[NA-Discuss] REMINDER: RESPONSES REQUESTED: An end user perspective: The next gTLD application window

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Mon Jun 12 14:51:50 UTC 2023

Comments left.
Thanks for the starting point.

I think the biggest challenge (IMO) is focus.

ALAC and its sub-groups need to stop worrying about things that are mainly
of interest to those who buy and sell domains (closed generics, community
applications) and pay more attention to where we can have the most impact
(such as public education).

As one example... regarding UA.

Rather than ALAC wading in at a policy level regarding technical
incompatibilities between private sector actors (ie, between TLD registries
and the websites that don't accept them). ALAC has a major role to play in
documenting these incompatibilities. If dot-gallery email addresses aren't
valid on the American Airlines website (to use Greg's example), we should
be documenting that and alerting end-users of where the new domains don't
work. It's harder work than a mere policy statement and it's embarrassing
to the parties involved ... but maybe our most effective path is to
embarrass players into action rather than trying to bend ICANN policy or
cheerleading its sales campaigns.


Evan Leibovitch, Toronto Canada
@evanleibovitch / @el56

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 9:55 AM Greg Shatan [NARALO] via NA-Discuss <
na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> All,
> I have now populated the draft with my thoughts and my impressions of the
> possible "NARALO view" on these topics.  Please read and react before this
> afternoon's panel where it will be the basis of my remarks.  Thanks!
> Greg
> On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 1:19 PM Greg Shatan [NARALO] <
> gregshatanalac at gmail.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> Second request to provide end-user perspectives on the next round of new
>> gTLDs.  I've created a Google Doc that you can put your thoughts into, or
>> you can respond to this email if you prefer.  I haven't written anything
>> yet but I will (particularly if no one else does).
>> The link to our responsive document is
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1abHgHXAp1cR6x47gkdOjZy2bza3zbb_exW4MS2FUMDA/edit?usp=sharing
>> The topics are as follows:
>>    1.
>>    Experiences from the previous round
>>    1.
>>       2.
>>    RALO expectations and needs from the next round
>>    1.
>>       3.
>>    How should the RALOs prepare for the next round?
>>    1.
>>       4.
>>    Promoting the new round (the end user perspective)
>>    1.
>>       5.
>>    Specific issues in the next round
>>    1.
>>       Applicant Support
>>       1.
>>          2.
>>       IDNs/Universal Acceptance
>>       1.
>>          3.
>>       Community applications
>>       1.
>>          4.
>>       Closed Generics
>>       1.
>>          5.
>>       Private Auctions
>>       1.
>>          6.
>>       ALAC Standing to Object
>>       1.
>>          7.
>>       Anything else?
>>       1.
>> I know you have opinions!  Please share them.  Thank you!
>> Greg
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Greg Shatan [NARALO] <gregshatanalac at gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 4:24 PM
>> Subject: RESPONSES REQUESTED: An end user perspective: The next gTLD
>> application window
>> To: NA Discuss <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>> NARALO Members,
>> Please review the email below and reply to all with your thoughts ASAP.
>> Since the responses will be used by me in a discussion at 1:45 PM Monday,
>> and Monday morning is very full for NARALO, it would be best to have this
>> substantially developed by Sunday evening. (!)
>> Thank you!
>> Greg
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: ICANN At-Large Staff via Secretariat <
>> secretariat at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>> Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 03:24
>> Subject: [Secretariat] **IMPORTANT ACTION RALO Leaders ** | ICANN 77
>> Policy Session: An end user perspective: The next gTLD application window
>> To: secretariat at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>> <secretariat at atlarge-lists.icann.o
>> ***REQUEST/CALL TO ACTION:* RALO leaders, in the upcoming days, please
>> consult your members and be prepared to share your input during the ICANN77
>> session.**
>> Dear RALO leaders,
>> At ICANN77, the ALAC is hosting a community session on the end user
>> perspective ahead of the next gTLD application window on Monday, 12
>> June, 13:45 - 15:00.  The session will be a round table discussion of
>> the five ICANN RALOs on the new gTLD program. Focusing on topics such as:
>>    - Applicant Support
>>    - IDNs/UA
>>    - Community applications
>>    - Promoting the new round
>>    - Experiences from the previous round
>>    - RALOs expectations and needs of the next gTLDs rounds
>> *The role of the RALOs during this session is to provide input from
>> Internet end users on the next gTLD round*. The session will help us
>> facilitate communications to prospective and possible applicants with
>> general focus on end users needs and interests.
>> ***REQUEST/CALL TO ACTION:* RALO leaders, in the upcoming days, please
>> consult your members and be prepared to share your input during the ICANN77
>> session.**
>>  The Planning Document for this session, including the draft agenda, is
>> here:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_7p5AKZg6hc_rWWzy9idmu38-YIaWl29ImaQcVm8VE/edit#heading=h.uqt8o0rxdl1n
>> .
>> Thank you.
>> Kind regards,
>> At-Large Staff
>> ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
>> Website: atlarge.icann.org [atlarge.icann.org]
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/atlarge.icann.org/__;!!PtGJab4!_FMj7a2EPuPDkroB-rK14maJu_K60gc2PNnv3Fj8XoeN21t64MmZnYifVKY5LWA-qFvnjB9Kvznf0E5mzRRf_g$>
>> Facebook: facebook.com/icann [facebook.com]
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>> _______________________________________________
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>> --
>> *Greg Shatan*
>> *Chair, NARALO*
>> --
>> *Greg Shatan*
>> *Chair, NARALO*
> --
> *Greg Shatan*
> *Chair, NARALO*
> ------
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> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/na-discuss
> Visit the NARALO online at http://www.naralo.org
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