[lac-discuss-en] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Env = EDo_de_credenciales_para_vota? = =? Iso-8859-1? Q? R_por_parte_de_ALAC_en_dos_temas? =

presidencia at internauta.org.ar presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Thu Jan 19 11:47:29 UTC 2012

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Env = EDo_de_credenciales_para_vota? = =? Iso-8859-1? Q? R_por_parte_de_ALAC_en_dos_temas? = 
 From: presidencia at internauta.org.ar

 LACRALO Dear companions: our boxes have reached the 
 credentials to vote on two issues: 
 1) / * So that we may show forth about whether we agree with the 
 ALAC members, members of ComitEjecutivo, the LEADERS regional 
 and coordinators must have declarations of interest (SOIs) and 
 conflict of interest statements (Cois) published on the website 
 ICANN * /. This topic is my position _ / * IF * / _, but I know that 
 think the rest of our RALO ALS. This is due 
 the day January 23, 2011.

 2) / * If we support ratificacin of the "Declaration of the ALAC 
 Preliminary report on the emission of the GNSO amendments 
 Accrediting Registrar Agreement "for the COMMUNICATION 
 stakeholders? * / For my part I agree and my position will be 
 _ / * IF * / _, although I also would like to hear from you any 
 Recommendation to. 
 You can read the document c: http://goo.gl/4K5Xz 

 Best Regards 



 Sergio Salinas Porto Internauta Argentina Association President 
 Argentina Internet Users <http://www.internauta.org.ar> -CTA- 
<http://www.ctamdq.org.ar> Federacin fluid Latin American Users 
 Internet <http://www.fuilain.org> ICANN / LACRALO - ALAC Member 
 facebook: salinasporto twitter: sergiosalinas MSN / YAHOO MSN / Talk: 
 salinasporto ... Skype: Mobi internautaargentina: +54 215 819 9223 5 



 &quot;Ojalpodamos be disobedient, every time we receive orders that 
 humiliate our conscience or violate our common sense &quot;-Edward 



[[--Original text (es)

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