[ALAC] Fwd: Board resolution on Enhancing Openne ss and Transparency – Board Deliberations

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Wed May 18 13:32:45 UTC 2016

This is outstanding news! Access to Board 
deliberations has been something that I and 
others have asked for over many years.

If it had been done a while ago, the level of 
trust in the ICANN Board would have been much 
higher and would have eased the CCWG-ACCT difficulty.

Congratulations to the ICANN Board and those on 
the Board who have been pushing for this.


>From: Bruce Tonkin <Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au>
>To: "accountability-cross-community at icann.org"
>         <accountability-cross-community at icann.org>
>Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 12:25:26 +0000
>Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Board resolution on 
>Enhancing Openness and Transparency ­ Board Deliberations
>Hello All,
>See below.
>Bruce Tonkin
>i. Enhancing Openness and Transparency ­ Board Deliberations
>Whereas, the Board believes that providing 
>increased access to Board deliberations is 
>important, and that increased openness is an 
>important means of working toward that goal.
>Whereas, the ICANN Board discussed at its 
>Amsterdam workshop how to improve its 
>functioning and agreed that enhancing the 
>visibility into the Board deliberations and 
>decision-making processes was an important part 
>of becoming more accountable and more transparent.
>Whereas, the Board noted the call from the 
>community for increased openness and transparency.
>Whereas, the Board believes that a positive 
>first step towards increased openness is 
>publicly posting transcripts and/or recordings 
>of its deliberative sessions to the extent that 
>such information or dialogue is not subject to 
>confidentiality restrictions or privilege.
>Resolved (2016.05.15.13), the Board directs the 
>President and CEO, or his designee(s), to work 
>with the Board to develop a proposed plan for 
>the publication of transcripts and/or recordings 
>of Board deliberative sessions, with such plan 
>to include an assessment of possible resources 
>costs and fiscal impact, and draft processes to:
>         (i) ensure the accuracy of the transcript;
>         and
>         (ii) for redaction of portions of the 
> transcript that should be maintained as confidential or privileged.
>Resolved (2016.05.15.14), the Board expects to 
>evaluate the plan in Helsinki, and if 
>satisfactory to begin testing of the proposed 
>processes relating to publication of transcripts 
>and/or recordings of the Board's deliberative 
>sessions as soon as practicable after Helsinki.

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