC (208), may be deferred

●       September 19 – 12:00 UTC (209)

●       October 17 – 21:00 UTC (210)

●       November 14 @ICANN80 – (211) – time TBD

●       December 12 – 12:00 UTC (212)

●       January 16, '25 - 18:00 UTC (213)

●       February 13, '25 - 12:00 UTC (214

   22. *Adjourn*

Thank you for your attention and if you have any questions or topics you
would like to deep dive more, please let me know.

Kindest Regards,

*Laura Margolis*
ALAC Liaison to ccNSO

margolisl at gmail.com
skype: lauri.margolis

ccNSO Liaison Workspace
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