[lac-discuss-en] ALAC 2nd Session? Community

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 17:27:15 EST 2008

You're right!  What I wanted emphasized because of context is that a LACRALO
member retains the privilege of the group regardless of affiliation, even if
he acquires other rights with membership of another group, like ALAC. That
was the fact I wanted emphasized; some ALAC are also LACRALO.

My mistake was to forget one word in the sentence. So my corrected statement
is: "Every qualified LACRALO member retains the right to nominate any
qualified candidate to any post that is open for appointment or election in


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Jacqueline A. Morris <
jam at jacquelinemorris.com> wrote:

> To clarify, LACRALO members do not have the right (nor do they retain it as
> they never had it) to nominate  candidates for ALL positions in ALAC, only
> the ones that the Chair has said that RALO members can nominate, in this
> case ccNSO, GNSO and some other liaisons. For example, only ALAC members can
> nominate for Board Liaison, for Chair, etc.
> But yes, when the vote is called, the LACRALO can tell its reps how to
> vote.
> Jacqueline
> Carlton Samuels wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues:
>> We need to understand that every LACRALO member retains the right to
>> nominate any qualified candidate to any post that is open for appointment
>> or
>> election in LACRALO and ALAC.  Our representatives on the ALAC do not lose
>> their right to nominate.
>> Elections and appointments are handled in totally different ways.
>> Under the existing rules, it is the ALAC that elects or appoints liaisons.
>> Ordinarily, our ALAC representatives would consult with the membership
>> before they vote on substantive issues.  But under extraordinary
>> circumstances, we would expect them to use their sense of the sentiments
>> of
>> the majority of ALS and cast their votes on our behalf.
>> In the case of liaisons and when the time comes, LACRALO may decide and
>> instruction our representatives on which candidate to support when the
>> vote is called.
>> Kind regards,
>> Carlton
>> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 8:08 PM, <presidencia at internauta.org.ar> wrote:
>>> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
>>> Subject: Re: ALAC 2nd Session? Community
>>> From: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar
>>> Dear Rudy:
>>> It will try to clarify your doubts on the subject of our representatives.
>>> In Internaut we understand that the representatives can act single if
>>> they
>>> take mandate of his
>>> THIN to the ALAC meetings, we did not conceive the participation of the
>>> ALS
>>> in this space
>>> without the possibility that we pruned ourselves to express by means of
>>> our
>>> representatives to
>>> hour of which these are before their pairs of other regional ones.
>>> It is why I believe that to do this it is to make "good you practice of
>>> total participation and
>>> pertinent ".
>>> We did not send to our companions so that they think what they think that
>>> we
>>> goodly we can think, if not to reflect the exact thought of all the ALS
>>> that
>>> they inside express in the different meetings and interchange from
>>> electronic correspondence
>>> of the LACRALO.
>>> To be but sure which I did was a proposal, there is a single companionof
>>> the LACRALO that
>>> it has been proposed to be liasson in point MOBI (DotMOBI) andI believe
>>> that serious good that
>>> a companion of Latin America and the Caribbean can be there, if there is
>>> no
>>> opposition or if nobody
>>> it are expressed I suggested is taken silence like a manifestation from
>>> the
>>> will (single
>>> in this case until we determine as we handled ourselves thus in these
>>> questions) and,
>>> our companions can go with mandate to vote by this companions proposed.
>>> With respect to the "policy of participation of ICANN" there was
>>> sufficient
>>> time stops
>>> to participate and to give its opinions in that sense, and no ALS I
>>> present/display a document
>>> alternative to this.
>>> Memory that single ALS (Alfa Redi) had been expressed in opposition, but
>>> I
>>> do not present/display
>>> nothing alternative nor worthy to struggle the subject.
>>> One occurred to a sufficient time for his debate and putting in knowledge
>>> of all.
>>> In he completes LACRALO meeting defined itself that the this serious
>>> Definitive Document,
>>> shipment to the list for his completes overhaul, and when negatively not
>>> expressing anybody on
>>> the subject is assumed that that is the position that our representatives
>>> must defend, in
>>> definitive, for that they were chosen, to express the opinionsof the
>>> majorities in
>>> different scopes of participation of ICANN and do not stop to express
>>> their
>>> personal point of view,
>>> if some of them wants to express itself, I could do it in the monthly
>>> meetings of the LACRALO
>>> or in this list of discussion. When they go to the ALAC meetings, they
>>> must
>>> consensuar with his
>>> companions the points that are going away to discuss and as are the
>>> definitions that go away a
>>> to take. I hope to have been of aid
>>> My more respectful greetings
>>> Sergio
>>> Original Message
>>> From: <rmedina at alfa-redi.org>
>>> To: <presidencia at internauta.org.ar>
>>> Cc: <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:09 P.m.
>>> Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] ALAC 2nd Session? Community
>>> Dear Sergio:
>>> Of prudent with your request of information on the ICANN meeting.
>>> He would be interesting to know some details of the meetings, to the
>>> margin
>>> of all the information that can be found in the Web.
>>> Of another side, I would like to know the reasons by which ours
>>> representatives of the LACRALO must take like mandate the nomination of
>>> Andrés. I do not have left the reason for it clear and I am not sure that
>>> that
>>> be a usual practice in other THIN, but clear I can be mistaken.
>>> Finally to indicate to the members of the list of the LACRALO that Alpha
>>> Redi does not subscribe, supports or does his the rough draft of policy
>>> letter
>>> of trip (or as you call?participación well) in Icann.
>>> Warm greetings,
>>> Ruddy Medina
>>> Redi Alpha
>>> presidency Internaut wrote: > Dear representing companions of LACRALO:
