[APAC-Discuss] CALL FOR EOIs for the ALAC/At-Large ICANN Fellowship Mentor - Deadline: 10 December 2021

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Fri Dec 3 19:29:10 UTC 2021

Dear All,

Maureen Hilyard, Chair of the ALAC, is requesting Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to represent the ALAC/At-Large as an ICANN Fellowship Mentor. Details of the position are noted in the announcement below.

EOIs for either the position of ALAC/At-Large Fellowship Mentor should be sent to At-Large staff by Friday, 10 December 2021 at 23:59 UTC.

The 2022 ALAC Appointee Selection Committee (AASC) will review all EoIs and appoint the ALAC/At-Large ICANN Fellowship Mentor.

Details of the ICANN Fellowship Mentors are below:

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) invites its Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs) to nominate volunteers to serve as mentors in its Fellowship Program. There will be a total of seven mentors and each group is welcome to nominate one individual for the role.

Interested SOs/ACs should select their respective Fellowship Program mentor by Friday, 25 February 2022 and notify fellowshipconsultation at icann.org<mailto:fellowshipconsultation at icann.org>. Individual self-nominations will not be considered.

  *   Mentors:

     *   Mentors support up to eight fellows per meeting. Mentors will assist newcomers and returning fellows to become actively involved in the ICANN community and its policy development processes, working groups, and regional work.

     *   Mentors generally must plan on a time commitment of approximately 30-40 hours before, during, and immediately after each ICANN Public Meeting. This includes extensive pre-meeting preparation, support for their assigned fellows during ICANN meetings, and post-meeting reporting.
     *   Each mentor will serve a term that includes three consecutive ICANN Public Meetings, beginning with ICANN75.
     *   The role is open to all experienced community members; mentors are not required to have been involved previously with the Fellowship Program.
     *   Mentors are expected to follow Fellowship Program guidelines [icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.icann.org/resources/pages/fellowship-mentoring-guidelines-2018-12-13-en__;!!PtGJab4!vf5aLnsaVkEbdrYlrpVbOoheuUcH3V_A6mlirNDL7wOe5aA2WJpkiEpOgZGI1IhsZ58EkFAC$> to help ensure consistency in capacity development opportunities for fellows and to help fellows actively participate in ICANN's work.
     *   Mentors will receive travel funding support (if applicable).

For more information on the guidelines and expectations, please go here [icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.icann.org/resources/pages/fellowship-mentoring-2018-10-15-en__;!!PtGJab4!vf5aLnsaVkEbdrYlrpVbOoheuUcH3V_A6mlirNDL7wOe5aA2WJpkiEpOgZGI1IhsZ9tC8KWg$> for additional details on the Mentorship program.

Kind regards,
At-Large support staff

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Website: atlarge.icann.org<https://atlarge.icann.org/>
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