[ALAC] Council Meeting #206

Laura Margolis margolisl at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 08:46:49 UTC 2024

Dear All,

I would like to share with you the Agenda and draft resolutions for
next Council meeting #206, which will take place tomorrow, Thursday 13th.,
from 13:45 to 15:00 (local time).

For those who would like to join, this meeting will be open (in person and
remotely). Please check the session in the schedule
<https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2m> for the link.

*Agenda and Draft Resolutions *

*ccNSO Council Meeting 206*

13 June 2024, 11.45-13.00 UTC

*1.     **Welcome and roll call*

a.       *Establish whether meeting is Quorate*

b.       *Update Statement of Interest*

For information

*Administrative matters*

*2.     **Relevant Correspondence*

*3.     **Minutes & Action Items*

a.       *Minutes Meeting 205**: *Circulated 27 May 2024

b.       *Action items*

*Action Item 204-05:*

Post ICANN80, Council to decide whether to keep the policy gap analysis
group ad-hoc or create a fully mandated working group. *(Completed, see
item 13 on the agenda)*

*Action Item 205-01: *

Based on a strawman by the ccNSO Secretariat, the ad hoc gap analysis team
will produce a draft charter for a future gap analysis working group, for
consideration by Council and the ccTLD Community at ICANN80. *(Completed,
see item 13 on the agenda)*

*Action Item 205-02:*

Councillors are invited to review the proposed Terms of Reference for the
ccNSO Onboarding and Mentoring Committee (OMC). The deadline for comments
is Thursday, 23 May 2024 (23:59 UTC). The ccNSO Secretariat is expected to
circulate a resolution for online adoption of the proposed ToR for the OMC.
Adoption is to be completed by ICANN80. *(Completed)*

*Action Item 205-03:*

By ICANN80, the ccNSO Secretariat is expected to launch a call for
volunteers for the following positions:

·       One (1) ccNSO appointed liaison to ALAC,

·       one (1) ccNSO appointed liaison to GNSO Council,

·       one (1) liaison to UASG,

·       one (1) ccNSO delegate to the ICANN Nominating Committee

*(Completed, see agenda item 15) *

*Action Item 205-04:*

The ccNSO Secretariat circulated a resolution for online adoption of the
proposed World Cafes Outcomes Report.* (Completed)*

*Action Item 205-05:*

Council is expected to address the need to appoint a CSC member and an
alternate at Council Meeting 206.*(See agenda item 16) *

*4.     **Intermeeting Decisions (since meeting 20**4, April 2024)*

*a.       **204-A* Adoption Terms of Reference Onboarding and Mentoring

*b.      **204-B* Adoption of 20th Anniversary World Café Outcome Report

*5.     **Intermeeting decisions Triage Committee*

The Triage Committee has made no decisions since the last meeting.


*6.     **Update ECA, IFRT & CSC *(written updates)

*7.     **Update WGs *(written updates or taken from the meeting)

   1. *IGLC*
      2. *GRC*
      3. *SOPC*
      4. *OMC (was OISC) **(no meetings pending call for volunteers)*
      5. *TLD-OPS*
      6. *DASC*
      7. *Technical WG*
      8. *MPC*
      9. *UAC*
      10. *Registrant capacity ad-hoc group*
      11. *IRP Panel selection*
      12. *CCG WS 2 Implementation*
      13. *CIP-CCG*
      14. *Prioritization Framework group*

*8.     **Update liaisons* (written updates)

   1. *Update ALAC Liaison*
      2. *Update GNSO Liaison*
      3. *Update UASG Liaison*

*9.     **Update ccNSO Website redesign*

Informational – no meeting since Council meeting 204

*10.  **Update Chair, Vice-Chairs, Councillors, RO’s and Secretariat*

*Administrative Matters - Discussion & Decisions*

*11.  **Approval Board Report ccNSO PDP4 (de-) selection of IDN ccTLD
strings and variants. *

For decision and information on next step

The Board Report will be submitted to the Board. Per requirement of Annex B
it now contains the result of the membership voting and reference to voting
report, the ccNSO Recommendation, Members report and Final Report of the
ccPDP4 Working Group.

*Draft Resolution*


The recommended Policy on the (de-)selection of IDNccTLD strings and
related variants was submitted to the ccNSO Council and ccNSO Membership
for their consideration and adoption.  At its meeting in March 2024 the
ccNSO Council adopted all recommendations contained in the Final Report of
the Issue Manager as submitted to the Chair of the ccNSO Council.  The
adopted recommendations were conveyed to the Members of the ccNSO as the
Council Recommendation to vote upon. The ccNSO members voted in May – April
2024 to determine whether the ccNSO membership supported the ccNSO
Council's recommendation to adopt the proposed policy on the (de-)selection
of IDNccTLD strings and related variants. The ccNSO Membership supported
the Council Recommendation. The Issue Manager submitted the Board Report to
the ccNSO Council chair on 31 May 2024.


