=?windows-1252?q?=5BFwd=Á_CRISTIAN_CASAS-CETIC = =?windows-1252?q?=È_resultados_de_elecci=F3n=È_=93coup_d=Bêtat=94=È= =?windows-1252?q?=5D =

nick.ashton-hart at icann.org nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Sun Mar 22 15:40:51 CDT 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: =?windows-1252?q?=5BFwd=Á_CRISTIAN_CASAS-CETIC = =?windows-1252?q?=È_resultados_de_elecci=F3n=È_=93coup_d=Bêtat=94=È= =?windows-1252?q?=5D =
From: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org

This message didn't make it through the first Time. 
Original Message 
Subject: CRISTIAN CASAS-CETIC. selection results. "coup d´etat". 
Date: Sun, 22 Sea 2009 15:06:32 -0300 
From: Cristian Hernan Houses <cristiancasas at hotmail.com> 
To: 	<lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>,  
<nick.ashton-hart at icann.org>, <langdonorr at gmail.com>, <evan at telly.org>,  
<vanda at polo.inf.br>, <vanda at uol.vom.br>, <danielmonastersky at gmail.com>,  
Association Internaut <presidente at internauta.org.ar> 
Considered representing finding me with technical disadvantages in  
institutional mail - cetic at ajudicialmdp.org.ar- from day 19 of  
March of the current year and dice the gravity of the situation is that I chose  
provisionally to send the position of that subscribes by my mail  
personnel, to the delay of being able to solve this problem inthe same one,  
by this one week I will work in the personnel and I will notify them on the matter,  
from already thanks to all. 
Consequently I come: First: THE AUDIO ENVOY OF THE ELECTION ACT  
To The TOWNS Of the WORLD. 
To The DEFENDING ORGANISMS OF The Human rights. 
Desire to begin showing my enormous sadness as far as  
information that I finish receiving, since we return to fall in the same one  
error, to give returns in the same one I circulate vicious of which ordinarily  
the spiral of the positions is denominated "", distracting to us of the main thing that  
he is to work in the subjects by which we committed ourselves in Mexico. 
Raised therefore the things, I must say that here it is in game  
protection of the political-electoral rights of the citizen, before so  
situation I resort to the international standards in the matter stops  
to interpret its possible restrictions. 
The analysis of the embarrassing international event that we are living,  
as it is the undemocratic destitution of a civil employee of Lacralo,  
present Saline President Sergio I carry, must be worked from two  
sections, first from the political second and point of view  
from the point of view of the legal security. 
I will give to beginning, remembering a mail that all reached, after becoming  
public the final result of the selections in which he was chosen  
present president Saline Sr. Sergio I carry, who says thus: 
"... Dear Carlos, Reconozco that the selection of Sergio represents  
change of guard for the Argentine equipment to the control of the LACRALO. To  
time, generates risks before the complexity of problematic theemergent ones  
(new gTLDs, non commercial advisory group, etc.), by the evident one  
inexperience of Sergio in the matter and its limitations with the language  
imperial inglesa.Pero I imagine that vos and your colleagues will support with  
enthusiasm and the sagacious vision of siempre.Se happens thatvos and Carleton to me  
they must receive ICANN honoraria to advise to LACRALO in subjects  
legal and technical digitalises to future. There is way to negotiate this.  
I returned to house of the long day of yesterday thinking that the enormous one  
contradiction between willful actions in defense of users hits  
with the succulent business of the recorders and its contributions to  
patrimony of ICAAN....un hug, Scott R. lac-discuss-is mailing list  
lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org  
He is at sight which there are sectors that did not approve the selection of Sergio,  
for the simple reason that the mentioned one would fight in defense of the users  
and against the succulent businesses of the powerful ones. 
The infantile arguments of an arithmetic error in the count of  
votes, passed more than 20 days, by means of a mail, with  
desgrabaciones that have not been given an expert opinion on by an impartial being, powers  
that they appear without to have been registered the veracity of his content  
in agreement the protocolic lineamientos given by the public right  
intenacional, the refusal to be put under before the estrados ones of Courts  
impartial International it puts in evidence that has taken place here  
* "coup d´etat" *. 
Memory that salient Mr. Secretario and President of the Committee, Mr.  
Carlton Samuels noticed that the day of the selection was the moment  
definitive to emit the vote, no longer it was possible to allow the access more  
candidates and more time could not be lost, that day was due to vote and  
to be left to the president and secretary chosen. 
