[lac-discuss-en] 193 Application FUNDETIC BOLIVIA

vanda at uol.com.br vanda at uol.com.br
Fri Mar 7 17:17:12 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: 193 Application FUNDETIC BOLIVIA 
 From: vanda at uol.com.br

 What is relevant is to have profit! 
 All organizations seeking resources offering services, either 
 getting help from governments against their services or provide 
 sua services to reach your clients to achieve social objectives. 
 For example, ICANN is a nonprofit organization but charge 
 their services. Although its focus is to maintain stability and security 
 rede, has an important role to users (and as we would support, 
 ALAC us RALOS and if non are dedicated to users?) 
 ICANN may not be an ALS? I think if that should be. 
 Again my 2 cents. 
 Vanda Scartezini 
 Polo Consultores Associados 
 Av Paulista 1159, 1004 cj 
 01311-200 - Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 

 On 03/07/14 10:46, &quot;Humberto Carrasco&quot; <hcarrascob at gmail.com> wrote: 
 > Thank you Alberto, 
 > Slo comment. Bringing you pose is meant to look like 
 > Our organizations can not charge any activity. 
 > Up to universities and non-profit must sometimes acquire sum 
 > Simblicas to help achieve their goals. 
 > I return to disagree on this point. The fact that charged for something, 
 > Means going against our bylaws or a certification. 
 > However, I appreciate having generated this healthy debate. 
 > A hug 
 > On 03/07/2014 1:41 pm, Alberto Soto wrote: 
 Humberto &gt;&gt; Hi, may agree with you that the bylaws may 
 >> Meet, but it will seem totally contradicts with the discussion in 
 The &gt;&gt; 
 Please choose the web &gt;&gt; institution. All of the two examples you cite, 
 May &gt;&gt; 
 Be considered &gt;&gt; stamp by Da World Internet 
 >> Where 
 Mentioned &gt;&gt; to the peasants.This would be commendable if actions 
 Previous &gt;&gt; provide the information and knowledge required, no 
 Only &gt;&gt; 
 >> For that event, but actually actions that indicate the beginning and 
 Continuity &gt;&gt; 
 User &gt;&gt; Internet. 
 The other example &gt;&gt; &quot;My web&quot; is to &quot;under joint price&quot;, ie 
 That &gt;&gt; 
 >> Who can not pay, will have no. 
 My personal conclusion &gt;&gt; The Statute differs greatly, both 
 >> Actions 
 >> Mission and the organization as purely commercial orientation and 
 >> Particularly towards the government, which does not satisfy the conditions 
 To certify &gt;&gt;. If you do what the statute says, will coincide, but 
 Est &gt;&gt; 
 Doing things like &gt;&gt; nico allfigura study, with conclusions 
 Commercial &gt;&gt; that serve to provide its services to companies and 
 >> Government.
 Best regards &gt;&gt; 
 Alberto Soto &gt;&gt; 
 ----- Original Message ----- &gt;&gt; 
 >> From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >> [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of 
 Humberto Carrasco &gt;&gt; 
 >> Sent: Friday, March 7, 2014 9:49 a.m. 
 >> To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >> Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-es] application FUNDETIC 193 BOLIVIA 
 Estimated &gt;&gt; Alberto, 
 I just put in &gt;&gt; the wiki the reasons why I disagree with you and 
 Should &gt;&gt; understand that if accepted the certification of this organization. 
 >> Notwithstanding this, the aquabajo copy. 
 Greetings &gt;&gt; 
 Estimated &gt;&gt; Alberto, 
 >> First of all appreciate your analysis on this postulacin. Without 
 >> But let me disagree with you for the following reasons: 
 >> 1 -. Throughout my analysis of postulacina judgment must be a 
 So &gt;&gt; analysis and one line.So says the relationship analysis 
 >> With 
 Statutes or regulations &gt;&gt; governing the applicant organization. The 
 Analysis &gt;&gt; 
 Background &gt;&gt; says relationship with the actions that have been made for the benefit 
 The &gt;&gt; 
 End user &gt;&gt; or put another way &quot;works&quot; performed or 
 >> Performed in 
 >> Benefit of end users. 
