[lac-discuss-en] ? = Iso-8859-1 == q F3n_Consulta_sobre_Memoran VOTES = iso-8859-1 q = do_de_Entendimiento_con_LACNIC???

aidanoblia at gmail.com aidanoblia at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 17:24:01 UTC 2013

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re:? = Iso-8859-1 == q F3n_Consulta_sobre_Memoran VOTES = iso-8859-1 q = do_de_Entendimiento_con_LACNIC??? 
 From: aidanoblia at gmail.com


 Given the situation raised me like a good idea if the agreement rate 
 should sign or not. 

 It will be a first point to be clarified to start working then 
 intiles other efforts to avoid, though so vAlejandro 
 Order a problem but not an outright rejection of the signature. Its 
 question seems to be more opportunity well: quse done first, 
 quse must first define who and who and qudespus and. 

 The affirmation made by Andres at the time Natalia presentun 
 draft framework agreement for consideration by the region. So that 
 Andres t understand, not deca Lacnic flatly that had not resolved 
 sign an agreement or did not agree to sign an agreement with the 

 According Echavarra the view of the testimony of Alberto and Jos, is that 
 there is an outright refusal to sign. 

 Raised this as is presented by Natalia a draft agreement 
 for consideration by the region in the last reunin of Lacralo, I have the 
 impression that the vote will be a way to take a step forward in the 
 resolution of the issue and from ahcontinuar. 

 From ah, you can go deeper into the study of the draft, the 
 less Irlo watching, while talking more deeply with LACNIC 
 clarify their posiciny also manage the content of the agreement between 
 both parties. 

 Greetings and I hope this reflection may be useful to the community. 
 Aida Noblia 

[[--Original text (es)

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