[WHOIS-WG] Reminder: Whois Registrant ID Study Webinar Invitation

At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Tue Mar 5 10:37:51 UTC 2013

Whois Registrant ID Study Webinar Invitation
You are invited to a review of the findings of the Registrant ID Study Draft
Report, recently published for public comment. The authors of the report
(NORC) and ICANN Policy Staff will provide a briefing on Wednesday 6 March
at 12.00 UTC and Wednesday 6 March at 19.00 UTC to summarize the findings
from the WHOIS Registrant ID Study.

The webinar will cover the methodology used to compile the data and provide
an analysis of the findings. The two sessions will be identical, scheduled
to accommodate different time zones. Each session, scheduled to run 90
minutes, will be conducted in English only. The meeting will be run in Adobe
Connect with a slide presentation along with a dial-in conference bridge for
audio. During the course of the webinar, questions may be submitted using
the chat function of Adobe Connect. Participants also will have the
opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session. If you are not able
to participate in either of the live sessions, a recording of the session
will be made available shortly after the meeting. The policy staff always is
available to answer questions that you email to policy-staff at icann.org
<mailto:policy-staff at icann.org> .

In order to participate, please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat
(gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org <mailto:gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org> )
to receive the call details. Please indicate which call you would like to
join, Wednesday at 12.00 UTC or Wednesday at 19.00 UTC (to convert those
times into your local time, see:
<http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html> ). We will send you
an email reminder before the event with log-in and dial-in details. Please
DO NOT RSVP to any other ICANN staff members e-mail address.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie
Peregrine and Julia Charvolen
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org

One World, One Internet

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