 >> 2 -. Deberamos With these criteria to check whether the applicant meets the 
 >> Requirements. Proceed to perform this analysis. 
 >> * A -. Analysis form * 
 >> From this point of view we have the rules cited by Alberto and 
 Also &gt;&gt; 
 By Ftima &gt;&gt;. However, in my opinion. Is omitted an element that ms 
 >> Relevant. The expression user can not be in the rules 
 >> Specifically, 
 Travs &gt;&gt; but if other more general expressions, such as 
 Ciudadanao &gt;&gt; population. These can be found in the statutes 
 Orgnicos &gt;&gt; 
 The applicant entity &gt;&gt;.
 >> The dictionary of the Royal Academy of Espaola Language (RAE) defines 
 As &gt;&gt; 
 * &gt;&gt; * _ciudadana_ To: 
 * &gt;&gt; &quot;Citizen. * 
 * &gt;&gt; 1. * F.Cualidad and citizen rights. 
 >> * 2. * F.Conjunto citizens of a people or nation. 
 >> * 3. * Own f.Comportamiento of a good citizen. &quot; 
 >> As you can see in the second acepcin can be perfectly 
 Including users &gt;&gt;. 
 >> Considering this, the Statute orgnico FUNDETIC set within 
 Their &gt;&gt; 
 >> The following specific objectives: 
 >> &quot;Article 10 -. (Objectives YOU SPECIFIC) -. The specific objectives of 
 FUNDETIC &gt;&gt; - BOLIVIA are: 
 B &gt;&gt;.Implement Society information and knowledge between / * the 
 Citizen &gt;&gt; * /, businesses and public and private institutions to 
 >> Reduce 
 >> Digital divide in the country. &quot;(Emphasis added) 
 Aqupuede &gt;&gt; look like this public expression used in 
 Contraposicina &gt;&gt; companies and public or private institutions, 
 Making her a &gt;&gt; 
 My judgment &gt;&gt; synonymous with the user. 
 >> Now, for the expression * _poblacin_ * SAR, it has pointed 
 >> Following: 
 >> (From the lat. / Populati (o,-o-nis /). 
 * &gt;&gt; 1. * F.Acciny effect to people. 
 >> * 2. * F.Conjunto people inhabiting the Earth or any division 
 Geographic &gt;&gt; it. 
 >> * 3. * F.Conjunto of buildings and spaces of a city. 
 * 4 &gt;&gt;. * F. / / / Ecol. / Group of individuals of the same species occupying a 
 >> Same geographic area. 
 * &gt;&gt; 5. * F. / / / Sociol. / Set of individuals or things gone through a 
 Statistican &gt;&gt; evaluation by sampling.
 >> Meanwhile, the status of FUNDETIC points out the following: 
 >> &quot;Article 10 -. (Objectives YOU SPECIFIC) -. The specific objectives of 
 FUNDETIC &gt;&gt; - BOLIVIA are: 
 F &gt;&gt;. Plan and execute processes in ICT capacitacin Travs of 
 >> Workshops, seminars, courses, exhibitions., Promoting 
 Creation &gt;&gt; 
 >> New capabilities and skills in different segments of the 
 * &gt;&gt; / Population / * in the context of social development Economic and 
 >> Production. &quot; 
 >> (Emphasis added) 
 Aquse &gt;&gt; refers to the various segments of the population where 
 Should &gt;&gt; 
 Included &gt;&gt; users. 
 >> From this point of view, in my opinion, this organization 
 Statutorily &gt;&gt; 
 If estorientada &gt;&gt; develop activities for users 
 >> Internet. 
 * &gt;&gt; B -. * Background Analysis 
 >> As expressed in the presence of aquestamos activities 
 Are &gt;&gt; 
 >> Have been or can be made for the benefit of users.
