[ALAC] Reminder: Meeting Reports from those who have attended ICANN in Toronto

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Mon Oct 29 04:38:02 UTC 2012

Hi Olivier - and everyone

Apologies for not reporting back sooner.  I didn't arrive back in Oz until Tuesday and have been tied up since then.

I couldn't put the two reports into the table but they can be taken from my comments in the workspace (Matt, is that okay? - could you put my reports into the table?)

The presentations themselves are on the ICANN website under the Toronto meeting.  

Some points arising from the two meetings:

- the PDP on a thick Whois is supposed to be out soon - we should watch for it. 
- Particularly Garth but Evan, Carlton and whomever is following compliance - watch for (and maybe email Compliance) for the actual Audit Plan.  What is on the website is the list of what Compliance called 'high risk' clauses against which compliance will be audited.  Do we see others that should be included?
- that feeds into the RAA negotiations - the results of which will be open for a PDP.  That will give us a chance to say other clauses should also be in the Audit Plan.
- Note that the development of WEIRD Protocol will allow differentiated access (i.e, law enforcement/security can be given greater access to data than the general public). That still leaves open the questions of who should use privacy/proxy servers and how to define those who have access to Whois data. 
- have a look at the initial data (use the link on the ICANN website) on preliminary data on whois - who are the registrants, etc.  It does raise questions about who and why privacy/proxy servers are being used.

Happy reading.


On 27/10/2012, at 3:19 AM, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond wrote:

> Hello all,
> the meeting report page of our ICANN Toronto week is at:
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Toronto+Meeting+Reports
> Congratulations and thanks to all who have filed one or more reports!
> However, I note that most people have not filed any report at all. This
> is very disappointing.
> If you have attended a session which does not have a report so far,
> please be so kind to write a short report, even a few lines, to let
> others know the issues discussed and the general topics of the meeting,
> along with the conclusion, if any.
> Many thanks,
> Olivier
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