[LAC-Discuss] Elections Process in LACRALO

Erick Iriarte Ahon faia at amauta.rcp.net.pe
Wed Oct 1 11:13:40 EDT 2008

My answer is yes.


At 07:47 p.m. 30/09/2008, Carlton Samuels wrote:
>Dear Erick:
>The Secretariat is inclined to accept the recommendation of staff in this
>matter.  Please say unequivocally whether you are requesting a vote as
>outlined in LACRALO Rule 18.1.
>Assuming you answer yes, the Secretariat request that the mechanisms for an
>electronic vote be engaged within 48 hours of your confirmation and the
>voting period shall be seven days duration after expiry of that 48-hour
>setup time.
>Version Espanol:
>Estimado Erick:
>La Secretaría está dispuesta a aceptar la recomendación del personal en este
>asunto. Por favor, decir de manera inequívoca si usted está solicitando una
>votación como se indica en el Artículo 18.1 LacRALO.
>Suponiendo que responder afirmativamente, la Secretaría solicitud de que los
>mecanismos para una votación electrónica se dedican dentro de las 48 horas
>de su confirmación y el período de votación será de siete días de duración
>después de la expiración de ese 48-horas tiempo de instalación.
>Kind regards,
>From: At-Large Staff [mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 01:31 AM
>To: Carlton Samuels
>Cc: carlos aguirre; José Ovidio Salgueiro A.; Atlarge Staff;
>ALAC-excom at atlarge-lists.icann.org; Vanda Scartezini UOL
>Subject: Elections Process in LACRALO
>Dear Carlton:
>cc: ALAC Representatives in the LAC Region, ALAC Executive Committee
>As you are aware, the nominations process in LACRALO has resulted in a
>single candidate who has been nominated, that being the incumbent, Carlos
>Since one ALS has requested that a vote be held on that single candidate, I
>began a research today to review the various instruments related to LACRALO
>­ MoU with ICANN, Rules of Procedure, and Operating Principles ­ to
>determine what if any provision of these requires a vote, irrespective of
>the number of candidatures, or, if no vote is obligated, if the Rules of
>Procedure allowed any ALS representative to request a vote.
>There are no related provisions in the MoU or the Operating Principles.
>However, there are with respect to the Rules of Procedure.
>Rule 18.1 allows any Member of LACRALO to invoke rules from the UNGA Rules
>of Procedure, with a few exceptions.
>Rule 127 of the UNGA Rules provides that:
>(a) The General Assembly shall normally vote by show of hands or by
>standing, but any representative may request a roll-call. The roll-call
>shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the
>members, beginning with the member whose name is drawn by lot by the:
>President. The name of each member shall be called in any roll-call, and one
>of its representatives shall reply “yes”, “no” or “abstention”. The result
>of the voting shall be inserted in the record in the English alphabetical
>order of the names of the members.
>(b) When the General Assembly votes by mechanical means, a non-recorded vote
>shall replace a vote by show of hands or by standing and a recorded vote
>shall replace a roll-call vote. Any representative may request a recorded
>vote. In the case of a recorded vote, the General Assembly shall, unless a
>representative requests otherwise, dispense with the procedure of calling
>out the names of the members; nevertheless, the result of the voting shall
>be inserted in the record in the same manner as that of a roll-call vote.
>Version Espanol:
>a) De ordinario, las votaciones de la Asamblea General se harán levantando
>la mano o poniéndose de pie, pero cualquier representante podrá pedir
>votación nominal. La votación nominal se efectuará siguiendo el orden
>alfabético inglés de los nombres de los miembros, comenzando por el miembro
>cuyo nombre sea sacado a suerte por el Presidente. En las votaciones
>nominales, se anunciará el nombre de cada uno de los miembros y uno de sus
>representantes contestará “sí”, “no” o “abstención”. El resultado de la
>votación se consignará en el acta siguiendo el orden alfabético inglés de
>los nombres de los miembros.
>b) Cuando la Asamblea General efectúe votaciones haciendo uso del sistema
>mecánico, la votación no registrada sustituirá a la que se hace levantando
>la mano o poniéndose de pie y la votación registrada sustituirá a la
>votación nominal. Cualquier representante podrá pedir votación registrada.
>En las votaciones registradas, la Asamblea General prescindirá del
>procedimiento de anunciar los nombres de los miembros, salvo que un
>representante lo pida; no obstante, el resultado de la votación se
>consignará en el acta de la misma manera que en las votaciones nominales.
