[lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Fwd: [At-Large] The SSAC has published SAC124

apisan at unam.mx apisan at unam.mx
Tue May 7 19:32:02 UTC 2024

[[-- Translated text (en -> es) --]]


 Además del mensaje original sobre la recomendación del SSAC sobre colisiones de nombres de dominio, aquí hay un artículo de prensa que explica la recomendación en términos simples, aunque para hacerlo selecciona solo una de las 11 recomendaciones contenidas en SAC124.

 Los futuros proponentes de nuevos gTLD tendrán que considerar, entre otras novedades, el nuevo flujo de trabajo de colisión de nombres, si se adopta. Recomiendo encarecidamente que los representantes de LACRALO voten a favor, cuando llegue el momento; Por supuesto, debería realizarse una consulta adecuada sobre todo el paquete.


 Alejandro Pisanty

De: lac-discuss-en <lac-discuss-en-bounces en atlarge-lists.icann.org> en nombre de Alejandro Pisanty <apisanty en gmail.com>
Enviado: martes, 7 de mayo de 2024 10:14 a. m.
Para: LACRALO discussion list; LAC-Discuss-en
Asunto: [lac-discuss-en] Fwd: [At-Large] The SSAC has published SAC124


I am sending this important note on the English-language LACRALO list as it contains contacts originated in English. This is an extremely important report from the SSAC (ask if you need more information about it), regarding domain name collisions. I have sent not the original SSAC posting but the comment on its process which then includes the original SSAC posting.

End users in small organizations and individuals, such as LACRALO purports to represent and whose interests LACRALO represents itself as a steward, are particularly liable to hurt from domain name collisions, because some of these collisions involve names often used in the management of local-area networks or small ISPs, where there is no availability of the kind of technical staff and expertise, or the ability to hire third-party services or consultants, to configure things appropriately.

Every ALS in LACRALO should get technical advice either from its own members and staff or from neighbors, friends, and allies, and their service providers, to be able to take part in this development and to prevent policy development that may lead to further damage. This is an important input and constraint on new gTLDs.

Alejandro Pisanty

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andrey Kolesnikov via At-Large <at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org>>
Date: Tue, May 7, 2024 at 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [At-Large] The SSAC has published SAC124
To: Matthias M. Hudobnik <matthias en hudobnik.at<mailto:matthias en hudobnik.at>>, At-Large Worldwide <at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org>>

Thank you Matthias!
It is worth noting that the project implementation spanned many years with numerous days and hours invested by the SSAC working group under the guidance of Suzanne & Matt. The project also required active involvement from ICANN org and many other ICANN stakeholders. This document stands as a testament to meticulous work, countless discussions, debates and compromises.
Great job!


On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 12:20 PM Matthias M. Hudobnik via At-Large <at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large en atlarge-lists.icann.org>> wrote:
Hi colleagues, the SSAC has published SAC124.

### SSAC Advice on Name Collision Analysis (SAC124):

The SSAC provides its advice on name collision analysis based on the NCAP Study Two report. The SSAC fully endorses the findings and recommendations presented in the report and recommends the ICANN Board adopt and implement these recommendations.
The SSAC supports the centralized and coordinated approach proposed by Study Two. This approach is essential for implementing effective measures to mitigate the two data-access-related risks associated with name collisions:

•         Delegation Risk: Privacy and risks to users and end systems from name collisions associated with the delegation of a TLD.

•         Assessment Risk: Privacy risks associated with the execution of data collection methods in the proposed Name Collision Risk Assessment Framework.
While acknowledging ICANN org's privacy concerns around the proposed data collection methods, the SSAC offers three considerations:

•         Privacy risks are inherent in managing name collision risk due to ICANN's role in coordinating gTLD allocation and assignment.

•         Avoiding data collection does not resolve delegation privacy risks, but rather transfers these risks to third parties, potentially amplifying harm.

•         Effective management of security, stability and resiliency risks requires a proactive approach to name collision identification and mitigation.
Based on these, the SSAC recommends prioritizing solutions that allow sufficient data collection and analysis to properly inform name collision mitigation strategies. Failing to mitigate delegation risks due to assessment risk concerns would threaten DNS security/stability and end-user privacy.
The SSAC's recommendations are:

•         Adopt and implement all recommendations in NCAP Study Two.

•         Prioritize finding appropriate solutions within the proposed framework that enable sufficient data collection and analysis for mitigation.

•         The SSAC welcomes engagement from ICANN org and offers its expertise.
The SSAC acknowledges more work is needed on privacy aspects and looks forward to collaborating with ICANN org and privacy experts.

Link to the report: https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/security-and-stability-advisory-committee-ssac-reports/sac-124-01-05-2024-en.pdf.

Have a nice day!


Ing. Mag. Matthias M. Hudobnik


matthias en hudobnik.at<mailto:matthias en hudobnik.at>



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     Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
Facultad de Química UNAM
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