The count took place by electronic system and in a reasonable time,  
then we agree that either they were not as much the voters so that  
complicate a count of votes - approximately 20 representatives-. 
All it gave as final result the proclamation on the part of the mentioned one  
civil employee, fedatario of Saline the elect formula Sergio Icarry  
President and Andrés Piazza Secretary, finalizing of this oneway which  
all we considered a period normal of selections. - 
_ * the political conjuncture coup participant follows latent. * _ 
Since we have seen, these acts were not more than preludes stop  
to orchestrate an institutional blow. 
I notice that some personified reactionary sectors in  
salient Secretary Carlton Samuels based their opposition on alleging his  
own stupidity, which turns them perdidosos, and in agreement  
objective principle of the defeat, would have to respond patrimonially,  
leading with this irreponsable attitude to possibly jeopardize  
the future interests of ICANN, before the possible damages and damages and  
the moral damage caused present Saline President Sergio I carry. 
Combined it, they recognize that this one irregularity does not find sustenance  
decisive in the ICANN regulations - rules of the procedure  
ordinary of LACRALO, as well as the rules of UNGA that are incorporated  
by the reference in the ordinary rules -, introducing to us in one  
single lagoon that the interpretation of the mentioned international norms,  
next to the custom - as source of the right offers a light us, that  
it is that who was proclaimed Saline president he is Sergio Icarry, since  
as of that nonsingle day it was recognized by the publicity of his  
acts of governments - between whom we can mention interviews with  
different organos from Government of ICANN, legitimized in the diverse acts  
public of the Summit of Mexico, like thus also the first call  
in the Sheraton Hotel to the rest representanates in Lacralo with  
recognition of its mandate by the all there present ones, of which  
audio-visual test exists on the matter -. - 
The exercise of the fundamental right of being voted, is corroborated if  
homine or pro goes to the method of interpretation in dubio pro libertate,  
that it has as directive to favor to the freedom in case of doubt, this  
it is, implies to consider to the freedom like one of the values of the greater one  
importance in a State of right, if one considers that  
principles are the most important pieces of the legal system,position  
that it represents the power in the battle area of the necessary individual  
for its development and autorrealización, which results in benefit of  
the society. 
In that sense, a State of right the tendency in  
legal orderings and the legal interpretation aims to obtain  
greater possible freedom in the exercise of the fundamental rights, in  
this case the right of exerting the position by which it was designated  
Saline Mr. Sergio I carry. - 
The true reasons of the riot "coup d´etat" are in  
constitutional, political and diplomatic impossibility to return to  
project of the oligarchies, represented and headed by Mr..  
Carlton Samuels. 
Before important announcements of Saline President Sergio I carry, in his  
first act of government like President, in its call the day  
later to its formal proclamation, in the mentioned and prestigious company  
hotelkeeper, that "... would deepen the process of changes and the recovery  
of land in defense of the Internet users, organizing different  
training groups and qualification... ", the conspiradores haddecided  
to finish with who they say to call "inexpert and voluntarista Sergio  
Salt mines I carry ". 
Everything a conspirative and disobeyed block headed by Mr. Carlton  
Samuels worked aceleradamente to end President Sergio  
Salt mines I carry. 
With this one to drive destabilizing they have only managed to break La Paz  
public of the members of Lacralo and by it allows of the different ones  
ICANN estates. Paraphrasing to the Excmo. Mr. President of Bolivia,  
Evo Moral when one talked about to those who attempted against  
institutions of the democratic government, I dare to say thatthis is  
"ideological" blow: "It is the fight of the power", as the popular leader said,  
who made clear what is in game: "or the gamonales groups (elite,  
H.D.) , or the popular movements ". (to see documents of the Church  
Committee (1976) and the recent memories of the military leader of  
facist organization Chilean "Mother country and Freedom", Thieme Robert, on  
its subversive collaboration with Navy military and the carriers  
Chileans in the destruction of the government of the Popular Unit). 
Definitively, that by the way is quite obvious, which did is  
to continue pisoteando the voters who we trusted a civil employee like  
Carlton Samuels that did what the desire occurred him, and commits  
abuses with an electoral system that it gave like legitimate  
triunfador to Sergio Saline I carry. 
It is by that it did not agree to them that it was left Sergio Saline I carry, but  
say what they say, he is I LEGITIMIZE LACRALO PRESIDENT, since he is  
clear for all that it gained the selections. 
