[lac-discuss-en] candidates to raise Icann

Cintra Sooknanan cintra.sooknanan at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 02:38:30 UTC 2010

Dear LACRALO members,

In making this crucial decision we must not only assess candidates based on
our personal knowledge and interaction with them, but also take the time to
evaluate and review the intentions, statements and comments of the
candidates on the At Large Director's Workspace Forum-
I have not had the pleasure of meeting or interacting directly with any of
these candidates.

Thankfully, this limitation is not fundamental in the Trinidad and Tobago
Computer Society's approach to selecting a candidate. Our approach is
to primarily evaluate the candidates based on the information before us
(that is the intentions, statements and responses given by the candidates on
various issues). We do  use our personal knowledge of these candidates but
this is only for bolstering our selection. I implore all of the other ALSes
to take this approach in gauging a suitable candidate, so that we ensure the
best representation to meet the objectives in the coming term.

With regard to the language issues relating to communication with ICANN's
Board. We recognise that though the ability of a potential candidate to
speak multiple languages is admirable, it is not crucial; and the language
criteria should not be the crux for assessment of the candidates. But,
Article VI Section 3 Subsection 6 of ICANN's bye laws states that ICANN
Directors shall be "*Persons who are able to work and communicate in written
and spoken English*" and we acknowledge the language of ICANN's Board is
English. We also note Article III Section 7. As such, we should choose a
candidate who is demonstrates a level of literary dexterity, tact and
diplomacy in using the English Language.

Whilst we congratulate all the candidates in taking part in this esteemed
process; the Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society has concluded (from the
above process) that Alan Greenberg has by his intentions, statements and
responses shone through as the most suitable candidate to represent us
and serve
his duty to act in ICANN's best interests on the Board. His responses
consistently show a balanced level of understanding of the issues facing
ICANN and At-Large; and takes into account the corollary of perspectives of
other stakeholders which is pertinent to working on ICANN's Board. Further,
we consider that Alan has demonstrated the ability to work amiably with
different constituency groups and this is indicative of his fortitude to
work with various Board members.

Kind regards,

Cintra Sooknanan
Attorney at Law
Director of Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society

Reconozco las limitaciones de los programas de traducción, por lo que he
usado Google Translate para garantizar la claridad:

Estimados miembros de la LACRALO,

Al tomar esta decisión importante que no sólo debe evaluar a los candidatos
sobre la base de nuestro conocimiento personal y la interacción con ellos,
sino también tomar el tiempo para evaluar y revisar las intenciones,
declaraciones y comentarios de los candidatos de la At-Large Director de
área de Foro-https: / / community.icann.org / display / DirCan / At-Large
Director candidatos-Foro de la comunidad - 11.10.Personalmente, no he tenido
el placer de conocer o interactuar directamente con alguno de estos

Afortunadamente, esta limitación no es fundamental en el enfoque de Trinidad
y Tobago, la Sociedad de Computación para seleccionar a un candidato. Nuestro
enfoque es principalmente para evaluar a los candidatos sobre la base de la
información que tenemos ante nosotros (es decir, las intenciones, las
declaraciones y respuestas dadas por los candidatos sobre varios
temas). Hacemos
uso de nuestro conocimiento personal de los candidatos, pero esto es sólo
para reforzar nuestra selección. Imploro a todos los ALSes otra, para tener
este enfoque en la medición de un candidato adecuado, para que podamos
garantizar la mejor representación para cumplir los objetivos en el próximo

Con respecto a las cuestiones lingüísticas relacionadas con la comunicación
con la Junta de ICANN. Reconocemos que a pesar de la capacidad de un
candidato potencial a hablar varios idiomas es admirable, no es crucial, y
los criterios de idioma no debe ser el punto crucial para la evaluación de
los candidatos. Sin embargo, el artículo VI, sección 3 inciso 6 de las leyes
de la ICANN bye dice que los Consejeros de la ICANN se "Personas que son
capaces de trabajar y comunicarse en Inglés hablado y escrito", y
reconocemos el lenguaje de la Junta de ICANN es el Inglés. También tenga en
cuenta el artículo III de la Sección 7. Como tal, debemos elegir un
candidato que se demuestra un nivel de destreza literaria tacto y la
diplomacia en el uso del idioma Inglés.

