=?iso-8859-1?q?Recordatorio=Á_Candidatos_de_LAC = =?iso-8859-1?q?RALO_for=3D=3Fx-unknown=3FQ=3Fposici=3DF3n_=3D_de_l = =?iso-8859-1?q?a_conexi=F3n_de_la_tarjeta_de_ALAC =

presidencia at internauta.org.ar presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Fri Sep 18 08:08:03 CDT 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: =?iso-8859-1?q?Recordatorio=Á_Candidatos_de_LAC = =?iso-8859-1?q?RALO_for=3D=3Fx-unknown=3FQ=3Fposici=3DF3n_=3D_de_l = =?iso-8859-1?q?a_conexi=F3n_de_la_tarjeta_de_ALAC =
From: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar

I agree with expressed by the our companion Alexander Pissanty and  
Antonio Medina Gomez, we must support our to Vanda and this it must be  
decided, opened and it jeopardize. 
Sergio Saline I carry 
"... Making a pause in the trip from Admiral Brawn to the Flowers..." 
Original Message  
From: "Antonio Medina Go'mez" <amedinagomez at gmail.com> 
To: "Alexander Pisanty" <apisan at servidor.unam.mx>;  
<lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>; "Matías Altamira"  
<matias at altamiragigena.com.ar>; <jam at jaquelinemorris.com> 
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 2:03 P.m. 
Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-es]Recordatorio: Candidates of LACRALO  
for=?x-unknown?Q?posici=F3n = of the connection of the ALAC card 
I believe that there are several excellent aspects very related in the table for 
analysis. The proposal of ACUI in the sense that suggesting the name of 
Vanda Scartezini so that he is our representative in the Boardde Icann, 
it contemplates his excellent professional formation, which makes outstanding stops 
to make of impeccable way this noble task, and specially because it counts 
with the knowledge and the experience to solve problems in a scene 
complex, as Alexander Pisanty.Y mentions without doubt, no 
we can nor we must let pass the opportunity to have a representative of 
Latin America and the Caribbean, in the Board de Icann. This has one 
interpretation of significant importance for our ALS and has 
great sense, when regional development one is. Also they please to me 
the words of Matías Altamira and I congratulate it, because being brief it has been 
very precise in its appreciations. 
Warm greeting 
Antonio Medina Go'mez 
Colombian association of Users of Internet. ACUI. 
The 16 of September of 2009 19:35, Alexander Pisanty < 
apisan at servidor.unam.mx &gt; wrote: 
> Jackie, > > thanks thousands for this explanation. > > Sostengo that the management of Wendy has been deletérea for ALAC;  > previously > I have argued with detail the successes of the managements of those who > previously took to the voice of the AT-Large and the generalusers of > Internet to the Board, like Vittorio Bertola and Roberto Gaetano, > independently of the formal titles that they had in its positions. > > I have had opportunity, for example in the meeting of ICANN no. 34, in > City of Mexico, to discuss directly with Wendy and encounterlittle > productive its positions prefixed and of a very close rank. > > Thus not only I consider necessary to support an effective candidate but > to do it of decisive way that allows to return to give effectiveness, > representation, capacity to solve problems in a complex context, > understanding of the technical aspects of the problems that face in > ICANN, and other characteristics in which I consider that Vanda is one > ca!
 ndidate proven in multiple battles and with superior mértios. > > For that reason I believe that our support to Vanda must be decided, opened, > jeopardizes and very active. > > Warm greeting. > > Alexander Pisanty > >. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  >. > Dr Alexander Pisanty > UNAM, Av. University 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico > > Tels. +52-(1)-55-5105-6044, +52-(1)-55-5418-3732 > > * My blog/My blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com > * LinkedIn procases out: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty > * Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty > * Unete to group UNAM in LinkedIn, > http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/Â106C0C8614 > > * Sees ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org.mx, ISOC http://www.isoc.org > * Participates in ICANN, http://www.icann.org >. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >. > > > On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 jam at jacquelinemorris.com wrote: > > Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:29:24 -0700 > &gt; From: jam at jacquelinemorris.com > &gt; Reply-To: lac-discuss-es at at!
 large-lists.icann.org > &gt; To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.!