The chronicles of that day therefore reflect it: "... Tecnologia | Tuesday 10 of  
March of 2009, daily Infobae-Argentinean -: They designate totwo Argentineans in  
high positions of the world-wide government of Internet the Saline delegates  
Porto and Piazza will have to coordinate the participation ofthe members of  
ICANN in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean Two Argentineans were  
designated in high positions of the world-wide Government of Internet, during  
34º encounter of the for Internet Corporation Assigned Names and Numbers  
(ICANN) which This organism was made in the city of Mexico...counts,  
within its structure, with the representation of the different ones  
originating communities within Internet and of the diverse regions  
of the planet. In the case of the users of Internet, a Committee exists  
special (ALAC) conformed by 15 members, between which one is  
the Argentinean Carlos Aguirre. There are five organizations,corresponding  
to each region, that has deliberative devices in which  
they identify the high-priority subjects for the individual users, thus  
as also the members of world-wide committee (ALAC) are selected and  
one provides instance and proposals to him with permanent way. In the region of  
LatinoAmerica and the Caribbean (Lacralo), the selection of two of the positions  
more important they were for other Argentineans. Sergio Saline I carry was  
chosen president of the region and Andres Piazza, that already evolves  
within the Policy Advisory Board de Dot Mobi (the dominion for contents  
moving bodies), were voted for the position of Secretary of the region. The task  
that they will have to take ahead will be the one to coordinate the participation of  
delegates of the region, canalizing its contributions and stimulating  
creation of capacities and the diffusion like tools for  
later development of a consensus "of down towards  
arriba"... http://http://www.infobaeprofesional.com/notas/79469-Designate-to-two-Argentinean-in-high-position-del-government-world-wide-of-Internet.html?cookie.-)  
Dear friends, in order to it, those of "down we do not give consensus to  
desprolijidades of those of above ", we do not know all the documentary one of  
sent electronic mail since we were anoticiados of this one serious one  
irregularity: the legitmidad of the data bases and the calculations, no  
we know if they have like origin the same source document, wedo not know  
act of scrutiny and calculation of the square, being incomplete remission  
of the audio ones of the election act. Fuímos us of Mexico knowing that  
an equality in the extreme total of votes and the votings existed  
day of the election act, proclaimed to alive voice by Mr. Secretario and  
President Carlton Samuels, that he gave as winning to Salt mines I carry. If  
after twenty days they show that they find an error arimético or  
a power of strange origin or, on the contrary, if there are differences,  
then they have produced an alteration of the votings, which  
it knows like electoral fraud. While this is not understood, studied  
and denounced, simply their executors continue amusing itselfwith  
demands of "vote by boundary, square by square", or weakening  
denunciations of illegal actions. 
The citizen presents in the election act we considered that  
the possibility that existed outside respected the popular will and  
because they saw the possibility that through the ballot boxes, it was obtained  
change in our region that solved the most urgent necessities of  
our users, who are themselves reflected fundamentally in  
situation of weakness as opposed to the great corporations and the ample one  
digital breach of the countries that compose the region. Thispossibility  
it is seeing truncated once again, because certain undemocratic groups  
headed by preceding Secretary Carlton Samuels, they are determined  
to conserve it to continue fomenting its privileges without mattering to them  
development and the progress of our region. - 
The citizens who we decided on the vote, today we verified once again that  
ruin and the grotesco continues being used to impose stingy  
I interest. - 
In spite of it, we have the hope, once again, that the Courts  
Internments give a favorable failure to the will of the town-user  
hoping that justice is discovered and applied so on the facts  
embarrassing here assignments. 
It is to recognize that who have chosen as a fight form to exert  
the vote to obtain their objectives, is consequent and they do not desmayen in  
to obtain what they have seted out, because they are million citizens who  
they are convinced in participating in the changes that the region requires  
for the good of its inhabitants. 
The will of our consequent town is to give continuity to  
historical fights that our ancestros have inherited to us:  
Independence, the Reformation, the Revolution and the later fights  
social contemporaries, when fighting to reach the freedom yearnings  
and equality and always fighting against those groups of reactionary  
reactionaries who at the moment raise themselves against the present president  
Sergio Saline I carry. - 
They would wish that the citizens who voted by a project different from the one from  
they, accepted as a defeat and swallowed the injustice that  
they try to commit, but the inconformidad and the demand of justice,  
he represents a great qualitative jump to generate the conscience of  
necessity to orchestrate other forms of fight, because this that today  
it lives in the region is part of an historical process that is directed towards  
the conformation of a revolutionary movement that it has  
necessary instruments that it allows him to establish a government who  
represent the interests of the popular causes. 