Si bien felicitamos a todos los candidatos en participar en este proceso de
estima; de Trinidad y Tobago Computer Society ha concluido (desde el proceso
anterior) que Alan Greenberg tiene por sus intenciones, las declaraciones y
respuestas a través brillaba como el candidato más adecuado para que nos
represente y cumplir su deber de actuar en el mejor de los intereses de la
ICANN en la Junta. Sus respuestas muestran consistentemente un nivel
equilibrado de la comprensión de los problemas que enfrenta la ICANN y
At-Large, y tiene en cuenta el corolario de las perspectivas de otros
actores que sea pertinente a trabajar en la Junta de ICANN. Además,
consideramos que Alan ha demostrado la capacidad de trabajar amigablemente
con los grupos diferentes y esto es indicativo de su fortaleza para trabajar
con varios miembros de la Junta.

Un cordial saludo,

Cintra Sooknanan
Licenciado en Derecho
Director de la Sociedad de Computación de Trinidad y Tobago

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 6:25 PM, <natalia.enciso at gmail.com> wrote:

> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
> Subject: Re: candidates to raise Icann
> From: natalia.enciso at gmail.com
> Considered member of LACRALO:
> First which nothing I apologize by my little participation in the list, by
> personal reasons I have not been able to do it.
> As far as the selection of candidate, like new member of LACRALO and
> participant of ICANN, personally single I have known SebastiénBachollet,
> thus I adhere to all the declared one by which they preceded tome. I do not
> have
> had contact with the other candidates who demonstrate even level
> for its selection. Nevertheless, I consider the support important that the
> chosen one
> can give LACRALO.
> Trusting one guessed right selection according to the credentials of
> candidates and of the support due to our region, support whichdecides
> mayoria and our representatives.
> Warm greetings,
> Natalia Enciso
> Paraguay
> The 23 of November of 2010 15:28, Fatima Cambronero <
> fatimacambronero at gmail.com &gt; wrote:
> > Considered, > > From AGEIA DENSI Argentina, after to have followed close
> by all > process of selection for the Board Director, having participated a
> > traverse of its members in the different ready activities stops > to know
> its candidates and their Declarations Interest, and having > had in account
> several of the expressed criteria respect to > better conditions or
> qualities than return to a elegible candidate in > preference to otro/s, we
> want to express that: > > - the three proposed candidates are valid and
> suitable candidates, with > solid formation, exact knowledge of ICANN and
> ALAC (some > more than another one) and of its respective Agendas. > > - We
> thank for and we valued the contributions made by the different ones >
> members of LACRALO, that expressed their opinions, their experiences and >
> knowledge of some of the candidates, its valuations on > different criteria
> to consider at the time of the selection,his > intentions to choose certain
> candidate. > > - All t!
>  hese contributions help us to grow like community anda > to make decisions
> that benefit us to all. > > - the margin Is very narrow that would possibly
> incline to us to support a > Sebastien Bachollet by on the rest of the
> candidates. > > > warm Greetings, > > > Fatima Cambronero > > > > 2010/11/23
> Presidency Internaut <presidencia at internauta.org.ar>: > &gt; Jose Ovid,
> replaced my to your explanation answers it in the mail Jorge > &gt; Amodio >
> &gt; Warm Greetings > &gt; * > &gt; > &gt; Sergio Saline I carry > &gt; >
> &gt; President > &gt; > &gt; Argentina Internaut > &gt; > &gt; Argentina
> Association de Usuarios de Internet > &gt; > &gt; to
> http://internauta.org.ar > &gt; > &gt; to presidencia at internauta.org.ar >
> &gt; > &gt; skype:internautaargentina > &gt; > &gt;
> talk:salinasporto at gmail.com <talk%3Asalinasporto at gmail.com> <
> talk%3Asalinasporto at gmail.com <talk%253Asalinasporto at gmail.com>> > &gt; >
> &gt; MSN:salinasporto at hotmail.com <MSN%3Asalinasporto at hotmail.com> <
> MSN%3Asalinasporto at hotmail.com <MSN%253Asalinasporto at hotmail.com>> > &gt;
> > &gt; TeL:+54 9 223 (15) 5 215819 > &gt; > &gt; * > &gt; > &gt; the 23!
>  /11/2010 02:34 p.m., Jose Ovid Salgueiro To wrote: > &gt; &gt;!
>  Quiero
> to do a clarifying one as far as the indicated point of "Handling of > &gt;
> &gt; Languages " > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; For the Board is indispensable that
> the candidate speaksperfect English, > thus > &gt; &gt; is required at the
> time of any postulation reason why this if it is > > &gt; &gt; "excluding"
> subject. It is not the case for ALAC. > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; In this case
> the three candidates speaks perfect Englishbut I considered > &gt; &gt;
> important to leave this point in clear > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt;
> JOS > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; original -----Mensaje >
> &gt; &gt; Of: lac-discuss-it is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt;
