[APAC-Discuss] Congratulations to our APRALO ALS leaders

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 23:40:37 UTC 2021

Big congratulations to Cherie Lagakali of Fiji and Chair of PICISOC (one of
our APRALO ALSes), has just been announced as a member of the Global IGF
MAG 2022. It is a great honour for the Pacific that Cherie has been
selected as she has worked very hard over several years on behalf of our

Also, it may have been mentioned before, but recently Lianna Galstyan, Vice
Chair of APRALO, from ISOC Armenia, was appointed to the Advisory Council
of the Public Interest Registry (which manages .ORG).  Congratulations to

Another APRALO member already on the PIRAC is Nadira AlAraj.

If anyone else has other news related to APRALO members do let us know. We
all need to share in these internet-related successes. 😊

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