[lac-discuss-en] Privacy - Madrid Declaration

Matías Altamira matias at altamiragigena.com.ar
Thu Oct 15 09:12:53 CDT 2009

Dear LacRalo Members, 


I'm writing because I'm involved in an initiative you may have already heard
about, but that could use your support. The Public Voice, a civil society
coalition (spearheaded by Katitza Rodriguez of EPIC, cc:ed) is hosting an
event Global Privacy Standards in a Global World (
http://thepublicvoice.org/events/madrid09/) just preceding the 31st
International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (
tml) in Madrid (Nov. 4-6).


As the Director of the Spanish DPA says on the conference welcome page -
they are trying to piece together an international privacy standards
agreement (quote just below).


"The challenge we face as the organisers of the 31st International
Conference is that of achieving the approval of a joint proposal on
“International Standards for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Data”,
allowing the development of a universal, binding legal document, which must
be backed by the most extensive institutional and social consensus via the
participation of the authorities and institutions guaranteeing data
protection and privacy and representatives of both public and private
entities and organisations."
- Artemi Rallo Lombarte: Director, Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).


The declaration text can be found at
http://thepublicvoice.org/madrid-declaration and in Spanish at
http://thepublicvoice.org/madrid-declaration/es/ . An indication of support
for this Declaration will help focus the privacy agenda on protecting
consumers and citizens and help send a unified message to the drafters of
this international privacy standards effort. There are of course many
efforts to try and preserve privacy, but the timing and focus of this is
particularly worth considering signing on to. The European Commission, by
the way, has opened up a consultation on the Data Protection Directive until
the end of the year (
_en.htm). So, if you are so inclined, signing on and spreading the word
about the Madrid Declaration beforehand to maximize the number of signatures
would be of great help too. 


You can sign as representative of an NGO and/or as member of the Academia,
if for both titles apply to you.


Thanks in advance,





Matías Altamira


ALTAMIRA GIGENA - Estudio Jurídico

Bv. San Juan 101 Piso 2° "A"

Córdoba - República Argentina

Tel: +54 351 4281624 - 4257923

matias at altamiragigena.com.ar

 <http://www.altamiragigena.com.ar> www.altamiragigena.com.ar 


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