[lac-discuss-en] ??? Q = utf-8 Sobre_temas_capacitaci = C3 = B3n =?

asoto at ibero-americano.org asoto at ibero-americano.org
Mon Dec 8 16:33:10 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re:??? Q = utf-8 Sobre_temas_capacitaci = C3 = B3n =? 
 From: asoto at ibero-americano.org

 Olá Alyne and all. Thank you very much for your active participation. About what is making the IBDI, follow him closely, because it always posted on Facebook. 

 Just as a suggestion and that we are aware LACRALO all, send it to our list as well. 

 Several items you propose (the most technical), and they are sent to Fatima Cambronero to take them into account. 

 Obviously, each ALS with the knowledge we have, we are asking and the we get, we will be better able to reach the end user of the Internet and to answer your questions, and if not ask for his ignorance, let them get that knowledge it lacks. It's how I suggest we work. 

 Best Regards 

 Alberto Soto 

 From: Alyne Andrade [mailto: alyne.ibdi at gmail.com] 
 Posted on: Monday, December 8, 2014 11:50 a.m. 
 To: Alberto Soto 
 CC: LACRALO Spanish; Rodrigo Saucedo 
 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] On training issues 

 Hello everyone! 

 I agree with Alberto that the courses offered on the website http://learn.icann.org/ are sufficient and complete. 

 Alberto Soto suggestions are excellent and for the more advanced levels of knowledge. Carlos Vera Quintana suggestions are very interesting. 

 Since I am a lawyer and IBDI is a legal institution, I realize that professionals Cyber \u200b\u200bLaw have difficulties in technical knowledge of Internet that hinder the production of evidence in legal proceedings and the protection of victims of Internet crime. 

 I would suggest the availability of online courses ICANN directed to the legal community.We could have more qualified staff to work on behalf of victims of Internet crime and judges demands (Judiciary). 

 I believe the following issues could approach the legal department of the technical area of \u200b\u200bInternet: 

 1) How does the technical part of the Internet works ?; 

 2) What is the importance of knowing the operation of the Internet and its application in the law; 
 3) How does the deep web and ciberserguridad work ?; 

 4) What is an IP address, and why is it important technical and legal ?. 

 I would increase interest in the following areas: 

 - ICANN and Human Rights 

 - IANA Functions 

 - ICANN Dispute Resolution Options 

 - Development Process Policy IP addresses 

 My suggestion is capacity building for legal professionals to add value to the knowledge of the application of the Act training in technical issues related to Internet. 

 I think the lack of participation of ALS may be the difficulty in understanding the technical question of Internet and some points: 

 1) What is the return of knowledge of these issues can lead to ALS; 

 2) How the ALS can influence their region ?; 

 3) What is the work that you do with ALS subjects offered by ICANN for end-user community ?; 

 4) Who can take the courses: http://learn.icann.org/. Could be anyone interested, regardless of being part of an ALS? The ALS can stimulate the followers of his social network (Facebook and Twitter) to improve knowledge of ICANN for online courses? Participants in online courses can receive certificates? 

 As president and representative of IBDI, we are working here in Recife / PE-Brasil to share knowledge and experiences I've had since I began my participation in ICANN mid-March / 2014. 

 As a result of IBDI participation, ATLAS II and ICANN 50, I could do a (7th Telecon) Legal Informatics Law Congress in Recife / PE-Brasil in partnership with the CGI.br (http: //www.cgi. br /), Court of the State of Pernambuco (www.tjpe.jus.br <http://www.tjpe.jus.br> ), The Judicial School of Court of the State of Pernambuco (http://www.tjpe.jus.br/web/escola-judicial), Northeast Institute of Judges (http://www.agu.gov.br /) and the General Advocacy of the Union (http://www.agu.gov.br/). The event program is our website: http://www.ibdi.org.br/site/. 

 The event was a success, with the participation of some of the best professionals in the technical and legal area in Brazil, with current topics of interest to those working in the field of Cyber \u200b\u200bLaw. In addition to an audience of approximately 220 people.

 The aim of the 7th Telecon was to gather technical and legal issues to approximate the legal community of technical issues and practical application in our courts. 

 One topic was &quot;The transition from IANA ICANN regarding control global Internet.&quot; I was very happy to bring this panel for the event here in Recife involving CGI.br and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Brazil. 

 I say with satisfaction that the choice of this panel was the result of my participation as a representative of IBDI in ATLAS II and ICANN 50 in London. 

 Another project being done here IBDI Recife / PE-Brasil is a free lecture on &quot;The misuse of social networks and their legal consequences&quot; for public and private schools. Our audience are children, teenagers, parents and educators.The project started in September 2014 and to date conference did about 1,000 children and adolescents. 

 Another ongoing project is the creation of online courses related to Cyber \u200b\u200bLaw. 

 We are very pleased with the results and hope that 2015 is a better year and more productive with the opportunity of holding more events that can spread knowledge to stakeholders. 

 I wish that the pursuit of knowledge is a growing trend. In the end, we are an apprentice eternal. 

 What I can say is that there is a difficulty of expertise in Internet. But the IBDI is working to try to harmonize the interests of technical and legal community. 

 I hope that the contribution of IBDI, as ALS, is growing and successful in our community. 

 With our best regards, 

 Alyne Andrade.

 President of IBDI 


 07/12/2014 16:36 GMT-02: 00 Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org <mailto:asoto at ibero-americano.org> &gt;: 

 Dear We are working on our training. As discussed 
 in the last monthly meeting of LACRALO, would maintain close contact 
 to see how they work with ICANN strategy for our region. To 
 so we have held meetings with the Vice President of ICANN to 
 Latin America and the Caribbean, and from now on we will work together to 
 various topics, including training. 

 The primary idea is not to duplicate efforts. To do remind them below 
 courses available online in Spanish language and in other languages; 
 in addition to English, there are also courses in French and Portuguese. This is the link 
 to page http://learn.icann.org/course/index.php 

 As quoted before and as foreseen in our Training Plan 
 try not to touch or make efforts on these issues, since the 
 courses are sufficient and complete. But if anyone has any doubts 
 of them, please just report and, if necessary, generate a 
 webinar or other resource to solve. 

 We must also bear in mind that any of us can generate a 
 course is not yet in learn.icann. They can also see on that page. 

 I hope your comments. 

 Best Regards 

 Alberto Soto 

 The Guide for New Participants in ICANN 


 Visual Guide to Internet 


 Introduction to LACRALO 


 The essential terms of WordPress you need to know 


 Introduction to Process Nominations 


 Why write a post on the blog of ICANN? 


 Introduction to groups 


 What is ICANN? 


 Latin America and the Caribbean in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) 


 Learn What is ICANN? 


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