g > &gt; Subject: Re: Reminder: Candidates of LACRALO [ x-unknown ] > &gt; for=?x-unknown?Q?posici=F3n = of [ x-unknown ] connection of the card > &gt; of > &gt; > &gt; ALAC > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; [ [ - - Translated text (in - &gt; is)--]] > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Subject: Re: Reminder: Candidates of LACRALO for=?x-unknown?Q?posici=F3n > &gt; = of the connection of the ALAC card > &gt; Of: jam at jacquelinemorris.com > &gt; > &gt; Really no, since Wendy has been name by EURALO and has validated. > &gt; We can anywhere use any person inside of the world, and  > &gt; ALAC > &gt; will make its decision. We can also send nombresmúltiples front -  > &gt; no > &gt; we needed to only send one. > &gt; the editing re member and connects of the Council also was clarify > &gt; previous - the position NOW is connection. Positin of thecard will be > &gt; classified more ahead - there are many of matter to be solved before  > &gt; that > &gt; the seat of the card of AtLarge is really put in execut!
 ion. > &gt; Espere that this helps > &gt; Jacqueline > &gt; Sent of my device&reg; without threads of the zarzamora available of > &gt; bmobile. > &gt; > &gt; Original Message > &gt; Of: apisan at servidor.unam.mx > &gt; > &gt; Date: Wed, The 16 Of Sept 2009 Of 17:06:19 > &gt;: <lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org> > &gt; Subject: Re: [ lacquer-discuss-lac-discuss-in ] Reminder: Candidates > &gt; deLACRALO stops > &gt; =?x-unknown?Q?posici=F3n = of the connection of the ALAC card > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; [ [ - - translated text (is - &gt;)--]] of in > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Subject: Re: Reminder: Candidates of LACRALO stop > &gt; =?x-unknown?Q?posici=F3n = of the connection of the ALAC card > &gt; Of: apisan at servidor.unam.mx > &gt; > &gt; Hello, > &gt; > &gt; if the requirement is regional, he asks for only Vanda, is not > &gt; surely? > &gt; > &gt; Also I understand that posiciónde one is discussion on the change of this > &gt; of the connection ("it connects") to one of th!
 e member ofthe directory (card).  > &gt; Creo > &gt; that > &g!
 t; until
 inside as much that she is not official, is necessary to make this > &gt; selection. > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Andrés, you can clarify it totally? > &gt; > &gt; Agrego that looks like me that useless she is the ideal person to make > &gt; this > &gt; task and endorsement totally its postulation if the same one comes. > &gt; > &gt; hot Slaudo to all. > &gt; > &gt; Alexander Pisanty > &gt; > &gt; > &gt;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > &gt; Dr Alexander Pisanty > &gt; UNAM, Av University. 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico > &gt; > &gt; Tels. +52-(1)-55-5105-6044, +52-(1)-55-5418-3732 > &gt; > &gt; * My blog of blog/My: http://pisanty.blogspot.com > &gt; * Procases de LinkedIn towards outside: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty > &gt; * Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty > &gt; * Unete to group UNAM in LinkedIn, > &gt; http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/Â106C0C8614<http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/%C3%82106C0C8614> > &gt; > &gt; * Sees ISOC Mexico, http://www.i!
 soc.org.mx, ISOC http://www.isoc.org > &gt; * Participates in ICANN, http://www.icann.org > &gt;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; In Wed, the 16 of sept 2009 admin at ttcsweb.org wrote: &gt; date: Wed, > &gt; 16 Of Sept 2009 16:59:22 Of -0700 &gt; Of: admin at ttcsweb.org&gt; > &gt; Contestar-A: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt; a: > &gt; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt; subject: Re: Reminder: > &gt; Candidates of LACRALO for the position [ x-not known ] &gt; of  > &gt; connection > &gt; of the ALAC card &gt; &gt; &gt; [ [ - - text translated (in - &gt;  > &gt; is > &gt;)--]] &gt; &gt; &gt; subject: Re: Reminder: Candidates of LACRALO stop > &gt; laposición of the connection of the ALAC card &gt; of: > &gt; admin at ttcsweb.org &gt; &gt; wished all, &gt; &gt; today, LACRALO needs > &gt; to put under list of the names of the candidates to ALAC card &gt;  > &gt; of > &gt; Liasion to the public list of TheEn-Grande. Until this!
  moment, > &gt; loscandidatos that &gt; has been the used name!
  and in 
this list is:  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; Vanda Scartezini &gt; Alan Greenberg &gt; &gt; more information is > &gt; available in the paginations of the call of the selectionof LACRALO:! > &gt; &gt; > &gt; https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?2009_election_call_lacralo_en &gt;&gt;  > &gt; more ahead, LACRALO will endorse these appointments formally &gt; &gt; > &gt; Anand that reveals Teelucksingh &gt; LACRALO secretariat! &gt; &gt; &gt;  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; revealer Anand Teelucksingh wrote: &gt; Deseo' All: &gt; &gt; > &gt; LACRALO must up to 15 of September of 2009 endorse and put under list of > &gt; &gt; the names of the candidates to the increase of ALAC theconnection that > &gt; represents the ALAC and &gt; En-Grande-Grande in the level of the card of > &gt; ICANN. &gt; &gt; how the connection of the ALAC card will be chosen:  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; the ALAC slightly adopted an amended process of the selection stops  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; connects of the card according!
