[APAC-Discuss] RECORDED / APRALO elections 2024

Priyatosh Jana priyatoshjana at gmail.com
Fri May 3 05:20:56 UTC 2024

Dear Yesim and all,
                  I am sharing my Statement of Interest and the PDF of SOI
is attached herewith for your kind perusal.

Dear APRALO Family,

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my nominator for
kindly putting me forward for the NomCom post. I also appreciate the
support I have received from everyone who has endorsed me. To have been
considered for such a significant role is an honour.

I work as the Vice President of Membership at the ISOC India Kolkata
Chapter in addition to being an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering (Cyber Security). I have three master's degrees: an MTech in
computer science and engineering, an MSc in computer science, an MPhil in
computer science, and a Ph.D. in progress. My current study revolves around
the use of AI, particularly Deep Learning in the field of Cyber Security.

I am a fellowship recipient of ICANN, ISOC Ambassador to IGF, IETF,
APrIGF,inSIG, NASIG and member of ALAC to a different Subcommittee WG at
ICANN. I was chosen and trained at the At-Large III Summit (ATLAS III) to
serve as an At-Large Ambassador. I have had wide experience in various
selection groups and working groups within ICANN, ISOC and many other
Internet Institutions, which has equipped me to effectively serve in this
capacity. I have been the selection committee member of IGF Youth
Ambassador Program, Early Career Fellowship, Mid Career Fellowship to
Global ISOC, AASC member to APRALO and Fellowship Committee Coconvener to
APrIGF. As a member of selection committees for multiple organizations, I
have consistently endeavoured to play a pivotal role in upholding
transparency, accountability, professional principles, and ethics. I have
the skill set to constructively contribute to the multi-stakeholder policy
creation process as a technologist, academic, and civil society activist,
and I am eager to use my varied endeavours.

It is evident that, in my capacity as an APRALO delegate to the NomCom, I
will be taking on duties and obligations that extend beyond the community I
serve. I am confident in my ability to be impartial and flexible enough to
provide the support that is needed. As stated in the NomCom charter,
choosing the best individuals to fill leadership positions requires
cooperation and effective communication between the NomCom and APRALO
leaders and members. I think this cooperation is essential to coming to an

In order to assist APRALO in fulfilling its mandate to represent the
interests of billions of Internet users before the ICANN and community, I
will be standing for the role of ALAC representative to the NomCom.
I agree to serve the term as a NomCom candidate and contribute my expertise
from my fellowship to various ICANN responsibilities, particularly with
regard to the At-large structure. Together with others, I will make sure
that a bottom-up consensus policy is implemented and that choices are made
based on consensus.Many of the regional and international ICANN leaders I
met encouraged me to be deeply committed to the organization's goal and to
consider the possible effects of ICANN decisions on the Internet community
at large.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for taking a look at my
nomination to be a Delegate to the NomCom, which has been approved by
APRALO and appointed by ALAC.

If appointed, I would pledge to the community that, in accordance with
ICANN bylaws, I would use my knowledge, experience, dedication,
understanding, sincerity, and devotion to the fullest extent possible.

Best Regards,

Priyatosh Jana

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 12:56 PM Yesim Saglam <yesim.nazlar at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear Priyatosh,
> Your nomination acceptance is recorded.
> Please kindly share your Statement of Interest if you will be using a
> different one from your e-mail below.
> Currently your e-mail below is posted as your SOI.
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Yeşim Sağlam
> *From: *Priyatosh Jana <priyatoshjana at gmail.com>
> *Date: *30 April 2024 Tuesday 10:52
> *To: *Yesim Saglam <yesim.nazlar at icann.org>, APAC-Discuss <
> apac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> *Cc: *Adarsh BU <adarsh.bu18 at gmail.com>, ICANN At-Large Staff <
> staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [APAC-Discuss] RECORDED / APRALO elections 2024
> Dear Yeşim and all,
>     I would like to firstly thank my nominator Adarsh BU for
> graciously nominating me for the NomCom position and I appreciate everyone
> who has supported my nomination. I am honoured to be nominated for this
> important position. I cordially accept the nomination for the position of
> ALAC delegate to the NomCom from APRALO.
>    I believe the role of nomcom is a unique one that requires experience
> within ICANN, internet ecosystem and beyond.My several years in association
> with APRALO as well as ICANN of learning and engagement in various capacity
> as Fellow, ATLAS ambassador,APRALO mentoring process etc, would enable me
> to serve,work and stand shoulder to shoulder with present leaders to
> achieve the APRALOs mission and vision of the community,by the
> community,for the community.It is not only an opportunity but also a
> responsibility to me to be nominated for this position and I will act with
> respect of ICANN bylaws.
>     Best regards,
>    Priyatosh Jana
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 2:37 PM Yesim Saglam via APAC-Discuss <
> apac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
> Dear Adarsh,
> Your nomination is recorded.
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Yeşim Sağlam
> *From: *Adarsh BU <adarsh.bu18 at gmail.com>
> *Date: *20 April 2024 Saturday 19:09
> *To: *ICANN At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>, APAC-Discuss <
> apac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] [APAC-Discuss] APRALO elections 2024
> Hi Everyone,
> I would like to nominate Priyatosh Jana as a ALAC Delegate to the NomCom.
> *Thanks and Regards*
> *ADARSH B U Secretary, ISOC India Bengaluru Chapter,*
> *Past Founder & Chair, ISOC-Rural-Development-SIG,*
> *Past Joint Secretary, ISOC India Hyderabad Chapter,*
> *Adhoc-MAG, Multistakeholder Advisory Group, Youth IGF India*
> *IETF, ISOC, SANOG, APSIG & inSIG fellow  | IIESoc & IEEE member PH:
> +91-99162-90062*
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