[lac-discuss-en] Fwd: THIN Project for Proposals FY11

presidencia at internauta.org.ar presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Thu Jan 20 14:15:34 UTC 2011

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: Fwd: THIN Project for Proposals FY11
From: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar

very good your idea Carlos! when these available to work in this? 
* Sergio Saline I carry President Internauta Argentina Association  
Argentina de Usuarios de Internet <http://www.internauta.org.ar>FLUI-  
Latin American federation of Users of Internet  
<http://www.fuilain.org>facebook:salinasporto twitter:sergiosalinas  
MSN/MSN YAHOO/Talk: salinasporto... Skype:internautaargentina Mobi:+54 9  
223 5 215819 * 
The 20/01/2011 11:11 a.m., cveraq at gmail.com wrote: > Considered wanted a explanation: one is proposals of projects of global or regional impact or activities that are what but they seem tome the proposals of Andres? (respect the question is not diminishing the proposals Yet but trying to understand as we can contribute) > > Pardon the direct question I am of trip by Cali with little access to Internet by the q is not to me simple to read the complete references to soak to me of the reach well. > > Considero that podriamos to integrate a basico equipment of encatrgado work to successfully obtain ideas and to develop them depending on the approach and reaches of the required thing > > Greetings > > Carlos Side > > Message sent from my terminal BlackBerry&reg; de Porta > > -----Original Message > From: presidency Argentina Internaut<presidencia at internauta.org.ar> > Sender: lac-discuss-it is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org > Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:57:48 > To:<lac-discuss-es@!
 atlarge-lists.icann.org> > Reply-To: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar > Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Fwd: THIN Project for Proposals FY11 > > Dear companions I agree totally with the proposed thing by andres, > we must just a short time to process the proposal, serious good for knowing if a > somebody but happens something to him to add to this initiative. > warm Greetings > > * Sergio Saline I carry President Internauta Argentina Association > Argentina de Usuarios de Internet<http://www.internauta.org.ar>FLUI- > Latin American Federation of Users of Internet > <http://www.fuilain.org>facebook:salinasporto twitter:sergiosalinas > MSN/MSN YAHOO/Talk: salinasporto... Skype:internautaargentina Mobi:+54 9 > 223 5 215819 * > > > the 20/01/2011 06:47 a.m., Andrés Piazza wrote: > &gt; (English Below) > &gt; > &gt; Considered: > &gt; > &gt; Llega a reminder (which I copy underneath in its original version English) at > &gt; that debieramos to lend a > &gt; Tenemos some days to!
  send projects to ALAC and that this takes part with > &gt; on!
 e global
 one in the discussion by the Budget for the next fiscal year. > &gt; 2011-2012. > &gt; > &gt; Tenemos to respect this scheme of: > &gt; > &gt; - Propose Activity. > &gt; - Description. > &gt; - Impact in the Strategic Plan. > &gt; - Date of Beginning. > &gt; - Duration. > &gt; > &gt; If somebody has intentions to make its contribution, is anexcellent moment. > &gt; Personally I believe that there are 2 interesting topicos. > &gt; > &gt; - * General Assembly Cara to Face *. Between the 11-16 March of 2012, ICANN > &gt; will hold a meeting in LAC, and will be one of the topics to treat. > &gt; > &gt; - * Attendance to great the Techie Conference * but of theregion, stops > &gt; Outreach. We would have coordide ar with other Thin ones, them story more of this > &gt; in the week. > &gt; > &gt; Voy to work in a document and I will share them. But I am to the delay > &gt; of its contributions, > &gt; > &gt; Greetings, > &gt; > &gt; Andrés Piazza > &gt; President of LACRALO. > &g!
 t; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Dear All, > &gt; > &gt; ICANN you produce an annual operational plan and budget toaccomplish the goals > &gt; and priorities of the * ICANN Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan< > &gt; http://www.icann.org/en/strategic-plan/draft-strategic-plan-2011-2014-27nov10-en.pdf&gt; > &gt; * (PDF). > &gt; > &gt; fiscal Ace part of the year operational plan and budget development process > &gt; for 2012, ICANN there are requested that the ALAC submit projects to be considered > &gt; for inclusion in ICANN's draft Operational Plan and Budget. In turn, the > &gt; ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee there are requested THIN suggestions for > &gt; possible project submissions > &gt; > &gt; * THIN The deadline for submission of such projects 25 to ICANN is January > &gt; 2011. > &gt; > &gt; The ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee there are requested that the Regional > &gt; leaders select to budget liaison to lead the regional development of FY12 > &gt; budget request!
 s. Please inform staff ace soon possible ace on the choice of !
 > &gt; y
our regional liaison. > &gt; * > &gt; The AT-Large FY12 Workspace prograpevines the relevant information on the new > &gt; FY12 Budget development process ace well ace useful background information > &gt; (see: * > &gt; https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY12+Budget+Development+Workspace+-+2011 > &gt; *). > &gt; > &gt; * Please notices: All project requests must uses to template which dog be found on > &gt; Fiscal the AT-Large Year 2012 Budget Development Workspace. > &gt; * > &gt; The following information must be included in the preparation of any project > &gt; for possible inclusion in ICANN's 2012 Operational Plan and Budget: > &gt; * Activity - The project activity being requested. > &gt; * Description - To description of the project activity. > &gt; * Strategic Plan Impact - How the proposed project activity accomplishes the > &gt; goal and priorities of ICANN's Strategic Plan or how the project activity > &gt; will improve ICANN's Policy Development!
  Process. It wouldalso be useful to > &gt; show that the requested activity advances ICANN policy development process. > &gt; * Start Date - When the project activity will start. > &gt; * Duration - How long the project activity will take pleases. > &gt; > &gt; Additionally, the template also requires to breakdown/analysis on what > &gt; resources (staff support, technical support, language services, telecom > &gt; support, ICANN meetings) plows needed to accomplish the project activity. > &gt; ICANN Finance for Staff will do to budget estimate each of the resources > &gt; needed to accomplish the project activity. > &gt; > &gt; The ALAC will review all THIN FY12 budget requests duringto their meeting on > &gt; 25 January AT 14:00 UTC. The ALAC will submit to their budget requests on 31 > &gt; January 2011. > &gt; > &gt; Following review by ICANN staff, all FY12 budget requeststo be included in > &gt; operational ICANN's for plan and budget framework will beposted public > !
 &gt; comment. > &gt; > &gt; Kind Regards, 

[[--Original text (es)

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