[ALAC] Some thoughts on ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce

gbruen at knujon.com gbruen at knujon.com
Mon Aug 10 17:19:55 UTC 2015

Given the level of discussion, I have bumped this up in priority for 
today's NARALO call

On 8/10/15 6:46 AM, Holly Raiche wrote:
> Hi Evan
> I’d add a sixth to your list:
> The F2F WG meetings where those of us who have been on weekly WG calls 
> get to actually meet, have conversations, cups of coffee etc.
> On 10 Aug 2015, at 4:23 am, Evan Leibovitch <evan at telly.org 
> <mailto:evan at telly.org>> wrote:
> Holly
>> On 9 August 2015 at 19:15, Maureen Hilyard <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:maureen.hilyard at gmail.com>>wrote:
>>     Evan, what you are saying contradicts ICANN's stated commitment
>>     to the multistakeholder bottom-up approach.
>> ​You'll have to tell me how I said that, because I can't make the 
>> connection between my comment and your response.​
>> ​ But, just so my own PoV is clear, I now believe that what is 
>> generally known as "multistakeholderism", especially ​in the ICANN 
>> context, is in the eye of the beholder and variously manipulated to 
>> serve political needs. There are multiple tiers of stakeholders; 
>> indeed some of the multi-class categorizations are right in the ICANN 
>> bylaws. ACs versus SOs, to start with.
>>     Volunteer contributions are ignored in favour of those in whom a
>>     heavy financial investment has been made to make decisions for
>>     the Board.
>> ​I don't think I said anything to contradict that. In fact the above 
>> (to me) is more demonstrable ​fact than opinion.
>>     Their presence at an ALAC meeting for 20 mins is hardly going to
>>     make any real impact on what they already propose to do.
>> ​I would be the first to agree that the typical parade of talking 
>> heads and Powerpoints at ICANN meetings is ineffective. This is why I 
>> ​explicitly put forward the premise, in my original comment, that 
>> "maybe some of our most important travel is NOT to ICANN meetings".
>>     Except for the meetings we have with David Olive and Steve
>>     Crocker which I enjoy because I think there is a mutual respect
>>     for honesty, I always view those other sessions with the
>>     hierarchy as top-down tokenism. What really changes that is of
>>     importance to the ALAC?
>> ​ You're right. Sometimes I think that, with five exceptions, 
>> everything ALAC needs to do at ICANN meetings could be done as well 
>> virtually as in person:
>>  1. The meetings with Steve, agreed fully
>>  2. The 50% of the meetings with the Board when they don't wake up grumpy
>>  3. Interactions with the GAC -- not common but very important when
>>     they happen
>>  4. The social interaction (that IMO indeed helps productivity)
>>  5. The public forum (when we have something to say; it's unfortunate
>>     but true that a three minute speech at the mike gets as much
>>     staff attention as a months-long process to create advice)
>> Except for the social interaction, none of the things above requires 
>> 27 people;
>> (15 ALAC + 5 RALO Chairs + 5 RALO Secretariats + 2 SO liaisons = 27)
>>     I would also like to congratulate Glenn on his mentorship of his
>>     new ALS members at the GA.
>> ​ Agreed, but that's not really relevant to my comments.​
>> - Evan
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Garth Bruen
gbruen at knujon.com

Fisher College, Criminal Justice Division
Chair of ICANN At-Large North America (naralo.org)
Twitter: @Knujon

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