*The ccNSO Council approves the Board Report on the Proposed Policy on the
(de-)selection of IDNccTLD strings and related variants. Per requirements
of Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws the Board Report contains:*

●        *The result of the ccNSO Members vote*

●        *The ccNSO Recommendation, following the vote by the Members of
the ccNSO*

●        *The Final Report, which contains the Proposed Policy on the
(de-)selection of IDNccTLD strings and related variants.*

*The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as
possible on the ccNSO website and inform the ccNSO membership accordingly.
The decision becomes effective upon publication.*

*The Council requests its Chair to submit the Board Report to the Chair of
the ICANN Board of Directors as soon as possible after publication of this
resolution.  *

*Finally, the Council expresses its appreciation and congratulates the
members of the Working Group and specifically, the chair and vice-chairs of
ccPDP4 – Kenny Huang and *Anil Kumar Jain* – for completion of the process.*

*12.  **Adoption ccNSO FY 25-26 Portfolio of Activities*

For decision

*Draft Resolution*


*The ccNSO Council adopts the ccNSO two-year rolling forward FY 25-26
Portfolio of ccNSO activities as the base-line for the ccNSO activities for
the coming year, and requests the ccNSO Triage Committee to review and
update the Portfolio quarterly. The secretariat is requested to publish the
Portfolio on the ccNSO web-site. This resolution becomes effective upon
publication of the Portfolio and the resolution.*

*13.  **Adoption Charter ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group *

*a.      **Adoption of Charter*

*Draft Resolution*


In July 2023 a small group of Councillors started taking stock of potential
gaps in the policies pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and
retirement policies and related IANA practices and how to address them. The
initial findings of the Ad-Hoc Group were shared with the ccNSO Council at
the Council workshop and to the broader community during ICANN78 in
Hamburg.  To raise community awareness around the issues identified the
Ad-Hoc Group introduced a series of hypotheticals and discussed these with
the community during ICANN79 in San Juan. As a result of these meetings and
further consideration of the issues at stake the Ad-Hoc Group advised
Council to mandate and establish a working group to further analyze the
issues at stake and involve the broader community in this work.


*The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed charter for the **ccNSO Policy G**ap
Analysis Working Group (hereafter: the PGA WG or WG) as submitted to the
Council on 11 June 2024. The secretariat is requested to publish this
decision as soon as possible and take all the necessary steps to establish
the working group. This decision becomes effective upon publication.  The
ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks Kim Davies, PTI and the Councillors who
participated in the ad-hoc Council group, and hope they will continue to
participate in the PGA WG. *

*b.      **Call for Volunteers*

*Draft Resolution*


*The secretariat is requested to launch a call for volunteers for the PGA
WG, including organizing a webinar introducing the PGA WG, as soon as
feasible, after publication of the resolution and all necessary steps have
been completed to establish the PGA WG. *

*14.  **Call for Volunteers Onboarding and Mentoring Committee *

*Draft Resolution*


The ccNSO Council adopted the terms of Reference of the ccNSO Onboarding
and Mentoring Committee (OMC) intersessionally in May 2024.

According to the terms of Reference, the OMC shall have minimum four (4)
and maximum eight (8) members. Membership of the OMC is open to
representatives of ccTLD managers (members and non-members of the ccNSO
alike).  At least three (3) of the members on the Committee should be
members of the ccNSO Council, including one NomCom appointed Councillor.

The ccNSO Council will appoint the members of the committee. In appointing
members, the Council should consider the need for a diverse Committee
membership, including regional diversity.


*The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to first launch a call for
volunteers of the OMC among the ccNSO Councillors to seek at least three
(3) and a maximum of six (6) members, including one (1) NomCom appointed
Councillor, taking into account the need for a diverse Committee. After
completion of the call for volunteers among Councillors, the secretariat is
requested to launch a call for volunteers for the remaining seat on the OMC
to complete membership of the OMC. After completion of both call for
volunteers, the full slate of members of the OMC (Councillors and
non-Councillors) will be appointed by the Council.*

*The secretariat is requested to complete this resolution as soon as
possible. This resolution becomes effective upon recommendation.*

*15.  **Call for Volunteers/Expression of Interest*

*a.       **ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC*

*Draft resolution*

*Background *

In accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Appointment Procedures
, a ccNSO appointed liaison serves for a term of two (2) years and no more
than three (3) consecutive terms. At the end of each two-year term, a call
for volunteers will be issued and candidates will be evaluated against the
relevant criteria listed in section 3.4.2 of the Guideline.

The term of the current liaison to ALAC has ended and therefore the Council
initiates the selection process for the ccNSO appointed liaison to ALAC.


*To meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline ccNSO Appointment
Procedures, the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for
the call for expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed
liaison to ALAC and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection
process as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for
expression of interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to
take into account the selection processes for the other positions, and call
for volunteers for the working group and committee. This resolution becomes
effective upon publication. *

*b.      **ccNSO Liaison to the GNSO*

*Draft resolution*

*Background *

The current ccNSO Liaison to the GNSO indicated he intends to step down. In
accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Appointment Procedures
, section 8.8 the vacancy that will arise shall be filled using the
selection procedure described in section 8 of the Guideline. Accordingly a
call for volunteers will need to be issued and candidates will be evaluated
against the relevant criteria listed in section 3.4.2 of the Guideline.