>In the view of the Staff, it would be a reasonable interpretation of
>Alfa-Redi’s email that the Member wishes to invoke this Rule. However,
>clearly the Staff cannot oblige the LACRALO Secretariat to interpret the
>email in this way.
>Further, since we are operating virtually, were a vote to be called, it
>would be held as provided in Rule 20, which modified the operation of  Rule
>12.4 of the LACRALO Ordinary Rules of Procedure, and is as follows:
>20: When a Virtual Meeting of the Assembly is held, the following Rules
>shall replace the original:
>12.4 All Voting shall be conducted electronically. The Chair shall declare
>the length of time during which votes shall be cast, and the date and time
>of the closing of the vote. The Secretariat shall ensure that the results of
>the vote, including the votes cast and by which voter, are available to all
>Version Espanol:
>20 Cuando se celebre una Reunión Virtual de la Asamblea, las siguientes
>reglas sustituirán a los originales:
>12.4 Todas las votaciones se realizan electrónicamente. El Presidente
>declarará el tiempo durante el cual se deberán emitir los votos, así como la
>fecha y la hora en que finalizará la votación. El Secretario se encargará de
>que los resultados de la votación - incluyendo los votos y de quién es el
>voto - estén a disposición de todos los representantes.
>The primacy of the LACRALO Ordinary Rules in the case of any conflict with
>the UNGA Rules is as provided in Rule 18.4 of the LACRALO Ordinary Rules,
>which state:
>Where the UNGA Rules of Procedure are invoked through the provisions of Rule
>18.1 or 18.2, should a conflict arise between the rule or rules invoked and
>these rules, these Rules shall take precedence, except where the combination
>of these Rules and those invoked would result in an impractical or
>unworkable process in the judgment of the Chair.
>Version Espanol:
>Si al recurrir al Reglamento de Procedimientos de la UNGA por medio de la
>Regla 18.1 o 18.2, surgiese un conflicto entre las reglas a las que se
>recurre y este Reglamento, este Reglamento prevalecerá, excepto cuando la
>combinación de este Reglamento y las reglas a las que se recurre den como
>resultado un proceso inoperante y poco práctico a juicio del Presidente.
>Taking all this into account, the Staff of ICANN recommends as follows:
>1) That the Secretariat ask Erick if he is requesting a vote as provided in
>UNGA Rule 127 as provided under the LACRALO Ordinary Rules of Procedure in
>Rule 18.1 as a point of order.  We further suggest that the background
>provided in this email is given to Erick so that he can evaluate whether or
>not the outcome provided by the invocation of these Rules is what his
>organisation intends.
>If the answer is ‘Yes’, the we would further suggest that:
>2) The Secretariat shall announce that an electronic vote will take place as
>soon as it is possible for the Staff to set the vote up, announce the time
>and date when voting shall be open, and distribute the list of authorised
>voters at the same time in case there are any amendments which members of
>LACRALO have forgotten to notify the Secretariat of.  We would suggest  the
>voting period shall be 7 days, commencing on the date and the time at which
>the vote is opened.
>It may be useful to note that as provided in the UNGA Rules of Procedure, as
>well as good practice and custom, any discussion of the vote or the
>candidates is out of order from the moment that the voting begins. The only
>exceptions is for points of order to be raised to understand the voting
>procedures. Voting is generally accepted as beginning from the moment a vote
>is called, not the moment that voting actually begins, and only completes at
>the point at which a vote has closed. Further, comments about a vote after a
>vote is concluded are generally restricted to brief comments to explain why
>a given member voted in one way or another.
>Finally, Carlos, I would imagine that you (and probably others) may prefer
>the more logical outcome of being automatically returned for a second term,
>however, I hope that you will agree that it is better for everyone to feel
>that the Rules of Procedure are followed completely, to avoid any question
>as to the legitimacy of your election.
>The UNGA Rules, in English and Spanish, may be found at:
>The LACRALO Rules, in English and Spanish, may be found at:
>We are at the service of all of you in these regards.
>Nick Ashton-Hart, Matthias Langenegger, Frederic Teboul
>ICANN At-Large Staff
>email: staff at atlarge.icann.org
>LAC-Discuss mailing list
>LAC-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>Homepage for the region: http://www.lacralo.org
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