[ALAC] RoP and E-mail Guide

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Oct 15 21:40:09 UTC 2018

Judith, first and foremost, this is something that needs to be dealt 
with at the RALO level. Although NARALO does not have a mechanism to 
remove a RALO-appointed ALAC Member, there is nothing to stop you 
from adding such a process. Moreover, I would think that getting a 
commitment from a prospective ALAC member before he or she is 
selected is reasonable.

And of course, since a person may serve 2 (or more under certain 
circumstances) terms, a person who does not perform well should not 
be re-selected (I note that with the exception of me, for various 
reasons, NARALO has not had an opportunity to select anyone for a 2nd 
term since 2013).

And as Seun has said, "all" may be a bit sweeping, particularly if we 
are successful in getting more actual policy discussions going at the 
RALO level.


At 15/10/2018 05:15 PM, Judith Hellerstein wrote:

>Hi Seun,
>I say that because when Glenn and I were in RALO Leadership it was 
>oftne a struggle to get our ALAC members to contribute to meetings 
>and the newsletter, Allan not included.  The idea of ALAC members 
>not participating as much in RALO issues was talked about in the 
>Panama meeting
>Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO
>Hellerstein & Associates
>3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008
>Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein
>Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517
><mailto:Judith at jhellerstein.com>Judith at jhellerstein.com   Website: 
>Linked In: 
>Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide
>On 10/15/2018 5:12 PM, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
>>Hello Judith,
>>Sent from my mobile
>>Kindly excuse brevity and typos
>>On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 21:55 Judith Hellerstein, 
>><<mailto:judith at jhellerstein.com>judith at jhellerstein.com> wrote:
>>HI Alan,
>>Some additional comments and additions to the ALAC RoP.  Otherwise 
>>I think it reads much better and thanks for making the changes.  I 
>>will send a separate email about changes to the email guide.
>>1) I would like to add an additional sub paragraph to section B 
>>Paragraph 4 to say
>>Prepare for and actively participate in all RALO discussions and 
>>provide the ALAC perspective and updates on ALAC decisions or 
>>pending decisions, including face-to-face meetings, 
>>teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction.
>>SO: Section 4.5 already covers provision of updates, face 2 face 
>>etc. However I really wonder if it's practical for an ALAC member 
>>to "actively participate in ALL RALO discussions"
>>2) Paragraph 5----5.2  I think we need to change this to say that 
>>the person being nominated as Chair **needs** to be an ALAC Member 
>>at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being an 
>>ALAC Member after the next ALAC Annual General Meeting (AAGM), the 
>>ALAC meeting held in conjunction with the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM).
>>If you recall, we waited until the elections were complete to do 
>>the nominations and since we are doing that and always plan to do 
>>that I think we should say so in our rules
>>3)  9.2 I would like to add one thing
>> Participation in RALO Discussions and briefings
>>4)   C.
>>Add the words short summaries of each item on the agenda
>>5)   18.1.  I think we need to name the ALAC selection committee 
>>here in this document and also have a few lines on how they are 
>>chosen. The same as we do for the Board Member Selection Process 
>>Committee and the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee
>>6)   19.11.3 Dis you mean 3 or more
>>Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO
>>Hellerstein & Associates
>>3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008
>>Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein
>>Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517
>><mailto:Judith at jhellerstein.com>Judith at jhellerstein.com   Website: 
>>Linked In: 
>>Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide
>>On 10/14/2018 5:59 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>>>Please find attached the RoP and E-mail Guide addressing the 
>>>issues that have been raised. Both marked up and clean versions 
>>>are included. In the marked up versions, the original changes are 
>>>in red and the new changes as a result of comments are in blue.
>>>The full set of current documents can be found at 
>>>These revisions will be discussed in Barcelona on Sunday and 
>>>presuming we come to closure, will be voted on during the Wrap Up meeting.
>>>If you have any concerns with this new version, please raise them 
>>>via e-mail prior to the meetings to ensure that they can be 
>>>properly dealt with.
>>>There were two issues that were raised during the discussion that 
>>>are explicitly not included here.
>>>1. Rules related to the certification of ALSes and the admittance 
>>>of individual unaffiliated members. These issues will be discussed 
>>>during the At-Large Review Implementation or in other fora and no 
>>>changes in respect to this are included here.
>>>2. Whether the BCEC slate of Board candidates should be final or 
>>>whether as under the current rules, RALOs should be able to add 
>>>candidates (subject to specific ruls and processes). There seems 
>>>to be a growing feeling in the ALAC that the petition process is 
>>>not needed. No change is included here other than to clarify the 
>>>petition process. The change would be easy to implement should the ALAC desire.
>>>ALAC mailing list
>>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>>ALAC mailing list
>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>ALAC mailing list
>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>At-Large Online: http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>ALAC Working Wiki: 
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