[lac-discuss-en] Authorities of THIN LAC

asoto at ibero-americano.org asoto at ibero-americano.org
Tue Mar 24 17:29:33 CDT 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: Authorities of THIN LAC
From: asoto at ibero-americano.org

Dear Raul, I am surprised by your opinion, that represents the opinion  
of an enterprise organization of extreme importance in Argentina. I create  
that if in her had happened the same, this discussion would nothave much  
And, as already I said it, I really believe that our opinions do not matter. Single  
they concern the votes, of which, the totality of the assistants in Mexico,  
they have plenary session knowledge. I was not, but he was a representative,  
with which it gives guarantee me sufficient to be able to say that yes I consider  
been worth the votes, erroneous the designation made in first instance with  
provisory scrutiny, and valid the correction in the second designation. 
 With all the annoyances that cause us all, and worse than that, with  
loss of prestige that this fight, nondiscussion, this fight him cause to ours  
Pardon in my insistence, and this we know it very many in our countries  
Latin American with our obsolete systems of voting: we must give  
validity to the votes that all the assistants saw and listened, and not to  
provisory scrutinies, that can be erroneous, in spite of the damage that they cause. 
I listen that they complain and I also did it, and blame the organization of  
Assembly LACRALO, of the delay in presenting/displaying the result of the last one  
scrutiny, with the modification that to all it has to us in this discussion. And  
until my representative all the intervening personnel said to me, that, had  
infernal work during the meeting, that had one week of vacations a  
posteriori of the same one. Then I said myself, is no as much delay in  
modification of the scrutiny, in that sense I remain at least as. 
I insist on that we must recover the sanity, and in addition requiringof  
ICANN superiority a confirmation superior to the confirmed thing  
officially, so that we pruned to continue working calm and with the desire  
that we must to do it. 
We do not harm more, please 
And they excuse, single is my modest opinion...... 
Warm greetings 
Alberto Grove 
Director IIISI 
Original Message  
From: "Raul Bauer" <rbauer at trends.com.ar> 
To: <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 12:27 P.m. 
Subject: [ lac-discuss-is ] Authorities of THIN LAC 
I add me to the surprised ones by the happened thing to the selection of authorities 
of the THIN LAC. 
Moan the discussions that have been generated because they reaffirm myfeeling 
that we just a short time dedicated too much time to form questions and to 
center topics. 
>From this episode, the risk exists that anyone is the person 
that actue like President, cannot act with the balance and support 
necessary to contain the passions and to orient and to order the work of the LAC 
Thinking about the center topics that we must face, I call to the reflection of 
Sergio Saline and of Andres Piazza, so that they consider the possibility of 
to resign very temp its pretensions and to allow that new eleccíon 
determine who would seran President and THIN Secretary of LAC. 
Raul Bauer 

[[--Original text (es)

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