>>> podria some of you > to inform to us on the subjects treated in reunion
>>> of
>>> today 4 of November about > 20087 in ALAC? I have wanted to enter and to
>>> be
>>> impossible to be able to see me or > to listen to nothing in marinates
>>> acrobat. > On the other hand I want to propose that both representing of
>>> the
>>> LACRALO they take > like mandate the nomination of Andres Piazza to be
>>> liasson of mobi (dot > mobi). if nobody is against this gustaria me that
>>> silence isinterpreted > in this ocacion as an express mandate to our
>>> representativeson this > point. > Envio in case they do not remember our
>>> companions the final document > on the "politicas of participation of
>>> ICANN"
>>> (badly called "the politicas ones > of trips"), which this but down, if
>>> some
>>> of our companions > needs I can send it by electronic mail or e to it pdf
>>> >
>>> OF
>>>  BADLY TRIP CALLS POLITICAS) > > the participant organizations of the
>>> Civil
>>> Society of ICANN,we have taken > knowledge of the decision that has taken
>>> east organism to change the form > of PARTIPACION in the same one. > > >
>>> Who
>>> we formed part of organizations ALS we considered that > political of
>>> trips
>>> has a close relationship with the participation of > Usuary of Internet
>>> in
>>> ICANN, reason why we rejected emphatically > decision that is that
>>> attempt
>>> to the policies and principlesfrom ICANN and by > of Internet. > > > we
>>> talked about badly to called "the political ones of trips" ". > > > >
>>> Entendemos that this is thus, so that this in game the fact not to
>>> travel, >
>>> but the total potentiality of participation of the civil society in this
>>> >
>>> organism. > > > we are convinced that the participation in ICANN implies
>>> theinteraction > between governments, companies and users to be able to
>>> counton an organization > that directs the destinies of Internet in right
>>> and democratic form. > !
>>>  > > we did not conceive but in this only sense the participati!
>>>  on of th
>>> e society > civil like representatives of the end users of Internet,
>>> within
>>>> ICANN-Consideramos that ICANN has responded until now to the
>>>> expectations
>>>> raised, opening to the participation of the OSC like part of a process >
>>> formativo that demands the incorporation of all the actors who
>>> participate >
>>> in the life of Internet. > > > Therefore, every day, is more important
>>> obtaining than others > organizations are gotten up in the real decision
>>> making. > > > If one looks for a greater participation must surpass the
>>> limitations > that until now makes difficult the decision making.
>>> Although
>>> in > the present time has meetings by teleconferencing, this onemeans of
>>> >
>>> communication is limited as opposed to the decision making from the ALS
>>> in >
>>> the actual meetings according to which they arrange our statutes. > > >
>>> Is
>>> imperative by virtue of the search of consensuses, that ICANN looks for
>>> others > average of reduction of costs. > > > Entendemos that one of them
>>> could be to trim the !
>>>  costs of > representation of the structures of governments, since
>>> wellthey
>>> could > to support the costs of participation based on the interests of
>>> each
>>> one > of the countries in taking part in the global policies of
>>> communication. > > > > we are convinced that a this serious way solid and
>>> been worth of construction > political you publish of each one of the
>>> states
>>> with respect to the TICS, > prioritizing the transparency of management,
>>> economic independence, sovereignty > political and the self-determination
>>> of
>>> the towns, like cannot be waived norms > of the countries at the time of
>>> the
>>> confrontation of ideas and proposals that prioritize > the interests of
>>> all
>>> the humanity and the towns in individual. > > > Is important that the
>>> weakest sector is had the charge of in their participation, already >
>>> that
>>> in ICANN occurs the fact that two strong sectors participate from >
>>> economic
>>> (companies and governments) and one weak one (ALS), is necessary > to
>>> safeguard the rights of th!
>>>  e majorities (the Users of Internet), that > finds as opposed !
>>>  to in a
>>> position of inequality the powerful ones. > > > the history of our region
>>> has demonstrated that the work tous between > different representative
>>> sectors from the democratic life, have affirmed > value of the plurality.
>>> >
>>>> we do not understand the total and pertinent participation without the
>>>>> three > valued estates of representation are seated in equality of >
>>> conditions and possibilities, that is to say, a true World-wide
>>> government
>>> of > Internet with egalitarian tripartite representation, between States,
>>> Companies > and End users of Internet. > > > Is why we insisted on the
>>> total
>>> participation of how until now > we have participated and we did not
>>> resign
>>> to the rights acquired in ICANN by > the Users of Internet. > > > > Must
>>> be
>>> adopted political effective to avoid the concentration of > information
>>> and
>>> the decisions of the policies in ICANN. If few have > the possibility of
>>> controlling the information is not possible a participation > total and
>>> pertinent. > > > Entend!
>>>  emos that the reduction in the possibility of participation of > End
>>> users
>>> of Internet conspires against the democratic system > established in
>>> ICANN.
>>> Since when restricting the plurality and diversity that > assures the
>>> total
>>> exercise the right to the information andparticipation of > the users
>>> causes
>>> a scene of social injustice. > > > > Those that it has more discuss and
>>> participate and those that less they have and more contribute > to the
>>> system is outside the world of the debates and the construction of one >
>>> Internet better. > > > For these reasons we ratified ourselves in the
>>> search
>>> of a participation > egalitarian that improves the fulfillment of the
>>> objectives and therefore > of the Users of Internet and we hoped that the
>>> decision is reverted in > please the real participation of the end users
>>> of
>>> Internet in this > structure of world-wide participation of the destinies
>>> of
>>> Internet.
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