[lac-discuss-en] [ALAC] Draft revised Rule 21 - Minimum Participation Requirements

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Sat Oct 25 00:06:12 EDT 2008

I just made the following comment on the wiki.


I was surprised to read this draft. I share most of opinions and
sentiments written above.
If we adopt this, I would suggest to change the title from "Minimum
Participation Requirements" to "Detailed Participation Obligations",
which of course is not what we need.

I am also concerned about the "tone" of this document. While I do
agree and understand that our performance should be measured, both
individually and collectively, and improved, we have different ideas
and habits for "volunteers" or "work" or how to conduct in the
meetings etc. By applying "whips", as this document suggests, or
detailed text-book like obligations, may be, to me, quite

I also note that there is no mention of kind of "support" ALAC members
and Liaisons are expected to receive from Staff or from ICANN.

I also think that there is a need, perhaps, to define the Executive
Commitee clearly, in the RoP.

Finally, I like to see the "functional ALAC", that means, have
reasonable division of labor, help each other, work as a team in
trust. I hope the "minimum" requirements will lead to produce that.


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