[ALAC] ALAC proposal on multi-year planning for face-to-face meetings

León Felipe Sánchez Ambía leonfelipe at sanchez.mx
Tue Jun 14 17:58:25 UTC 2016

Dear Olivier, dear Alan,

I completely agree with how you’ve put the challenge we will face and the responsibility we have in it.

Congratulations to all who contributed to achieving this major milestone!

Best regards,


> El 14/06/2016, a las 2:53 a.m., Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com> escribió:
> Hello everyone,
> I am obviously thrilled about these news. This is due to a lot of people working on this, planting seeds at various levels, adding their input to the document and speaking to individual Board members and other community leaders. Alan and I, as ALAC Chair, might have been the drivers of the initiative, but the vehicle moved forward thanks to your collective push, including our past and current selected Board members. So THANK YOU everyone.
> But you know, only part of the deal has gone through so far: the funding. Now comes the hard work of actually making good use of this ability to meet more regularly both at RALO and At-Large level, in order to increase the end user voice in ICANN. We need to organise ourselves at all levels. We need to mobilise. We need to search for the input of end users and in this search, we need to inform them about what is happening at ICANN. We need to act responsibly, collectively, helping each other out, collaborating between RALOs, with RIRs, with other organisations. We need to use every CROPP trip to reach out as hard as we can to expand our footprint. We need to put to bed the tensions about how we call ourselves, whether we are civil society or not, whether we can work with NCSG & NCUC or not, and also agree to willingly and amicably share ALAC seats geographically around the world *so that no region or sub-region of the world is left out*.
> Failing to do any of the above will just waste our time into parochial internal fights and waste not only ICANN's money, the money which end users have spent when they have purchased a domain name, but also discredit the At-Large community at ICANN. We would *fail* miserably at our task.
> The ICANN Board has placed its trust in our Community to do the right thing. Let's not disappoint them. Let's not disappoint Internet end users. We are *not* going to use this rotation of General Assemblies and Summits as a calendar of all-paid holidays in exotic locations. Quite the contrary, we will use it for the public good and we will *denounce* whoever does otherwise in our community. It is a matter of trust and accountability. Let's make end users proud of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model.
> Olivier
> (writing in a personal capacity)
> On 14/06/2016 05:24, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>> Rinalia beat me to it, but here is the note I received from Xavier along with my reply.
>> This is indeed a landmark decision. My thanks to Olivier who spearheaded this initiative, and to all others who contributed to its success.
>> Alan
>> ======================
>>> Thanks so much Xavier. I have been at a meeting in Africa and did not see the announcement.
>>> We certainly hoped that our proposal would be accepted, but this is faster and better than we dared hope.
>>> I am the rest of the ALAC and At-Large do appreciate what you, your staff, and the Board Finance Committee have done.
>>> Warm regards, Alan
>>>> From: "Xavier J. Calvez" <xavier.calvez at icann.org> <mailto:xavier.calvez at icann.org>
>>>> To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> <mailto:alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>, Cherine Chalaby
>>>>         <cherine.chalaby at icann.org> <mailto:cherine.chalaby at icann.org>, Asha Hemrajani <asha.hemrajani at icann.org> <mailto:asha.hemrajani at icann.org>
>>>> CC: "Rinalia Abdul Rahim (GMAIL)" <rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com> <mailto:rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com>, "Board
>>>>  Operations" <board-operations at icann.org> <mailto:board-operations at icann.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: ALAC proposal on multi-year planning for face-to-face meetings
>>>> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 22:56:30 +0000
>>>> Dear Alan,
>>>> I am following up on the email below and attached proposal.
>>>> As Cherine and I had indicated, we have addressed this request in the public comment responses, which were published on 6 June (see link below, page 116/119). In case, you would not have had an opportunity to review this document, you will find below the text of the response. Hopefully, this conveys adequately that the ALAC request is welcome and approved.
