[ALAC] Summary of APRALO Poll on Travel Policy

lilian ivette de luque bruges lilidebru at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 19 13:30:32 UTC 2024

Dear Amrita,

What a good exercise done by Apralo, worthy of imitation, without getting worn out in so many sterile discussions, with specific questions, some measurable results and that shows the position of the region.


Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges

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From: ALAC <alac-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of Amrita Choudhury via ALAC <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2024 3:05:11 AM
To: ALAC <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Subject: [ALAC] Summary of APRALO Poll on Travel Policy

Dear All,

The APRALO LT carried out a poll (Link: https://forms.gle/gabjf8fshuM7x1pZ7)  with the community related to the Travel Policy in order to find out the views of our community.

34 people participated in the poll.  Sharing  below a summary of the same.

Do note since the poll was conducted prior to the Pilot Travel Policy being shelved  some of the responses will not be relevant.

  *   76% respondents supported the APRALO LT position on the Pilot Travel Policy.
  *   63% opined that the Pilot Travel Policy should be rejected.
  *   82% respondents felt that  APRALO should have the discretion on how to use the 2 travel slots of the RALO
  *   94% felt that APRALO should be empowered to set APRALO specific metrics to evolve the  travel policy which is fair and accountable and where required people for the meetings are predictable
  *   In terms of suggestions for what could be the  2 or 3  parameters APRALO should apply metrics on to establish the new travel policy program for the RALOs, were:

                Engagement and Participation Equity
                Impact Assessment of Contribution (RALO, Community, IG)
                Diversity & Inclusion
                Incentive to engage
                Prioritize travel slots for RALO members who have proposed specific session topics, workshops, or initiatives that align  with ICANN's strategic objectives and interests of the At-Large community.

We discussed the response in our Monthly Call yesterday and decided that the next step will be to deliberate further in a small group on these metrics and then discuss with the APRALO community. Will keep you all posted.



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