=?windows-1252?q?Dominio=Èco=85_Aporte_DE_ACUI _ = =?windows-1252?q?a_la_lista=È =

amedinagomez at gmail.com amedinagomez at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 15:18:32 CDT 2010

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: =?windows-1252?q?Dominio=Èco=85_Aporte_DE_ACUI _ = =?windows-1252?q?a_la_lista=È =
From: amedinagomez at gmail.com

Dear friends 
>From the Colombian Association of Users of Internet we have been kind 
to the commentaries in relation to dominio.co and as ALS of Lacralo we want 
to make the following contributions. 
It is of fundamental importance of mentioning that the evolution and development of 
dominions in Colombia associated to co have lived a complex process but 
also participativo. 
The interested ones in knowing some these aspects, can accede to 
vestibule of the Ministry of the Technologies of Information and the Communications 
through the following connection 
The Colombian Association of Users of Internet in the development of this 
process has participated actively in representation of the community of 
users of Internet of Colombia. 
It is necessary to mention that a public process - at least of 10 was made 
years -, in head of the Ministry of the Technologies of Information and 
Communications, MINTIC, process that has been characterized - like many others 
by being opened, transparent and participativo, and the different people and 
organizations who participated, at their moment presented/displayed his publicly 
points of view or written proposal, scene of 
respect and of consensus. 
These processes allowed him, to in that then Ministry of 
Communications, to establish, as much the model of management and administration like 
the inherent policies to that administration and in individualthe criteria 
necessary for the evaluation and selection of the organizationin charge of 
administration. The last years, in this context a process was lived on 
Well-known licitation and openly socialized. 
In these processes ACUI it participated making the corresponding contributions in 
work meetings that helped the Ministry to define aspects 
excellent and to help to obtain consensus, that is what finally it enriches 
these discussions, all it in a democratic atmosphere. 
He is important then to remember that the Ministry of the Technologies 
of Information and the Communications it has under his responsibility 
policy definition, the activities of control and monitoring of 
dominio.co <http://domino.co/>. 
It is necessary to emphasize that today dominio.co offers more value for the community of 
Internet. It allows him to the users to be recognized and to be located in Internet a 
global level, to take advantage of a standard world-wide class, with clear rules and 
nondiscretionary of a single person. And this also has enormous 
benefits that are translated in efficiency, service, capacity and price. 
Today we have good, advisable, interesting the dominion and most important, 
result of a participativo process. We must continue the task of 
to work in an ambient transparency and of respect in order to obtain more and 
better benefits usuary them and to support the decisions made in 
consensus and right context. 
Antonio Medina Go'mez 
Colombian association of Users of Internet 

[[--Original text (es)

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