[ALAC] Public Comment on Registration Proxy Service for gTLDs Operated by XYZ.COM LLC

Kan Kaili kankaili at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 05:47:21 UTC 2016

Indeed this is an issue related to China, although I don't know if any other countries have similar cases.

According to China's current regulations, all registries providing service in China MUST be located in Chinese territory.  However, there are also regulations forbiding foreign registries to register and operate in China.  Thus, these regulations effectively ban all international registries to provide services in China.

There are proposals to use proxies in China to comply with China's regulations while providing such services, and some of China's registries have applied to the government to act as this third-party proxy.  However, the government has not replied to such application so far.

This is one of the issues about how the international Internet community may best work within China's regulatory framework, which may not be the same in other nations.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
To: "ALAC" <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 10:37 AM
Subject: [ALAC] Public Comment on Registration Proxy Service for gTLDs Operated by XYZ.COM LLC

>I was asked to look at this public comment and see if the ALAC needed 
> to do anything. Since the name included the terms "proxy" and 
> "registration", it raised red flags that it might be related to the 
> ongoing (and very controversial and complex) PDP on privacy and proxy 
> registrations.
> It is unrelated.
> This is a registry request to set up a secondary entry into their 
> normal interfaces to registrars to allow them to service registrars 
> in China, presumably in compliance with certain Chinese regulations 
> related to where data or services reside and to provide local service 
> to these registrars and their registrants.
> There does not appear to be anything that requires an ALAC comment.
> You can find the ALAC Policy page at 
> https://community.icann.org/x/ZIplAw and the Registry Service 
> Evaluation Request at 
> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/rsep-2014159-xyz-et-al-request-02dec15-en.pdf.
> Alan
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