[lac-discuss-en] [ALAC-Announce] Mexico City Briefing Note Published

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Wed Mar 18 15:53:58 CDT 2009

Many thanks to Wolfgang for this intervention.

His suggestion that the At-Large move to institutionalize a follow-up and
review process for the Summit Declaration is of particular interest and my
full endorsement.


2009/3/18 "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de>

> Thanks for this. However I was rather astonished to see that the briefing
> notes do not have a special chapter on the At Large Summit. I do not know
> whether this was by intention or just by ignorance. In case it was by
> intention I do not understand why ICANN does seperate the At Large issue
> from its main business and does not celebrate ATLAS as its success. ATLAS,
> the declaration and the video are powerful tools in the forthcoming debate
> about the role of governments in Internet Governance and the post JPA phase.
> The JPA states very clearly that ICANN should become a "multistakholder
> model" and improve "global participation of all stakeholders" (Annex, Para.
> 6). The Board should not only congratulate the At Large Community for Atlas
> and  to "acknowledge the receipt of the At-Large Summit Declaration" it
> should also study the declaration and start to think about the implement of
> the various recommendations. The Board should take a discussion of the
> substance of the ATLAS Declaration to its agenda for the Sydney meeting.
> Probably we can organize a "Dialogue with the Board" on key issues mentioned
> in the ATLAS Declaration.  And At Large itself  should start to think about
> how to instiutionalize a follow up and review process of tis own
> Declaration.
> Wolfgang
> ________________________________
> Von: At-Large Staff [mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org]
> Gesendet: Mi 18.03.2009 08:48
> An: alac-announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> Cc: lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> Betreff: [ALAC-Announce] Mexico City Briefing Note Published
> Mexico City Briefing Note Published
> 9 March 2009
> A briefing note <http://mex.icann.org/briefing-note>  on the Mexico City
> meeting of 1-6 March 2009 has been published.
> ICANN's 34th international public meeting was hosted by ICANN, the Mexican
> Internet Association (AMIPCI), the Network Information Center (NIC) Mexico,
> and the Internet Society (ISOC) Mexico. Representatives of over 90 entities
> from ICANN's global individual Internet user community also gathered at the
> At-Large Summit which was an integral part of the meeting.
> The briefing note summarizes key developments at the meeting and outlines
> next steps and sources of further information for each. The topics included
> are:
>    * New generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs)
>    * Internationalized Domain Names and the IDN Fast Track
>    * At Large Summit
>    * Amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA)
>    * The Improving Institutional Confidence (IIC) consultation
>    * GNSO Improvements
>    * Independent Reviews
>    * A summary of Board resolutions
> The briefing note is an informal summary. The authoritative records of
> meetings are be available in published and adopted minutes.
> Further information about the meeting, including presentations and
> transcripts, is available at http://mex.icann.org/. The At-Large Summit
> microsite is accessible at http://www.atlarge.icann.org/summit.
> Information about the next meeting which will be from 21-26 June 2008 in
> Sydney, Australia can be found at its dedicated website at
> http://syd.icann.org <http://syd.icann.org/> .
> Related links:
> Mexico City briefing note: http://mex.icann.org/briefing-note
> Mexico City meeting website: http://mex.icann.org/
> Sydney meeting website: http://syd.icann.org <http://syd.icann.org/>
> --
> Regards,
> Nick Ashton-Hart, Matthias Langenegger, Heidi Ullrich, Marie-Hélène
> Bouchoms, Gisella Gruber-White
> ICANN At-Large Staff
> email: staff at atlarge.icann.org
> _______________________________________________
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> ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org
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> At-Large Official Site: http://atlarge.icann.org <
> http://atlarge.icann.org/>
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