[ALAC] GAC Liaison Report on Intersessional Work / ALAC-GAC Joint Communication on Applicant Support

Joanna Kulesza jkuleszaicann at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 15:49:43 UTC 2024

Dear all,

I am pleased to provide you with a report on the bilateral engagement
between the GAC and the ALAC, emphasizing the significant focus on
developing the joint communication regarding the Applicant Support Program,
following the ALAC-GAC meeting at the ICANN79 Community Forum in San Juan,
Puerto Rico.

1. Background and Context: The joint communication aims to consolidate the
input and perspectives of both ALAC and GAC on the ASP, reflecting the
discussions and agreements reached during our bilateral meeting at ICANN79.
2. Content Development: Since our meeting in San Juan, the working group
composed of representatives from both ALAC and GAC has diligently worked on
drafting the joint communication. They have incorporated key points and
recommendations outlined in the draft statement you provided, which
articulates our collective stance on the ASP. The drafting work is being
excellently spearheaded by Justine Chew, ALAC VC, on behalf of the At-Large
3. Alignment with Community Feedback: The content of the joint
communication has been informed by various sources, including recent GAC
communiques, public comments, and contributions from working group members.
We have strived to ensure that the communication accurately reflects the
diverse perspectives and priorities of the ICANN community.
4. Key Themes and Recommendations: The joint communication emphasizes
several core principles and recommendations, including:
   - Alleviating the financial burden on ASP applicants to the maximum
extent possible.
   - Prioritizing outreach to applicants from underserved regions.
   - Applying a holistic approach to support ASP applicants throughout the
application lifecycle.
   - Supporting the longer-term success of ASP-qualified applicants beyond
the application phase.
5. Incorporating ALAC and GAC Feedback: The draft communication has
undergone iterative review and revision by both ALAC and GAC
representatives to ensure consensus and coherence. Feedback provided by
working group members has been carefully considered and integrated into the
final draft.
6. Annexes and Supporting Documentation: The joint communication will be
supplemented by annexes, including the ICANN79 GAC Communique and the ALAC
Proposal on the implementation of Subsequent Procedures Recommendation
17.2. These annexes provide additional context and background information
to support our recommendations.
7. Next Steps: The finalized joint communication will be presented for
discussion and approval during our upcoming bilateral meeting in Kigali,
Rwanda. We anticipate productive input for the ICANN Board members and
stakeholders to further refine our recommendations and ensure their
alignment with ICANN's objectives.

A draft agenda for the bilateral session in Kigali is included below for
your kind consideration:

Proposed Agenda for ALAC-GAC Joint Bilateral Session in Kigali
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Time: 07:00 - 08:15 UTC (75 minutes)
1. 07:00 - 07:10 UTC  Introduction and welcome by GAC/ALAC Chairs     -
Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair     - Nico Caballo, GAC Chair
2. Presentation of Joint Position Paper
   - (07:10 - 07:25 UTC) Presentation of joint position paper by ALAC
   - (07:25 - 07:40 UTC) Presentation of joint position paper by GAC
3. Moderated Q&A Session -  (07:40 - 08:00 UTC)
4. Closing remarks and next steps (08:00 - 08:15 UTC)

Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the
collaborative spirit and dedication demonstrated by both ALAC and GAC
members throughout this process. Our joint communication reflects our
shared commitment to advancing the ASP and fostering diversity and
inclusivity within the domain name ecosystem.

Thank you for your attention to this report. Your feedback and any
additional input are highly valued. Please feel free to share your thoughts
or suggestions.

Kind regards,
Joanna Kulesza
Joanna Kulesza, PhD
Professor of International Law
Lodz Cyber Hub / University of Lodz Law School / Poland
www.cyber.uni.lodz.pl (EURALO ALS 341)
ALAC / EURALO / ALAC Liaison to the GAC
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