[LAC-Discuss] FW: [governance] Where are we going?

Carlton A Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Tue Apr 10 09:57:19 EDT 2007

....and a very cogent extension......


-----Original Message-----
From: Avri Doria [mailto:avri at psg.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 7:20 AM
To: Governance Caucus
Subject: Re: [governance] Where are we going?



On 6 apr 2007, at 07.21, Bertrand de La Chapelle wrote:



> - anything accepted / legal in one country / culture should be  

> accepted / legal on the Internet as a whole;



i do not see why this is untenable when speaking of the Internet.


i am also not sure i know what 'as a whole' means in this context, in  

that we already know that countries are filtering on anything they  

don't approve of. the Internet as a whole barely exists anymore.


but in terms of the core of the Internet, why shouldn't anything that  

is acceptable at least somewhere be available.  with it being up to  

the local government to stop their citizens from the exercise of  

freedom according to their local customs - every country exercises  

some constraint on what it believes proper behavior from their subjects.


personally, i don't approve of the firewalls countries put up nor do  

i think they are legitimate under internal agreements such as the  

UDHR, but that is a unfortunate issue that each people has to fight  

on its own against their own governments. we can't pretend that most  

countries are not already at least monitoring, if not controlling,  

what crosses their national borders through the Internet.


BTW: my position is based not on the USan so called right to free  

speech, but on the UDHR which a lot of the countries that complain  

about the imperialism of freedom of expression have signed:


Article 19.


       Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;  

this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and  

to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media  

and regardless of frontiers.


And while i one of those who believes that the relation between a  

label in a TLD and a word with meaning is purely subjective and a  

happy coincidence, i do accept that a domain name is a media through  

which one can receive and impart information.





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