[lac-discuss-en] VOTE ANNOUNCEMENT: LACRALO Vote on Motion Proposed by Alejandro Pisanty / Voto de LACRALO sobre la Mocion propuesta por Alejandro Pisanty

Jacqueline Morris jam at jacquelinemorris.com
Wed Jul 29 20:41:47 UTC 2015

Thank you

Jacqueline A. Morris
Technology should be like oxygen: Ubiquitous, Necessary, Invisible and
Free. (after Chris Lehmann <http://twitter.com/chrislehmann> )

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob at gmail.com>

>  Dear Jacqueline,
> Alberto and I discussed your proposal and we believe this is a good
> solution for the problem that we face now.
> I believe Alejandro Pisanty does not have any problem with this.
> We are going to hold the poll for the 2 weeks.
> Regards
> El 29/07/2015 a las 08:48 p.m., Jacqueline Morris escribió:
>  Dear all
> If it was proposed on July 20th in the meeting, why was it only posted to
> the list as a motion over a week later? Some of us work and cannot attend
> the meetings at the proposed time. The list acts as the virtual GA.
> I'd like to request a hold on the poll for the 2 weeks per rule 11.2 so
> that all of us have the requisite 2 weeks to consider the motion, and any
> points of order thereof.
> Sincerely
> Jacqueline Morris
>  Jacqueline A. Morris
> Technology should be like oxygen: Ubiquitous, Necessary, Invisible and
> Free. (after Chris Lehmann <http://twitter.com/chrislehmann> )
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  Dear Dev,
>> Your quotation is right. However, the same rule says, "As a general
>> rule", which means that there is an exception. It is true that we did not
>> wait 2 weeks. The reason is because Alejandro Pisanty proposed this
>> resolution the 20th of July in our general meeting with translation in
>> English, Spanish and Portuguese.  We understood that the proposal had been
>> known for a significant number of members of LACRALO on day 20th of July.
>> Also, the proposal does not seem to be a complex motion that requires
>> detailed analysis. Therefore, we used the exceptional power to vote on this
>> motion without waiting the two weeks period.
>> In any case, we will put the motion for comments as you requested on the
>> wiki.
>> Regards
>> El 29/07/2015 a las 11:56 a.m., Dev Anand Teelucksingh escribió:
>>  I'm continue to be very disappointed at Alberto Soto and Humberto
>> Carassco in the performance of their duties as chair and secretariat.
>> As per Rule 11.2 As a general rule, no draft resolution or amendment
>> shall be discussed or put to the vote unless it has been circulated
>> sufficiently in advance, but in no case less than two weeks, to all
>> participants in the working languages of the Assembly.
>> Can be motion be put on the wiki for comment? I'll comment on the motion
>> there, since there is an amendment I'll suggest.
>>  Kind Regards,
>>  Dev Anand
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM, ICANN At-Large Staff <
>> staff at atlarge.icann.org> wrote:
>>>   == EN ==
>>>  Dear All,
>>>  Do you support Mr. Alejandro Pisanty’s motion? Formal Motion from
>>> Alejandro Pisanty:
>>>  a. LACRALO’s Chair and Secretariat shall do an Agenda with policy
>>> issues for discussion.
>>> b. The first 30 minutes of each monthly call shall be focused on debate
>>> of current ICANN public consultations.
>>> * Yes
>>> * No
>>> * Abstain
>>>  == ES ==
>>>  Hola a todos,
>>>  ¿Usted apoya la moción de Alejandro Pisanty?
>>>  a. que la Presidencia y la Secretaría hagan una agenda de temas de
>>> políticas para su discusión
>>> b. que los primeros 30' de cada sesión mensual se dediquen a temas
>>> sustantivos de debate de políticas en curso en consultas públicas de ICANN
>>>  *Si
>>> *No
>>> *Abstención
>>>    Regards,
>>>  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie
>>> Peregrine and Terri Agnew
>>> ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
>>> E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org
>>> Facebook: www.facebook.com/icann <https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
>>> atlarge <https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
>>> Twitter: @ <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>ICANNAtLarge
>>> <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>
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