[lac-discuss-en] Important announcement: Fair of sample of the ALS

staff at atlarge.icann.org staff at atlarge.icann.org
Tue Feb 17 20:09:22 CST 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Important announcement: Fair of sample of the ALS
From: staff at atlarge.icann.org

Estimados/as participant, 
The following message tries to remember to him of the session anticipated in the summit 
of Mexico, whose session títula ŒFeria of sample of the ALS - stands 
and the presentation of carteles¹ 
One is to illustrate the present variety in the ALS and the THIN one of 
community. You are going to represent the organism that she hasnamed them for his 
representation in the summit, using for it, pamphlets, catalogues and 
posters of its ALS, interactive way. 
As it is come off the title of this session, one is not a meeting 
formal ou of a session with a specific subject but of a fair in which 
each one exposes the work that their ALS triggers in their activities day 
after day. Place will be taken a brief speech of opening to the fair (between 5 
and 10 minutes) that will be translated in other languages by members of 
community AT-Large.. Soon, You will be able to present/displayyour organization and to discuss 
with the visitors of other regions. It is a amical event in which 
and others will learn to know themselves and will interchange his 
experiences. One does not hope that they make a formal presentation of his 
organization before the plenary session of participants. Therewill be no translators available 
for this session. 
Therefore, I invite to take with himself everything to them what it seems to them of interest 
(nevertheless, it is not predicted to reimburse the expenses by excess of weight of 
luggage ­ the limit of weight of the luggage is of 20 kilos J) 
We needed to know the sooner they will need a specific technical equipment 
for its presenctaciones during this fair. The tables, the planks of 
announcements to hang the posters and another standard material will be already to his 
disposition. Any additional requirement as far as the technical equipment 
it must llégar me the sooner (this way, I will be able to transméter it to it to the equipment 
ordered with the preparation of the technical support in our summit) 
It gives much illusion us to be able to encóntrar to us with You in Mexico again 
Very kindly, 
 Wolf Ludwig 
it communicates-ch 
phone +41 79 204 83 87 
Skype: Wolf-Ludwig 
Digitale Allemd 
http://blog.allmend.ch - 

[[--Original text (es)

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