What we lived million users today is the neoliberal policy of  
capitalist system, supeditado to the interests of Imperialism,  
capitalist system that made walk all its machinery with the purpose of  
to impose its will and to fold the will of most of the town. By  
such reason this one attempt of manipulating an election act is assimilated to  
coup d'etat, that of efectivizar itself takes to understand that who wishes  
to replace the present president will be a president de factoand his  
treasonous impellers infames to the governing principles of the rights  
The Summit of ICANN concluded more ago than twenty days, with an agreement  
between all the members of the region to work in different  
groups and from support to the Government exerted by Salt mines I carry, approved by  
unamimity in the DF of Mexico. - 
Anyway they had to turn around the selection, by means of maneuvers  
spurious. One of the ways more critical than the individual people  
they must to influence in the decision making of the governments is  
voting. The voting is a formal expression of preference by  
candidate, by the office, or a propose resolution before one  
Certainly, to the light of international treaties, in relation to  
the content and reaches of the fundamental right of being voted and, in  
special, with arranged in articles 1o., ò., 29 and 30 of  
American convention on Human rights, is obtained that it is had  
produced a violation to these normative instruments, being  
general principle of the right and applicable to this one scandal  
international, the one that a treaty forces the States reasonwhy  
it concerns to the totality of his territory and that, therefore, a State "no  
can allege his federal structure to let fulfill an obligation  
international, as well as that a State that has ratified a treaty  
international it will not be able to invoke the dispositions of his internal right  
like justification of the breach of this instrument (to see  
he sentences of the 22 of December of 2004, ELECTORAL COURT Of the POWER  
JUDICIAL, of the STATE OF Baja California; General observation No. 25, LVII  
period of sessions (1996), paragraph 4. 2 Caso Yatama versus Nicaragua,  
it sentences of 23 of June of 2005, series C no. 127, European Court of  
Human rights, cases Mathieu-Mohin and Clerfayt versus Belgium, S.  
02-03-1987, Matthews versus Great Britain, S. 18-02-1999 and Melnychenko v.  
The Ukraine, S.12-10-2004. Inter-American Court of Human rights, Case  
Garrido and Baigorria versus Argentina, Sentence of the 2 of February of 1996,  
series C no. 26, pár. 46. 7 Both principles have been codified in  
Convention of Vienna On the Right of Treaties of 1969 (articles  
27 and 29). 8 Caso Yatama versus Nicaragua, párr. 201. 9 Among others, Court  
IDH, Case of the Massacre of Beautiful Town, versus Colombia,Sentence of 31  
of January of 2006, cit., párr 111; Case Baena Ricardo and others (270  
workers versus Panama). Sentence of 2 of February of 2001. Series C no.  
72, párr. 178; case Horseman Delgado and Santana. It sentences of 8 of  
December of 1995. Series C no. 22, párr. 56. Among others, Garrido case and  
Baigorria. Repairs, sentence of the 27 of August of 1998, Series C,  
no. 39. párr. 68 and case Durand and Ugarte. Sentence on bottom.  
Sentence of the 16 of August of 2000. Series C,no. 68, párr. 136.11 Case  
Vela'zquez Rodriguez. Sentence of 29 of July of 1988, Series C, No  
4, pár.167, and Godínez Case Cross. Sentence of 20 of January of 1989, Series  
C, No.5, pár. 176.). - 
In this sense, the criterion is excellent from the Court  
Inter-American of Human rights as far as which, in conformitywith  
the American Convention, the States have the obligation to guarantee  
the enjoyment of the political rights, "which implies that the regulation  
of the exercise of right sayings and their application is agreed to  
equality principle and nondiscrimination, and must adopt the measures  
necessary to guarantee its total exercise ", it in conformitywith  
the recognized general duties in the terms of articles 1,1 and  
ò. of the own American Convention on Human rights. In effect,  
these articles, make reference to the main obligations  
contracted by the States in front of the subject individuals to his  
jurisdiction and in front of the international community. 
Article 1.1. of the American Convention, in agreement with  
constant jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human rights  
"it imposes to the States parts the fundamental duties of respect and  
guarantee of the rights, in such a way that all reduction to the rights  
humans recognized in the Convention that can be attributed, according to  
rules of the international right, to the action or omission of nobody  
public authority, constitutes a fact imputable to the State that  
it jeopardizes his international responsibility ". 