> &gt; [ mailto:lac-discuss-is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] In name of
> > &gt; &gt; Presidency Internaut > &gt; &gt; Sent: Tuesday, 23 of November
> of 2010 12:40 p.m. > &gt; &gt; For: Jorge Amodio > &gt; &gt; CC:
> lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; Subject: Re: [
> lac-discuss-is ] candidates to rais!
>  e Icann > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Thanks for your contribution Jorge, moan
> that you find interpreted that > &gt; &gt; "some we had not taken the
> annoyance to read the Bylaws", > &gt; &gt; perocuando I put dí by
> understood that "nonexcluding" we knew that > &gt; &gt; ingles if it were
> necessary, not thus other languages, following the line of > &gt; &gt; that
> occupies to us, in the case of Sébastien, I have seen and hatred as it
> speaks very > &gt; &gt; well Spanish and ingles, in the case of Alan, single
> I could communicate some > &gt; &gt; time with in ingles, Pierre never
> crosses words. > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Although always has been a
> preoccupation the subject ofthe translations and > &gt; &gt; the internal
> communication in ICANN in our THIN one, weunderstood from > &gt; &gt;
> Argentina Internaut, who if he fulfilled the other requirements this no >
> &gt; &gt; could be excluding at the time of making a decision, but that we
> had > &gt; &gt; to analyze the assembly of all th!
>  e items and if ademas wise to communicate in > &gt; &gt; the l!
>  anguages
>  of the region, was going to give an extraextra to him (single to the light
> of > &gt; &gt; parity between candidates), since it guaranteed the fluid
> communication to us > &gt; &gt; with the THIN one. > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt;
> Espero to have been able to clarify badly understood > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt;
> Warm Greetings > &gt; &gt; * > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Sergio Saline I carry >
> &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; President > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Argentina Internaut
> > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Argentina Association de Usuarios de Internet > &gt;
> &gt; > &gt; &gt; to http://internauta.org.ar > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; to
> presidencia at internauta.org.ar > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt;
> skype:internautaargentina > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt;
> talk:salinasporto at gmail.com <talk%3Asalinasporto at gmail.com> <
> talk%3Asalinasporto at gmail.com <talk%253Asalinasporto at gmail.com>> > &gt;
> &gt; > &gt; &gt; MSN:salinasporto at hotmail.com<MSN%3Asalinasporto at hotmail.com><
> MSN%3Asalinasporto at hotmail.com <MSN%253Asalinasporto at hotmail.com>> > &gt;
> &gt; > &gt; &gt; TeL:+54 9 223 (15) 5 215819 > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; * >
> &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; the 23/11/2010 01:37 p.m., Jorge A!
>  modio wrote: > &gt; &gt; &gt; Intercedo simply to make a explanation for
> those who is not had > &gt; &gt; &gt; taken the annoyance to read and to
> interpret the Bylaws that determines > &gt; &gt; &gt; requirements that
> establish the elegibilidad of a person for one > &gt; &gt; &gt; position in
> the ICANN directory. > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; 7. Handling of
> Languages (nonexcluding) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Especificamente on this point the
> Bylaws in Section 3. CRITERIA FOR > &gt; &gt; &gt; SELECTION OF DIRECTORS
> point 6 says: > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; "6. Persons who plows able
> to work and communicate inwritten and spoken > &gt; &gt; &gt; English. " >
> &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; What means that people who do not count on
> the ability stops > &gt; &gt; &gt; to express itself as much in form written
> as spoken in ingles is not > &gt; &gt; &gt; elegibles for the director
> position. > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Kind Greetings > &gt; &gt; &gt;
> Jorge > &gt; &gt; &g!
>  t; > &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________!
>  > &gt;
> &gt; lac-discuss-is mailing list > &gt; &gt;
> lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt;
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-is > &gt;
> &gt; > &gt; &gt; http://www.lacralo.org > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; > &gt;
> _______________________________________________ > &gt; lac-discuss-is
> mailing list > &gt; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt;
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-is > &gt; >
> &gt; http://www.lacralo.org > &gt; > > > > -- > Fátima Cambronero >
> Lawyer-Argentina > President Ageia Densi > http://ar.ageiadensi.org/ > >
> _______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing
> list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org >
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-is > >
> http://www.lacralo.org >
> --
> natalia.enciso at gmail.com
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