 Here &gt;&gt;, here are some examples that have been made and confirmed in the 
 Please choose &gt;&gt; 
 Web &gt;&gt; this institution. 
 At the section &gt;&gt; Programs and projects.Allpor example, you can go to the 
 >> Section that says &quot;2012&quot; and can be found with the following: 
 >> &quot;Audience design contest for the emission of three postal stamps 
 World &gt;&gt; commemoration da Internet &quot; 
 >> If the overall goal of the contest is reviewed, you can find this 
 Declararcin &gt;&gt;: 
 >> &quot;GENERAL PURPOSE: To encourage the active participation of institutions 
 >> Government, academic, business and industry and indigenous organizations 
 Originating &gt;&gt; farmers across the country, to investigate and issue a 
 Graphical &gt;&gt; given that symbolizes the importance and meaning 
 Has &gt;&gt; 
 Bolivia &gt;&gt; for the use and application of the Technologies of Informaciny 
 Comunicacin &gt;&gt; including the use of Internet as tool 
 Paramount &gt;&gt; 
 Promotion and development of &gt;&gt; Society Informaciny reduction 
 The &gt;&gt; 
 >> Digital Divide in the country. &quot; 
 There is a &gt;&gt; reference to indigenous and peasant organizations that 
 Course &gt;&gt; 
 >> Users must be considered.
 Also &gt;&gt; this organization may be involved in a program 
 >> Called &quot;my first web program&quot;: 
 Http://www.fundeticbolivia.org/site/index.php/programas-y-proyectos/mi-pr &gt;&gt; 
 Ime &gt;&gt; 
 Ra-web &gt;&gt; 
 Aquse express &gt;&gt; &quot;The Foundation for the Development of Technologies 
 Informaciny Comunicacin &gt;&gt; - * &quot;FUNDETIC-BOLIVIA&quot; *, is pleased to 
 Taking &gt;&gt; 
 _Programme MI &gt;&gt; the * FIRST * WEB_ having the same order of 
 >> &quot;Encourage and promote the use of Internet access and the development of 
 >> Content, services and applications oriented: students, 
 >> Academics, professionals, small and medium enterprises who wish 
 Have &gt;&gt; 
 Presence on the web &gt;&gt; an integral cost. &quot;&quot; 
 Reference to college students &gt;&gt; Professional is made, which 
 Also &gt;&gt; 
 Have the character of &gt;&gt; users.
 * &gt;&gt; / _In Synthesis, in my view fully meet the requirements of 
 >> Form and 
 Background &gt;&gt; alluded to certify this organizacin._ / ** / __ / * 
 Greetings &gt;&gt; 
 >> El 03/07/2014 12:16 am, Alberto Soto wrote: 
 >>> Dear, just uploaded to the wiki my comment with suggestion 
 >>> Not accept the certification. I copy down the same comment: 
 Observations &gt;&gt;&gt; after reading their bylaws, procedures and 
 Choose a content &gt;&gt;&gt; web: 
 Mission differs &gt;&gt;&gt; contained in the Statute: &quot;... policies, 
 >>> Implement strategies and coordinate actions aimed at reducing the 
 Digital divide &gt;&gt;&gt; Travs pulse of the Technologies 
 Informaciny &gt;&gt;&gt; the Comunicacin in all sectors and fields of the 
 >> Society. &quot; 
 The statute generally &gt;&gt;&gt; I estorientado: &quot;... citizens, businesses and 
 >>> Public and private institutions. &quot;Never indicates actions aimed 
 Persons &gt;&gt;&gt; a particular way.