Since there is outstanding the Inter-American Court, this disposition establishes  
obligation in charge of the States "to adapt its internal right to  
dispositions of this Convention, to guarantee the rights in her  
consecrated ". In opinion of this inter-American Court, the obligation  
to guarantee the free and total exercise of the human rights"not  
it exhausts with the existence of a normative order directed to make possible  
the fulfillment of this obligation, but that tolerates the necessity of  
a governmental conduct that assures the existence, in the reality, of  
an effective guarantee of the free and total exercise of the human rights ". 
_ * Human rights that are in game * _ 
The preoccupation by the human rights was one of the reasons  
main for the creation of the United Nations. The atrocities and  
the genocide of World War II contributed to a consensus  
so that the new organization had to work to prevent tragedies  
similars in the future. In this sense a legal frame was created stops  
to consider and acted on referred complaints to violations of  
human rights. 
The Letter of the UN (arts. 55 and 56) forces all its members a  
to promote "the universal respect to the human rights and theliberties  
fundamental of all "and to take" measures it combines separately or,  
in cooperation with the Organization "for such aim. 
The United Nations and their agencies are fundamental in maintaining and  
to apply the emanated principles of the Universal Declarationof  
Human rights; for example, the support of the UN for the countries in  
transition to the democracy has contributed significantly to  
democratization everywhere, and has been pronounced in the attendance  
technique to make possible free and right selections, in improving  
judicial structures, in writing up constitutions, forming  
civil employees, or in transforming the armed movements into parties  
politicians. This has been seen recently in Afghanistan and Eastern Timor. 
The UN contributes to elevate the meaning of the concept of rights  
humans through its treaties and their attention to the specific abuses  
with its resolutions of the General Assembly or the Security Council or  
the failures of the Court the International of Justicia (ICJ). 
Rights in game. 
However from the point of view of the right, we must consider  
established in the Universal Declaration of the Human rights,  
adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the United Nations  
in 1948; which recognizes the roll that the open selections and  
I am transparent play in guaranteeing the fundamental right of  
participation in the government. Thus also, the Universal Declaration of  
the Human rights establish in article 21: "All person has  
right to participate in the government of its country, directly or by means  
of representatives freely selected. All person has the right of  
access, in conditions of equality, to the public functions ofits country.  
The will of the town is the base of the authority of the public power;  
this will will be expressed by means of authentic selections that willbe of  
to be celebrated periodically, by universal and equal suffrage and vote  
secret or another equivalent procedure that the freedom guarantees of  
vote ". 
The roll that periodic and free selections plays in guaranteeing the respect  
by the political rights also the International is exposed in the Pact  
of Civil and Political Rights, in the European Agreement for  
Protection of the Human rights, the letter of the organization of  
American states, African Letter (Banjul) on the Human rights  
of the People and many other documents of human rights  
Article 25 of the Pact of Civil and Political Rights is the guarantee  
key of the rights of vote and free selections, but their forecasts  
closely they are related to other article, specially  
Article 2. The Pact also includes the guarantees of freedom of  
expression (article 19), of assembly (article 21), association  
(article 22) and of not-discrimination (Article 26). 
Universal declaration of Human rights 
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/spanish/sb1udr.html (1948) 
Article 21- to see section I of this document. - 
Pact the International of Civil and Political Rights  
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/spanish/sb3ccpr.html (1976).  
Article 25- to see section II of this document. 
Convention for the Protection of the Human rights and Liberties  
For Convention the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms  
(it took effect in  
1953).(http://www.echr.coe.int/Convention/webConvenENG.pdf). This  
document is applied by the the-European Court of Human rights  
www.echr.coe.int and in accordance with Article 3 of ProtocolI of  
Convention of Parties tries free selections in intervals  
reasonable by the secret voting in the conditions that will assure  
free expression of the opinion of people in the option of  
legislature. Articles 9, 10, and 11 of this Convention also assure  
the right to the freedom of thought, the right to the freedomof  
expression, and the right to the freedom of pacific assembly. 
Organization for the Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) 
International standards for the selections International Standards  
of Elections (in ingles) (1990). The final document was emitted by  
Conference against the Security and the Cooperation in Europe, celebrated in  
the meeting on the Human Dimension in Copenhagen. The document declares  
that the maintained free selections in reasonable intervals by  
secret voting is essential for the complete expression of  
inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all  
human beings. 
