[lac-discuss-en] Argentina - Decree: ProgramaConectarIGUALDAD.COM.AR

joseluis at barzallo.com joseluis at barzallo.com
Mon Apr 12 09:58:14 CDT 2010

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: Argentina - Decree: ProgramaConectarIGUALDAD.COM.AR
From: joseluis at barzallo.com

It is a very good idea and me one to the monitoreo and contribution that we pruned to do 
in our countries for this type of programs. 
Warm greetings, 
Jose Luis 
Columbus 535 and 6 of December.  
Edif. Cristóbal Columbus Of. 602 
Telf: (593 2) 2528774/ 2544464 
Fax: 593 2 2564530 
Email: joseluis at barzallo.com 
Quito Ecuador 
Original -----Mensaje 
Of: lac-discuss-it is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
[ mailto:lac-discuss-is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] In name of Roxana 
Sent: Monday, 12 of April of 2010 7:34 
It stops: Andres Piazza 
CC: Spanish LACRALO 
Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Argentina - Decree: 
Continuing with the ideas that we are upsetting here, - Antonio thanks for 
your commentaries -, I believe that the only way to avoid clientelisms, 
prebendas, corruption of any type with a systematic one and isadapted 
control of the society on the public policies. 
It is happened - thinking about high voice that podriamos to organize it stops us 
to systematize this type of control on this program - that podria to be applied 
to other similar programs in the region -, and periodically toinform here into 
what is happening. 
If to somebody it interests the idea to him, we can begin to work in it. 
The 8 of April of 2010 14:47, Andres Piazza 
<andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com>it wrote: 
> > > Considered, > > I understand you criticize them that they become to the project, and also they worry to me. > But in general, as I said it in other spaces, the project seems to me > step advanced in Argentina. > > If somebody this worried about the demagoguery is understandable, can be that > is certain that it thinks about the politico redito in this launching (like > to deny Carlos to him which says, if it is certain in mayoria of the actions > politicas in ours paises and but even though is one of ours 
main > preoccupations, to fight the demagoguery and the "cheap politica"). > > Can be that there is distance with the Ceibal Plan of Uruguay. I even create > that the handling of website Conectar Equality was a little shameful, like 
> exposed Jorge in the social networks. > > asi to my I Even like that this project is developed. If there are points > skinny, also can be worked to improve them. > In any case, is good that it is discussed in the list, although is not > subject that this in the ICANN agenda if this in the Agenda of our ALS 
in > different paises and in the one from the "Gobernanza de Internet". Nobody > appreciation on the subject is welcome and without doubts itresulted in 
benefits > that information. > > Greetings, > > Andres Piazza > > > &gt; From: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar > &gt; To: ABAS at marval.com.ar; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 14:34:18 -0300 > &gt; Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Argentina - Decree: Program > ConectarIGUALDAD.COM.AR <http://conectarigualdad.com.ar/> > &gt; > &gt; Agustín I am thankful that you find envoy this, you alleviated the work to me of > to do it je. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Moan those that spoke denostando this initiative of the government 
national > Argentine. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; To ours to understand as institution is very good and we supported it. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; This project began in 2005 (OLPC) with the minister of Education > Filmus, and is, a > &gt; my humble one to understand, a project of digital inclusion of promotion of > right of equality > &gt; of opportunities for all the inhabitants of our country. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; This project IF Integra the qualification to educational,IF it has 
project > integrating stops > &gt; the families and in three years with 3.500.000 netbook given and 
servers > put in his > &gt; schools we will have almost 15.000.000 people with possibility of access a > the NTICS. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; I am not in agreement with which it was said in the list. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; This project will allow him to have better opportunities to the young people to > hour of the work, > &gt; better opportunities for the local empresariado one at the time of having 
young people > enabled in > &gt; the use of TICS, etc, > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Creo that there is to speak knowing in question, having read > project, having > &gt; been present in the design of the same one or to have tried to approach one 
idea > superadores (that > &gt; of safe them must have and many). > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; This is not demagoguery 2.0. This political is applied infavor of the use and > popularización of > &gt; those that less they have and more needs in our country. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; I think that this is Brilliant, and that considered many > variable so that this > &gt; goes to good port (it consists to me). > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; With regard to our organization, who IF it comes following this > from the 2005, that > &gt; we saw as the multinational companies of the soft and hard were killed by > to stop this process > &gt; of fairness and democracy, we have we approached some idea so that it will be 
better > (which > &gt; recepcionadas and was considered at the time of putting in practice > this) we supported > &gt; this initiative that seems to us a powerful tool at the time of > to speak of shortening > &gt; of the digital breach social inclusion and equality of rights for all > the inhabitants of > &gt; our country. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; For that they are worried about the connectivity, in few days > but, ours > &gt; organization altogether with other organizations of our country and with > the support > &gt; of some national deputies of different political parties 
we will be > presenting/displaying > &gt; project of law of Universal Access of Internet, we will send once > presented/displayed in > &gt; congress one copies you. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Warm Greetings > &gt; > &gt; Sergio Saline I carry > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Original Message > &gt; From: "BASTANCHURI, Agustin" <ABAS at marval.com.ar> > &gt; To: "Spanish LACRALO" <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org> > &gt; Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:48 A.M. > &gt; Subject: [ lac-discuss-is ] Argentina - Decree: Program > ConectarIGUALDAD.COM.AR <http://conectarigualdad.com.ar/> > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Sylvia- Andres: Thank you very much by the information and to help us ours > participation. > &gt; > &gt; All: > &gt; > &gt; Them attached the text of the Decree N° 459/2010 that left published yesterday in > the Bulletin > &gt; Official of the Argentine Republic, that creates the "Program To connect > IGUALDAD.COM.AR <http://igualdad.com.ar/>"with > &gt; !
 aim to provide a computer for each educational student and of > schools > &gt; secondary. > &gt; > &gt; the program also looks for "to guard by efficient (...) alevel of > connectivity ". > &gt; > &gt; I know that there are other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that already they have > similar programs > &gt; working or to send itself. He would be interesting to know his commentaries to > respect. > &gt; s the good news for the objectives of our ALSs, although > we will have to do in > &gt; practical how finally it is applied. > &gt; > &gt; a great hug for all, > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Agustin Bastanchuri > &gt; _____________________________________________ > &gt; ADIAr (Association of Computer science Right of Argentina) > &gt; > &gt;  <<ADIAR - L_Decreto459_2010.pdf>&gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; This message is confidential. It can contain protected information > &gt; by the professional secret. If you have received east email by error, > &gt; please comunique!
 noslo immediately via email and has > &gt; amiability to elimi!
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> &gt; > &gt; > &gt; _______________________________________________ > &gt; lac-discuss-is mailing list > &gt; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; > 
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