[lac-discuss-en] in the translations

Jacqueline Morris jam at jacquelinemorris.com
Mon Nov 22 17:12:07 UTC 2010

Hi Carlos
To me, this seems like a proposal for language separation on the lists.
Non-Spanish speakers will miss out on a lot of discussion in Spanish and
non-English speakers will miss out on the discussion in English.
Additionally, I don't think that we can or should require anyone to learn a
new language (Spanish or English)  in order to participate in LACRALO. The
region has many languages, and we agreed  in the beginning to work at least
in two of them, Spanish and English.
I agree that the translation is not perfect at this time, but ICANN's
proposal to look at alternatives that may be better should be supported, and
there is no need to change how the entire list system works until this
initiative is implemented and evaluated.

Jacqueline A. Morris
Technology should be like oxygen: Ubiquitous, Necessary, Invisible and Free.
(after Chris Lehmann <http://twitter.com/chrislehmann> )

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:50 PM, <cveraq at gmail.com> wrote:
> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
> Subject: Re: in the translations
> From: cveraq at gmail.com
> I understand MAtt thanks.
> I propose to the members of the list:
> 1. If we spoke Spanish unless it is necessary (for example to answer
> an email of somebody anglian loudspeaker) to send the email in Spanish.
> Equal
> ingles speaks but podria can communicate in Spanish to be good for using
> this
> language and of step improves its use.
> 2. The email in Spanish to send them to the list in Spanish. The emailin
> ingles
> to the list in ingles.
> 3, Matt: The system deberia to allow that ready subscribing and not
> receiving
> translations of the system, this can be obtained of simple waycreating one
> new list translations in which they envien the email translated stops
> who decide on this option. Then three lists habrian: One in Spanish,
> another one in ingles and another one of translations. This way the email
> translated no
> the Spanish lists in or ingles envian themselves to but to theone of
> translations.
> It seems impossible to evade to me of the colloquial thing when speaking or
> to write... if
> we put warm regards and the system translates it like hot greetings...!
> I believe that this serious solution simple to implement and aliviariamuch
> I deal and the unnecessary discussion.
> Carlos Side

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