>>>> I want to ensure it is clear that the Goal 1.3 of the 5-year Operating Plan has been adjusted to reflect this proposal, with a mention of the At Large meetings as relevant in each remaining years of the 5-year plan.
>>>> If you have any questions, please let Cherine or I know.
>>>> Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/report-comments-op-budget-fy17-five-year-06jun16-en.pdf <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/report-comments-op-budget-fy17-five-year-06jun16-en.pdf>
>>>> Response
>>>> Value in Face-to-Face Meetings
>>>> ICANN recognizes the fundamental importance of the representation of users in ICANN’s multistakeholder model, and of the participation of such representatives in its activities. ICANN also recognizes that the existing structures of the At-Large organization depend for their effectiveness on face-to-face meetings, and that the past experience of the value resulting from such face-to-face meetings has received broad consensus from the community.
>>>> ICANN Agrees with the At-Large Request
>>>> ICANN welcomes the request from At-Large for a multiyear schedule of General Assemblies and Summits. It is consistent with the organization’s efforts to plan more and better in both short and long terms.
>>>> It allows the existing meetings and costs to be put in the longer term perspective of a five-year cycle. This will improve the predictability of activities and costs for the ICANN organization and allow better planning and increased efficiency in the organization of such meetings. It also makes explicit the commitment of the At-Large organization to the suggested structure of meetings included in the proposal.
>>>> The Way Forward
>>>> ICANN plans to integrate the At-Large multiyear schedule of General Assemblies and Summits, and similar requests from other parts of the community, into ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan. This means At-Large will not have to make new requests every year for the inclusion in the Fiscal Year Operating Plan and Budget.
>>>> Future Considerations
>>>> The Fiscal Year Operating Plan and Budget are subject to community and Board approval each year. Because of the longer term planning arising from this process, both the ICANN and At-Large organizations will need to be flexible and adjust the scheduling of General Assemblies and Summit meetings to take account of circumstances as they arise. “
>>>> We also recommended that At-Large provides periodic updates of the five-year cycle of meetings. These should happen at least once a year and at least two months before the scheduled date of publication of the draft annual operating plan and budget for public comment.
>>>> Changes to be made in final FY17 planning documents
>>>> Integrate the proposed multiyear planning proposal into the FY17 Operating Plan and Budget
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Xavier
>>>> Xavier Calvez
>>>> ICANN
>>>> CFO
>>>> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
>>>> Los Angeles, CA 90094
>>>> Office  : +1 (310) 301 5838
>>>> Mobile  : +1 (805) 312 0052
>>>> Fax             : +1 (310) 957-2348
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> <mailto:alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
>>>> Date: Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 9:40 AM
>>>> To: Cherine Chalaby <cherine.chalaby at icann.org> <mailto:cherine.chalaby at icann.org>, Asha Hemrajani <asha.hemrajani at icann.org> <mailto:asha.hemrajani at icann.org>, Xavier Calvez<xavier.calvez at icann.org> <mailto:xavier.calvez at icann.org>
>>>> Cc: "Rinalia Abdul Rahim (GMAIL)" <rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com> <mailto:rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: ALAC proposal on multi-year planning for face-to-face meetings
>>>> >Dear Cherine, Asha and Xavier,
>>>> >
>>>> >As discussed in Marrakech, the ALAC Proposal for Multi-Year Planning
>>>> >of At-Large Face-to-Face Meetings has been submitted to the Public
>>>> >Comment on the Y17 plan and budget. I am attaching a copy here for
>>>> >your convenience. I am of course available to answer any questions
>>>> >you may have.
>>>> >
>>>> >If you have any idea of the time-line for addressing the proposal, I
>>>> >would appreciate if you could share it. If it is aspirational and not
>>>> >something you would like to see published, I will only share with my
>>>> >trusted leadership team. You will note that the proposal implies but
>>>> >does not explicitly say that this should be rolled into the FY17 plan
>>>> >and budget, so we have tried to give you flexibility as to how things play out.
>>>> >
>>>> >Warm regards, Alan
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> --
> Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD
> http://www.gih.com/ocl.html <http://www.gih.com/ocl.html>
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