[APAC-Discuss] Thank you!!!

Siranush Vardanyan siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 26 12:39:47 UTC 2014

Dear APRALO colleagues,
It was indeed a great pleasure and unique opportunity to meet all in person.
London meeting was very informative and productive.
Our discussions here related to focus areas (Maureen, great summary indeed) were important and we are looking forward to see the feedback from all ALSs to move from identification to the implementation phase.
As I mentioned during our GA, this is up to each and every one of us to work effectively and we already proved during London meeting that we are a very talented group of professionals, diverse but at the same united team and we can work together to improve the communication among ourselves and support many end-users, whose voices we are presenting as certified ALSs.
I would like to wish each and every one safe flights back, have a good rest after full one week meetings in London and enjoy reunions with families, brothers and sisters.
Looking forward to our future contributions and active participation.
SiranushAPRALO Chair

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