 Observations on the &gt;&gt;&gt; web page: 
 >>> The mission: &quot;To encourage and coordinate relations with the government 
 Bolivian society &gt;&gt;&gt; by the management of ICT tools in 
 All sectors and &gt;&gt;&gt; FIELDS. &quot; 
 In &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;About Us&quot;, the reason for its creation: &quot;Created to 
 Contribute &gt;&gt;&gt; the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the planning, 
 Direcciny &gt;&gt;&gt; execution of the actions necessary to implement the 
 Electronic &gt;&gt;&gt; Government in the country through the diffusion and use of 
 Technologies of Informaciny &gt;&gt;&gt; Comunicacin (ICT). &quot; 
 As end user &gt;&gt;&gt; Internet once quoted, &quot;About 
 Us &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;but all actions aim to serve in the field 
 Government &gt;&gt;&gt; I aclarndolo specifically. This can be seen in 
 >>> &quot;Key Features&quot;, &quot;Mission&quot;, &quot;Policy How quality&quot;, &quot;Objectives 
 Institutional &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;,&quot; General Strategy &quot;,&quot; Complaint &quot;(orientation 
 Commercial &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot; 
 >> &quot;Content and Services&quot; 
 >>> (Commercial orientation), &quot;Technology&quot; (commercial orientation).
 In &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;success factors, politician Leadership&quot; requires &quot;participation 
 Active and direct &gt;&gt;&gt; government officials. &quot; 
 In &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;working components&quot; estorientado to government and business. 
 Regarding &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;Services&quot; is purely commercial. 
 >>> From the time of its creation, there was no action it intended to 
 Internet &gt;&gt;&gt; end user, and the foregoing, all his 
 Estorientado &gt;&gt;&gt; drive, on a commercial basis, to work with 
 Companies and government &gt;&gt;&gt; their country. 
 No &gt;&gt;&gt; have in their statutes, or procedures, or in its Pgina 
 Web &gt;&gt;&gt; nothing that allows a glimpse of a previous or future work with the 
 >>> (Non-commercial) Internet end user therefore, must not be 
 >> Certified. 
 ----- Original Message ----- &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>> [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of 
 Sylvia at internautabrasil.org &gt;&gt;&gt; Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 
 9:33 pm &gt;&gt;&gt;
 >>> To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>> Subject: [lac-discuss-es] application FUNDETIC 193 BOLIVIA 
 Dear members of LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> As has already informed the staff, we have received an application by 
 >>> An organization of Bolivia to be part of LACRALO. 
 >>> As usual, ALAC, one asks the region &quot;advise&quot; a 
 Advice &gt;&gt;&gt; before incorporacino not vote for an organization to 
 At-Large &gt;&gt;. 
 We send &gt;&gt;&gt; this advice for the day 10/03/2014. 
 We need &gt;&gt;&gt; comments LACRALO members, and for them 
 >>> Have opened a wiki page: 
 >>>  https://community.icann.org/display/LACRALO/Regional+Advice+needed+ALS 
 + Appli &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Cation +193 + &gt;&gt;&gt; + BOLIVIA FUNDETIC 
 Will receive comments until &gt;&gt;&gt; 03/09/2014 23:59 UTC 
 See &gt;&gt;&gt; attached the statute and the rules of FUNDETIC.
 Http://www.fundeticbolivia.org/site/ &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Greetings &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Sylvia &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ___________________________________________________ &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Sylvia Herlein &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> <mailto:sylvia at internautabrasil.org> sylvia at internautabrasil.org 
 ICANN Secretary-LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt; / 2012-2014 - <http://atlarge.icann.org/>
 Http://atlarge.icann.org &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 2009-2015 Secretary FLUI &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Sylvia_leite = &gt;&gt;&gt; Skype 
 Descrio &gt;&gt;&gt;: Assinatura_Sylvia_Internautabrasil 
 _______________________________________________ &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Lac-discuss-&gt;&gt;&gt;'s mailing list 
 Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 _______________________________________________ &gt;&gt; 
 Lac-discuss-&gt;&gt;'s mailing list 
 Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt;&gt; 
 >>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt; 
 > _______________________________________________ 
 > Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 > Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 > Http://www.lacralo.org 


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