  to specified by process2009 of the connection  > &gt; of > &gt; the card &gt; ( > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?board_liaison_process_2009), &gt; > &gt; in its meeting of August of the 4, &gt; &gt; each one one is requested > &gt; THIN tosend a list of the names of the candidates whom they have > &gt; &gt; endorsed p! > &gt; or the THINone. The ALAC of then will vote on the list of & > &gt; gt; > &gt; candidates who use the system of the voting of the exit  > &gt; instantaneous > &gt; &gt; (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting), &gt;that > &gt; mediosque will align each candidate, or! > &gt; f preferred more &gt; favorite more less possible &gt; &gt! > &gt;; to the hor > &gt; ar! &gt; io of the selection of Liasion of the ALAC card: &gt; &gt; > &gt; during its meeting of August of the 4, the ALAC adopted the schedule  > &gt; following > &gt; &gt; for the selection of the connection of the card: &gt; &gt; *  > &gt; appointments > &gt; of FINE i!
 s even opened: fifteenth it published September &gt; *  > &gt;!
  lists >
 &gt; of the candidate: 17mo September &gt; * called of candidate of ofthe of  > &gt; > &gt; conference with the community: Between 18 - 20 of September &gt; * period  > &gt; of > &gt; the selection of ALAC: 21 - 30 of September &gt; * announcedresults:  > &gt; 1r > &gt; October &gt; &gt; also sees process 2009 of the connection of the card > &gt; &gt; (( > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?board_liaison_process_2009) &gt; > &gt; for a description detailed of the one of requisite process &gt; &gt; &gt; and > &gt; lasobligaciones of the connection of the ALAC card: &gt; &gt; for one > &gt; description in the general obligations and requirements for ALAC &gt;  > &gt; > &gt; connection according to the thing specified by the instruments of the adjustment, > &gt; considers &gt;! > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac! > &gt; - docs/index.cgi?obligations_and_requirements_of_alac_liaisons &gt;  > &gt; &gt;! > &gt; &gt; &gt; interested candidates can also wish to review the d!
 ocum!  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; entos if &gt; guientes: &gt; &gt; - the description of the position of > &gt; sketch for the members and of the connections of ALAC forwhich  > &gt; was > &gt; &gt; preparedby the member Alan Greenberg of ALAC and is at the moment > &gt; opened &gt; the commentaries of the community of TheEn-Grande: &gt; > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?draft_alac_pd &gt; &gt; - the level of > &gt; laconsolidación of the connection of the card &gt; of > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?board_liaisons_election_2009_commitment_of_board_liaison&gt; > &gt; &gt; according to the proposed message of the call of the connection of forthe  > &gt; of > &gt; the selection of the ALAC card &gt; of > &gt; https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?Proposed%20Election%20Call%20Message%20for%20ALAC%20Board%20Liaison&gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; the LACRALO participants can indicate its appointments > &gt; cualquierpersona that uses &g! > &gt; t; button of the comment!
 ary in wikis of LACRALO: &gt; https! > &gt;://st.icann.org/lac!
ex.cgi?2009_election_call_lacralo_e! > &gt; n &gt; or > &gt; &gt; > &gt; https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?2009_election_call_lacralo_es&gt;o  > &gt; &gt; the ready use Laca-Discute of IN and of IS &gt; &gt;! &gt; &gt; > &gt; also, is other following selections, the information can  > &gt; to find > &gt; in &gt; > &gt; https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?2009_election_call_lacralo_en&gt;(ADENTRO)or  > &gt; &gt; > &gt; https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?2009_election_call_lacralo_es (IT IS) > &gt; &gt; &gt; revealing T &gt; LACRALO secretariat &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; _______________________________________________ &gt; the list > &gt; lacquer-discuss-lacquer-discuss-in which it sends &gt; > &gt; lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt; > &gt; http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-en_atlarge-lists.icann.org&gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ &!
 gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; [ [ - - original text (inside) &gt; > &gt; http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/b7f03fd473.html &gt; --]] &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; [ [ - - original text (it is) > &gt; http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/ã5924b771.html > &gt; --]] > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; _______________________________________________ > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; [ [ - - Original text (in) > &gt; http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/ded1à7ef0.html > &gt; --]] > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; > _______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es_atlarge-lists.icann.org > > http://www.lacralo.org > 

[[--Original text (es)

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