[APAC-Discuss] Fwd: FY25 Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) Launches

Amrita Choudhury amritachoudhury at ccaoi.in
Wed May 29 13:23:59 UTC 2024


Sharing information on the CROP Funding available for FY25, so that you are

The first step would be for you to start planning your outreach and
engagement activities for FY25 and we will list it like earlier in the
APRALO O&E plan.The new format will be shared soon.

ItWe will share more information and guidelines  on the same soon.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 at 18:29
Subject: FY25 Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) Launches
To: crop-staff at icann.org <crop-staff at icann.org>
Cc: Pierre Dandjinou <pierre.dandjinou at icann.org>, Jia Rong Low <
jiarong.low at icann.org>, Save Vocea <save.vocea at icann.org>, Chris Mondini <
chris.mondini at icann.org>, Mikhail Anisimov <mikhail.anisimov at icann.org>,
Rodrigo De La Parra <rodrigo.delaparra at icann.org>, Baher Esmat <
baher.esmat at icann.org>, Naela Sarras <naela.sarras at icann.org>

Dear community leaders,

I am pleased to announce that the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Community
Regional Outreach Program (CROP) space is now ready for your use. The CROP
team invites all community leaders and groups to collaboratively work with
our regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) colleagues to develop
Outreach Strategic Plans for FY25.

The following aspects of CROP will continue to apply for FY25:

   - *Applicable geographic regions and countries within regions* – ICANN
   organization believes that it will allow for greater clarity as well as
   community flexibility in many cases to use the GSE list of countries and
   rather than the less detailed listing of official ICANN Public Meeting
   - Reimbursement for * conference registration fees* – while the general
   rule remains that conference registration fees are not part of CROP
   funding, for FY25, the ICANN organization has created *a limited
   exception* for cases where senior staff approval has been sought,
   obtained, and documented.
   - Using *1 out of 3 trip allocations to an ICANN Public Meeting or
   ICANN-organized event* – for FY25, any 1 out of the 3 trip allocations
   can be used to an ICANN Public Meeting or an ICANN-organized event (if one
   is taking place in the applicable region). The ICANN organization hopes
   this will provide the ICANN community with greater flexibility in planning
   their FY25 strategic outreach activities.
   - *7-week deadline* for trip requests – Trip proposals are due to the
   CROP administrator seven weeks before the start date of the proposed trip.
   Concurrence from the relevant l GSE regional vice president is due at least
   six weeks before the start date of the proposed trip.
   - *CROP staff lead* administrators – for FY25, the staff leads for this
   program will be Nathalie Peregrine for GNSO constituencies and Ozan Sahin
   for At-Large RALOs. We will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the
   applicable deadlines, following up on trip proposals and assessment
   reports, and to generally assist you with the program. However, please
   continue to send your queries and reports to the usual email address (
   crop-staff at icann.org).

On behalf of the CROP support team, regional GSE colleagues, and the Travel
Support team, I hope that your groups will find the FY25 CROP helpful in
conducting your regional strategic outreach activities.

The FY25 CROP space can be found here
We strongly encourage you to confirm your CROP Program Coordinators
and work with GSE colleagues to develop your Outreach Strategic Plans as
soon as possible so that you can start submitting your FY25 CROP trip

At-Large RALOs Workspace

GNSO Constituencies Workspace

Best regards,

CROP staff

Ozan Sahin

Policy Development Support Senior Specialist

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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