[NA-Discuss] RECORDED / Nomination ALAC Position

Judith Hellerstein judith at jhellerstein.com
Wed Apr 10 17:29:52 UTC 2024

Dear NARALO Members,

Just a quick note to let you know that I have updated my statement on the NARALO 
Election page, 

and the At Large election Page in the NARALO section, scroll to the bottom. 

My SOI is also listed there and here, 

and for your convenience, I am also attaching my Statement to this email.  I 
look forward to hearing any questions or comments and to your support of my 



Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO
Hellerstein & Associates
3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008
Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein
Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517
E-mail:Judith at jhellerstein.com    Website:www.jhellerstein.com
Linked In:www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/
Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide

On 4/1/24 10:38 AM, Yesim Saglam wrote:
> Dear Judith,
> Your nomination acceptance is recorded.
> As the next steps:
>  1. Please update your At-Large SOI page
>     <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Judith+Hellerstein+SOI>.
>  2. Send a brief statement explaining why you are a suitable candidate.
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Yeşim Sağlam
> *From: *Judith Hellerstein <judith at jhellerstein.com>
> *Date: *1 April 2024 Monday 16:54
> *To: *Glenn McKnight <mcknight.glenn at gmail.com>
> *Cc: *NA Discuss <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>, ICANN At-Large Staff 
> <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [NA-Discuss] Nomination ALAC Position
> HI Glenn and other NARALO Members
> I graciously accept your nomination and will be honored to serve in this 
> capacity. Being an ALAC Member is such an important role within the At Large 
> Community and I would be honored to assume this role should I be elected.  I 
> will update my SOI and statement of Interest
> Best,
> Judith
> Sent from my iPad
> judith at jhellerstein.com
> Skype ID:JudithHellerstein
>     On Apr 1, 2024, at 9:39 AM, Glenn McKnight via NA-Discuss
>     <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
>     Hi All
>     Please acknowledge the nomination of Judith Hellerstein for the ALAC
>     position for the NARALO election
>     Thanks
>     Glenn McKnight, MA
>     Virtual School of Internet Governance
>     Chief Information Officer
>     www.virtualsig.org [virtualsig.org]
>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.virtualsig.org__;!!PtGJab4!_MP63NYEFY5JyV4dCTRiL9SbKv5ql1Hcr4a5fF-06LVygZF5D-XzyiU1TFgcncIaysHJCT-MUwZdRSyJL_jdT4uMbcxdoA$>
>     *Mobile  437-237-4655*
>     ------
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>     Visit the NARALO online at http://www.naralo.org
>     ------
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