[ALAC] Where is ALAC on the TAS problem?

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Thu Apr 19 15:15:46 UTC 2012

It's for this reason why I wonder what ALAC should be doing.

>From my PoV, the reputational damage has already been done. To indicate
that this was a PR disaster which requires damage control would appear to
be stating the obvious, and thus just "piling on" IMO.

- Evan

On 19 April 2012 10:31, Beau Brendler <beaubrendler at earthlink.net> wrote:

>   Happy to help out.
>   Regardless of what happens tomorrow I believe ALAC at minimum needs to
> push
>   for a full accounting of what happened here, emergency process issues and
>   whatever potential issues may be at stake regards the stability of the
>   Internet. The public perception is that this flagship TAS has been on ice
>   now several days, just after extensive reporting about the new gTLD
> process
>   in the mainstream press.
>   No matter how you look at it, from the outside this is a public relations
>   disaster -- it would be less so, perhaps, if the organization involved
> was
>   not mandated with Internet stability, safety and security. "We're
> working on
>   it, we'll get back to you" might be an acceptable response for a
> corporate
>   IT department, but not for the IT department of the Internet.
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: JJS
>     Sent: Apr 19, 2012 3:03 AM
>     To: Carlton Samuels
>     Cc: Beau Brendler , alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>     Subject: Re: [ALAC] Where is ALAC on the TAS problem?
>     I agree with Carlton that we can/should wait until the next (hopefully
>     conclusive) statement by the COO.
>    That being said, Beau makes several good points:
>    - this does seem to have the potential of impacting the user community,
> but
>   also of harming user trust in ICANN;
>    - we require a thorough account of what went wrong, in order to
> understand
>   whether the design was faulty, or the implementation;
>    - and yes, within ALAC and At-Large we should be mindful of the context
> in
>   which this incident is taking place: NTIA sending ICANN back to the
> drawing
>   board to better claim the IANA contract, a period of expectation before
> the
>   nomination of the next CEO, an overall sense of uncertainty regarding the
>   capability to receive numerous applications for new gTLDs and to process
>   them correctly.
>    So, if ICANN's report in the next few days does not properly address
> the TAS
>   problems, I think the ALAC should be prepared to voice its concern and
> offer
>   recommendations where necessary.
>    In  light  of  this, may I suggest that Beau, Carlton and a handful of
>   volunteers if required, make a note of what an ALAC statement would have
> to
>   include, in terse prose? As to the most efficient delivery, I would
> suggest
>   a letter from the ALAC Chair to the Chair of the Board (we did this a few
>   months ago, and it did have an impact), which could also be posted on a
>   couple of influential sites.
>    Best regards,
>   Jean-Jacques.
>   Le 19 avril 2012 07:16, Carlton Samuels <[1]carlton.samuels at gmail.com> a
>   écrit :
>     Beau:
>     Yes,  I do agree that there is a PI angle here.  And the ALAC has a
> duty
>     of
>     care.
>     I have been following the updates from both thru my 'watcher' on the
>     Announcements page as well as the Skype chat.  Those of us with some
>     technical skills do indeed have worries; Dev, for one, has privately
>     shared
>     a few, in fact in line with some of the questions you raised.
>     I've run a few operating support systems for a living so I confess some
>     sympathy here.  In my view, Akram's statement should give us pause; we
> now
>     have a proximate cause, a better understanding of the risk profile but
>     less
>     than useful hard facts on impact or origination/initiation. So, let's
> keep
>     our powder dry and wait till we see what they come with in the promised
>     'details' on Friday.
>     - Carlton
>     ==============================
>     Carlton A Samuels
>     Mobile: 876-818-1799
>     *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
>     =============================
>     On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Beau Brendler
>      <[2]beaubrendler at earthlink.net>wrote:
>   > Greetings, colleagues.
>   >
>   > Some discussions are taking place on the NCSG list about the TAS
> problem
>   > and the way ICANN is handling it. I do not see similar discussions
> taking
>   > place among the at-large. Pardon me if I have missed them. Indeed, I
>   > believe some have raised the issue in the skype chat of the TAS SNAFU
> (or,
>   > as my English relatives would call it, monumental cock-up), but with
> the
>   > opinion that end-users are not affected, so it's not worth worrying
> about.
>   >
