[APAC-Discuss] (Please read & action) IMPORTANT - Notice to Motion the Adoption of APRALO ROP 2024

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Tue Jun 25 09:12:53 UTC 2024

Dear ALSes and UIMs,

We are glad to share the final draft of the APRALO Rules of Procedure (RoP) 2024 [drive.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1L3AsU8stUXIKc4YE54Nfzi990B0Hcmw1/view__;!!PtGJab4!6jiM78JnosE88zNoBbTkOKze-adXwwxQTosU6EPGU-6BuAJcuY3oavUryONNuGejxvXMYaAIIi8IHt9G8IptCFpUEEcfKYtYCaNtOg$> for your perusal.


As many of you may recall, at the General Assembly 2023 held in Istanbul in September 2023, it was discussed and agreed that the existing APRALO RoP of 2014 needed to be revised to meet more current requirements. The APRALO ROPs Review Working Group was subsequently reconstituted to complete the work on the same. On 2 February the final draft developed by the working group was shared with the community for input and following that input process, was forwarded to ICANN Legal for vetting.

Important : Please visit the dedicated page on APRALO ROP2024 Adoption Wiki Page<https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+ROP+2024+ADOPTION> for more details.

In terms of next steps for its adoption:
·  Kindly review the attached Final Draft of APRALO ROP 2024 and relay any queries to staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>
·  Do attend the next APRALO Monthly Call on 18 July 2024 at 06:00 UTC, where the Working Group Co-Chairs, Cheryl and Justine, will provide a brief presentation on the APRALO RoP 2024 for approval and address queries received (if any).
·  The adoption process will take place from 19 July to 2 August via online voting conducted with the APRALO electorate. As per the existing RoP Section 23. Amendment of the Rules of Procedure, Subsection 23.1, approval of any modification of the APRALO Rules of Procedure requires a Supermajority vote of the APRALO.


Mover: Amrita Choudhury

Seconder: Cherie Lagakali

1.     The APRALO had adopted its current APRALO Rules of Procedure (ROP) on 26 March 2014.
2.     The APRALO had constituted an APRALO Rules of Procedure Working Group (APRALO ROPs Review WG) in 2019 for the purpose of reviewing and improving the existing APRALO ROP.
3.     The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) had ratified the ALS (At-Large Structure) Mobilization Working Party Report on 4 December 2020 and the Unaffiliated Individual Members (UIM) Mobilization Working Party Report on 25 March 2021.
4.     In light of the ALAC's ratification of the 2 mentioned Working Party Reports, the APRALO ROPs Review WG concluded that a review of the existing APRALO ROP must include consideration of the recommendations of the 2 Working Party Reports.
5.     Early work on reviewing and improving the existing APRALO ROP was discussed at the APRALO General Assembly 2023 held in Istanbul, Türkiye on 12-13 September 2023.
6.     Following the APRALO General Assembly 2023, the APRALO ROPs Review WG was reconstituted in early October 2023.
7.     The APRALO ROPs Review WG completed its substantial review and redrafting of the existing APRALO ROP in January 2024, and with the draft ROP of 31 January 2024 having undergone vetting by ICANN Legal, the APRALO ROPs Review WG Co-Chairs Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew then completed a final check and generated the Final Draft APRALO ROP 2024 as at 3 May 2024 [drive.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1L3AsU8stUXIKc4YE54Nfzi990B0Hcmw1/view?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!6jiM78JnosE88zNoBbTkOKze-adXwwxQTosU6EPGU-6BuAJcuY3oavUryONNuGejxvXMYaAIIi8IHt9G8IptCFpUEEcfKYsnnfHBzg$> for adoption by APRALO.

1.     The Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO) adopts the APRALO Rules of Procedure 2024 dated 3 May 2024, including the accompanying Adjunct Documents ("APRALO ROP 2024") effectively immediately.
2.     The APRALO directs At-Large Support staff to post the APRALO ROP 2024 on the APRALO website and relevant wiki space.

Thank you.
Kind regards,
APRALO Leadership
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