[ALAC] Public Comment on Registration Proxy Service for gTLDs Operated by XYZ.COM LLC

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sun Jan 10 02:37:52 UTC 2016

I was asked to look at this public comment and see if the ALAC needed 
to do anything. Since the name included the terms "proxy" and 
"registration", it raised red flags that it might be related to the 
ongoing (and very controversial and complex) PDP on privacy and proxy 

It is unrelated.

This is a registry request to set up a secondary entry into their 
normal interfaces to registrars to allow them to service registrars 
in China, presumably in compliance with certain Chinese regulations 
related to where data or services reside and to provide local service 
to these registrars and their registrants.

There does not appear to be anything that requires an ALAC comment.

You can find the ALAC Policy page at 
https://community.icann.org/x/ZIplAw and the Registry Service 
Evaluation Request at 


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