[lac-discuss-en] [At-Large] Vistaprint is abandoning .vista

Roberto Gaetano roberto_gaetano at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 12 11:40:00 UTC 2018

I don’t want to open a big can of worms, but there are substantial differences between applications. Some are in view of having a financial return, some for the promotion of a brand, some for the support of a community, some just to widen the access to the internet for people using different languages and scripts…. I don’t think that the current “one size fits all” approach of $185K+$25K/year is appropriate, but I also think that changing the figures but keeping the approach will be of any help for the community as a whole.

PS: I keep LACRALO in cc, but my message is likely to be rejected because I am not a member thereof

> On 12.07.2018, at 05:49, bzs at theworld.com wrote:
> A major problem with nTLDs, including (and particularly) brand nTLDS,
> is ICANN should have charged, and should going forward, millions for
> them, not $185K+$25K/year.
> And if any were deserving but not financially capable they could be
> handled on a case by case basis. It's not like it's difficult to give
> something away so let's not bog ourselves down in that.
> I think $2.5M for a new gTLD and $5M for a brand TLD sounds pretty
> reasonable, and $100K/$250K/year, maybe more.
> To quote a recent note here it's not much for a Fortune 500 company.
> -- 
>        -Barry Shein
> Software Tool & Die    | bzs at TheWorld.com             | http://www.TheWorld.com
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