[NA-Discuss] Geographic Regions Statement

Eric Brunner-Williams ebw at abenaki.wabanaki.net
Fri Jan 28 01:46:13 UTC 2011


Get yourself straight any way you can, the exclusion of Mexico from 
North America ensures that Anglophones, and perhaps the token 
Francophone (singular), will be preferentially selected every time 
ICANN attempts to meet a regional diversity goal.

This leaves 50 million residents of the United States and Canada, only 
represented through a second European language.

I pointed out the fact that the Greenland Home Rule government, while 
a dependency of the Danish State, is an Indigenous government of the 
Americas. This drew a confused response from Darlene Thompson who 
apparently confuses governments, like the one she works for, with 
immigrant non-European languages. The geographic region issue is about 
iso3166 states, not languages, and the exclusion of Mexico from "North 
America" is as irrational as putting Greenland or Quebec in "Europe".

I pointed out the fact that migration has changed the largest 
indigenous language in the US from Dine (Navajo) to Nahuatl, Mixtex 
and Zapotec, approximating the unified Ojib-Crees in Canada as a 
group, and separating Indigenous migrants along the hyper-militarized 
US frontier is as absurd as Canada's refusal to abide by the Jay 
Treaty (1794), allowing free passage of Indians between the US and 
Canada. This drew the surprising 21st-century-Indians-speak-English 
response from John Levine, utterly missing the importance of language 
and cultural de-assimilation to assimilated Indians, and the reality 
that Indian migrants from Indian communities in Mexico retain locality 
in North America, due to the ease of first-language and shared values.

I don't know what to do with mention-Indians-get-Hindi. I don't know 
what to do with mention-migration-get-English-only either.

I do know that today Jefferson Keel, Chickasaw Nation, delivered the 
State of Indian Nations address, and today is a really lame ass day to 
subordinate Indian interests to non-Indian interests, for something as 
ephemeral as the ITU boogie man, or Anglo self-preference.

I understand most of NARALO is Anglophone, and Anglophones have their 
issues with non-Anglophones, but where I grew up Spanish was as common 
as English and was Mexico until the middle of the 19th century.

My pointing out that Indians are structurally overlooked by ICANN's 
North American centric structure hasn't changed that a wit in ten 
years. Mexican Indians are Indians. It doesn't do Indians in the 
Americas a wit of good to ignore the largest population of Indians in 
the Americas north of Panama, or ignore the largest population of 
Indians speaking Indian languages in the United States.


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