>   > In my opinion the situation has become worse, to the degree I beg to
>   > differ -- the public interest is indeed affected. Note the most current
>   > communique from ICANN staff April 17:
>   > ---------------------------------------------------
>   > TAS Interruption - Update (17 April 2012)
>   > Statement by Akram Atallah, COO
>   > 17 April 2012
>   > ICANN's review of the technical glitch that resulted in the TLD
>   > application system being taken offline indicates that the issue stems
>   > from a problem in the way the system handled interrupted deletions of
>   > file attachments. This resulted in some applicants being able to see
>   > some other applicants' file names and user names.
>   > As reported yesterday, we are seeking confirmation that the solution we
>   > have implemented for this issue is effective.
>   > We are also conducting research to determine which applicants' file
>   > names and user names were potentially viewable, as well as which
>   > applicants had the ability to see them.
>   > Many organizations are seeking information on whether we will proceed
>   > with the planned publication of applied-for domain names on 30 April.
> We
>   > will update the target date for publication as part of our update on
> the
>   > timing of the reopening, no later than Friday, 20 April at 23.59 UTC.
>   > ---------------------------------------------------------------
>   > Note that ICANN was aware of this "glitch" almost a month previously,
> but
>   > apparently took no action. In my opinion (and others), this situation
> is
>   > going to escalate. Certainly it is in the public interest, even beyond
> the
>   > obvious issue that there may be problems with applications from
> would-be
>   > public-interest gTLD sponsors.
>   >
>   > * Is it not within the public interest to demand a full accounting of
> what
>   > went wrong with an integral system, indeed, the first "system," to be
>   > publicly rolled out in the "mechanical" application process for new
> gTLDs?
>   >
>   > * Was the TAS hacked? Coded incorrectly? Who performed the work? Who
>   > reviewed it? Can ICANN as an organization address the credibility
> problem
>   > created by this? How can the public expect that the safety, stability
> and
>   > security of the Internet will be safeguarded by ICANN, if at the first
>   > phase of the process the organization cannot field a working system for
>   > gTLD applications?
>   >
>   > * Is ICANN aware, regardless of the bureaucratic or technical processes
>   > involved, that together with the temporary loss of the IANA contract,
> the
>   > back-and-forth of the IOC/RC process, and now the TAS problem, an
> observer
>   > may conclude that the organization can't fulfill its mandate?
>   >
>   > What should the ALAC do (in my opinion)?
>   >
>   > * Call for a full, independent review of the TAS process from soup to
>   > nuts. Why was the technical problem not acted upon sooner? What
> emergency
>   > response protocols are in place? Any?
>   > * Offer to coordinate candidate selection for such a review, to help
>   > ensure the same people who made the mistakes are not reviewing their
> own
>   > work.
>   > * Determine what organizational problems within ICANN led to this
> failure.
>   > * Undertake an analysis of those problems to address whether such
>   > incompetence could spill over into the actual process of bringing new
>   gTLDs
>   > online, vis-a-vis the stability, safety and security of the Internet.
> Make
>   > that analysis comprehensive and, most important, public.
>   > * Undertake a review to determine if ICANN does, in fact, have the
>   > technical and organizational capabilities to actually execute its
> mission,
>   > and if not, fess up and hire some people who know what they are doing.
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   > _______________________________________________
>   > ALAC mailing list
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>   > ALAC Working Wiki:
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> References
>   1. mailto:carlton.samuels at gmail.com
>   2. mailto:beaubrendler at earthlink.net
>   3. mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>   4. https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac
>   5. http://www.atlarge.icann.org/
>   6.
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Advisory+Committee+(ALAC)
>   7. mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>   8. https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac
>   9. http://www.atlarge.icann.org/
>  10.
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Advisory+Committee+(ALAC)
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> ALAC Working Wiki:
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Evan Leibovitch
Toronto Canada

Em: evan at telly dot org
Sk: evanleibovitch
Tw: el56

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