[NA-Discuss] Finally, after decades of waiting....

Evan Leibovitch evanleibovitch at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 00:38:11 UTC 2023

... there is finally a decent video out that explains Internet domains in
plain, dare I say accessible, language.

So ... at the Christmas or other holiday party or dinner(s) you attend this
year, you can finally explain to your technophobic friends and family what
this ICANN stuff is all about and why you spend time on it. Made by a
British YouTube channel that normally talks (entertainingly) about maps,
appropriately named Map Men:


More than 800K views in its first two days. I agree with and everything
said, especially their closing "nonsensical" thoughts from 10:01 to 10:52.

Evan Leibovitch, Toronto Canada
@evanleibovitch / @el56
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