Regulations of the Council Council Regulations 975/99 and 976/99 (in  
ingles) (1999). These regulations provide a legal base stops  
operations of the European Union that "contribute to the general mission of  
development and consolidation of the democracy, to the authority of the law and  
to respect the fundamental human rights and liberties ". In them  
it declares that the European Union will provide the technical assistance and financial  
for operations whose objective is the one to support the process of  
democratization, in individual, the support to electoral processes. These  
regulations are mentioned in a Communication of the Council on  
Aid in the European Selections and the Observation  
ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES. American Convention on Human Rights  
(it took effect in 1978). To see Organization of American States stops  
all the documents http://www.oas.org/ 
Inter-American convention On the Concession of Political Rights a  
the Woman http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/Spoliticalrts.html 
(she took effect in 1954) 
Article 23 of the American Convention on Human rights  
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/oasinstr/szoas3con.html and article 20 of  
American declaration of the Rights and Duties of the Man  
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/oasinstr/szoas2dec.html guarantees  
straight of the citizens to vote and to being voted in the normal period  
of selections. The Letter of the Organization of American states  
http://www.oas.org/juridico/spanish/carta.html establishes inits introduction  
"Certain that the representative democracy is indispensable condition  
for the stability, La Paz and the development of the region "; also,  
it establishes that one of the objectives is to promote and to consolidate  
representative democracy with the had respect of the principle of no  
intervention ". 
In 1991, the General Assembly of the Organization of American States. 
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/oasinstr/szoas3con.html, established  
process, by means of as the Organization of American States,  
it will take action if the democratic order is interrupted insome of  
the states members. In 1992 the Protocol of Washington, (by  
to ratify), fortified the mechanisms of defense of the democracy. 
AFRICAN UNION http://www.africa-union.org/ (Previously Organization  
of the African Union) 
African letter of Human rights  
http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/z1afchar.htm (1981) 
Article 13(1) of the African Letter (Banjul) of the Human rights,  
he establishes that all citizen has the right to participate in form  
he frees in his governments. 
_ * OBSERVATION * _: Finally, I let know that it copies of this presentation  
as of its answer they will be sent to the Legal Training center and  
Social (CELS), Liga by the Human rights, the Assembly  
Permanent by the Human rights, Amnesty International,  
Ecumenical movement by the Human rights, and Relatives of  
Disappeared and Stopped for Political Reasons, the Center Carter  
http://www.cartercenter.org /; associated with the Universityof Emory  
http://www.emory.edu /; Center for Voting and Democracy  
http://www.fairvote.org /; electoral Commission Federal (FEC)  
http://www.fec.gov/pages/espanol.htm; Institute for Democracyin  
South Africa (IDASA) http://www.idasa.org.za /; Institute theInternational stops  
Democracy and Electoral Aid (IDEA) http://www.idea.int/esp/index.htm;  
Foundation the International for Services of Eleccio'n (IFES)  
http://www.ifes.org /; League of voting Women http://www.lwv.org /;  
Democratic National institute - Political Selection and Processes  
http://www.ndi.org/globalp/elections/elections.asp; National Institute  
of Rights of National Voting http://www.nvri.org; Rock the votes  
http://www.rockthevote.com /; Bolivariano Governments of Venezuela  
- Ministry of the Popular Power for Science and Technology -,  
Observatory of the Democracy of MERCOSUR (ODM) (DEC CMC Nº 05/07)  
(Coordinated by the CEMPED and the CRPM)(Dec. CMC Nº 24/04); and others  
members of the Community the International. - 
_ * final Condiseración * _ 
Gentlemen, if we ratified this one to drive irregular to snatch to him  
presidency to Saline Mr. Sergio I carry we will be guaranteeing future  
abuses. As representing of the Lacralo I am not going to grant that  
check in target to the academic Dr Andrés Piazza. - 
With Messenger podés to see if new post office Conocé arrived all the new one  
of Messenger 2009! <http://www.nuevomessenger2009.com/> 
Nick Ashton-Hart 
For director AT-Large 
For Internet Corporation Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 
Main Tel: +33 (450) 40 46 88 
THE USA DD: +1 (310) 301-8637 
Fax: +41 (22) 594-85-44 
Mobile: +41 (79) 595 54-68 
email: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org 
Win IM: ashtonhart at hotmail.com/AIM/iSight: nashtonhart at mac.com/  
Skype: nashtonhart 
Online Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart 

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