[lac-discuss-en] Paul Twomey in the congress of the United States

cetic at ajudicialmdp.org.ar cetic at ajudicialmdp.org.ar
Mon Jun 15 14:42:08 CDT 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: Paul Twomey in the congress of the United States
From: to cetic at ajudicialmdp.org.ar
                                    They make official 
the regulation in favor of the tourism 
in Internet 
Undersecretary of Coordination and 
Cooperation the International processed one 
resolution to modify the rules stops 
to register names of dominion in Internet. In this 
felt the denomination was gotten up 
to tur.ar “to eliminate the presence and 
hiring of means, physical people or 
legal other people's to the tourist activity 
and with a view to establishing clear and simple channels of 
communication with the organisms properly 
> [ [ - - Translated text (in - > is)--]]  
> Subject: Re: Paul Twomey in the congress of the United States  
Of: carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm  
> Can be that it interests our colleagues to go directly to the Web page of 
NTIA a  
> reads the real commentaries.  
Unfortunately, they are all eninglés.  
> Vaya to http://www.ntia.doc.gov/comments/2009/dnstransition/  
> Some very long-range interests are for prolonging the JPA. And 
if you  
> is a student of the policy of the United States - and I mean 
variety of  
> baseball - and  
> in the favor of conclusion JPA, is striking all 
right notes. You  
> if it trátese.  
> Carlton Samuels  
> the university of Indians of the west  
> In Thu, 4 of June of 2009 in 3:54 P.M., 
<andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com> it wrote:  
> &gt; &gt; [ [ - - translated text (is - &gt;)--]] of in &gt; &gt; &gt; 
subject: Paul Twomey in  
> congress of the United States &gt; of: andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com &gt; > &gt; &gt;  
> considered, &gt; &gt; the information has arrived surely they 
in the presentation  
> of Paul Twomey in the congress of the United States  
> &gt; &gt; in my estatus of Twitter I made some abstracts and I invite themto 
I share them  
> and to participate: &gt; &gt; http://twitter.com/andrespolli &gt;  
> &gt; one finishes of JPA? &gt; &gt; Hot Greetings, &gt; &gt; 
Seat of Andrés &gt; president  
> of LACRALO &gt; &gt; -- &gt; &gt; (English) &gt; &gt; Wanted All, > &gt; I imagines that you  
> already had the information on the presentation of Paul 
Twomey IN the congress of  
> the United States today:  
> &gt; &gt; in my estatus of Twitter I put some I touch of light andI him 
it invites to that  
> shares and participates &gt; &gt; http://twitter.com/andrespolli &gt;  
> &gt; is the end of JPA? &gt; &gt; respect, &gt; &gt; Seat of 
Andrés &gt; President  
> Chair of LACRALO &gt; &gt;  
> _________________________________________________________________ &gt; sees 
> Windows&reg; connects people, the information, and 
diversion to that the plows  
> part of its life &gt; http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/119463819/direct/01/ &gt; 
> _______________________________________________ &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; [ 
[ - - original text  
> (it is) &gt; http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/cã363d99e.html &gt; --]] > &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;  
> _______________________________________________ &gt; list that it sends 
> lacquer-discuss-lac-discuss-in &gt; lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org >  
> &gt;  
> _______________________________________________  
> [ [ - - Original text (in)  
> http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/ebda'ã867.html  
> --]]  
> _______________________________________________  
> lac-discuss-is mailing list  
> lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org  
> http://www.lacralo.org  

[[--Original text (es)

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