*To meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline ccNSO Appointment
Procedures, the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for
the call for expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed
liaison to GNSO Council and propose the Process Manager for this specific
selection process as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the
call for expression of interest and the selection, the secretariat is
requested to take into account the selection processes for the other
positions, and call for volunteers for the working group and committee.
This resolution becomes effective upon publication.  *

*c.       **ccNSO Liaison to the UASG*

*Draft resolution*

*Background *

In accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Appointment Procedures
, a ccNSO appointed liaison serves for a term of two (2) years and no more
than three (3) consecutive terms. At the end of each two-year term, a call
for volunteers will be issued and candidates will be evaluated against the
relevant criteria listed in section 3.4.2 of the Guideline.

The term of the current liaison to Universal Acceptance Steering Group
(UASG) has ended and therefore the Council initiates the selection process
for the ccNSO appointed liaison to UASG.


*To meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline ccNSO Appointment
Procedures, the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for
the call for expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed
liaison to UASG and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection
process as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for
expression of interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to
take into account the selection processes for the other positions, and call
for volunteers for the working group and committee. In addition the
secretariat is requested to take into account that the ccNSO appointed
liaison to the UASG is preferably a member of the ccNSO Universal
Acceptance Committee. This resolution becomes effective upon publication. *

*d.      **NomCom appointee*

*Draft Resolution*


The ccNSO Council will be requested to appoint ccNSO appointee to ICANN’s
Nominating Committee, preferably for a term of two (2) years, and appoint
this person well before ICANN’s Annual General meeting.


*To meet the requirement of sections 4 and 8 of the Guideline ccNSO
Appointment Procedures, and to take into account the requirements for the
appointment of the ccNSO appointee to the Nominating Committee, the
secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for expression
of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointee to the NomCom and propose
the Process Manager for this specific selection process as soon as
possible. *

*In proposing the timeline for the call for expression of interest and the
selection, the secretariat is requested to take into account the selection
processes for the other positions, and the need to select the appointee
well before ICANN81. This resolution becomes effective upon publication. *

*16.  **CSC Membership Selection*

*a.      **Call for expression of Interest ccNSO appointed Member and

For decision

*Draft Resolution*


The ccNSO Council has been invited to select a member for the Customer
Standing Committee and an alternate. In accordance with the internal ccNSO
Guideline the ccNSO Council will need to adopt a timeline for selection and
to mandate the selection committee from among its members to consult with
the RySG and approve the full slate of CSC membership.

The proposed timeline was circulated before the meeting.


*The ccNSO Council appoints Claudia Ruiz as the CSC Selection Process
Manager and adopts the timeline as proposed for the selection of the newly
to be appointed ccNSO member and alternate of the CSC. The Council requests
Claudia to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the
schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: Procedure
for ccNSO Appointees.*

*The ccNSO Council also confirms that the one of the candidates who will
not be selected as Member of the CSC, will be requested to become the
alternate for the ccNSO appointed Members on the ccNSO. *

*The ccNSO Council also confirms that the CSC selection committee is
composed of the following Councillors: Molehe Wesi, Yiankang Yao, Peter
Koch, Jennifer Lopez, Pablo Rodriguez and Olga Cavalli. The committee is
mandated by the Council to consult and coordinate the selection of members
of the CSC with the RySG and approve the full slate of membership together
with the GNSO Council.*

*The secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as
possible. The resolution becomes effective upon publication. Finally, the
secretariat is requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the
upcoming CSC member and alternate nomination and selection process.*

*Substantive Matters - Discussion & Decisions*

*17.  **Progress Response Board Caucus questions Review Mechanism*

Update & discussion next steps

*18.  **Outcomes/Observations sessions ICANN80 relevant ccNSO *

Informational and for discussion

*19.  **AOB*

*20.  **Next Council Meetings*

●        July 18 – 12:00 UTC (207)

●        August 22 (208) – 18.00 UTC (208), may be deferred

●        September 19 – 12:00 UTC (209)

●        October 17 – 21:00 UTC (210)

●        November 14 @ICANN80 – (211) – time TBD

●        December 12 – 12:00 UTC (212)

●        January 16, '25 - 18:00 UTC (213)

●        February 13, '25 - 12:00 UTC (214

*21.  **Thank you*

*22.  **Adjourn*

Please check the session in the schedule
<https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2m> for the link.

Agenda is also published in our ccNSO Liaison Workspace

See you onsite or remotely!

Thank you.

Kindest Regards,

*Laura Margolis*
ALAC Liaison to ccNSO

margolisl at gmail.com
skype: lauri.margolis

ccNSO Liaison Workspace
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